HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/08/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN SPECIAL MEETING MAY 8, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a special meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Friday, May 8, 1970, at 4 P.M. Charles H. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Fire Chief Monell, Remi Gratton and Architect Richard Wiemann from Wright & Morrissey, Mr. H. C. Dubie and Gary B. Warner. RESOLVE FLOOR PLAN ISSUE Architect Wiemann distributed plans, from the previous Committee meeting of May 6, 1970, which showed the changes in the location of a wall and door in the rear of the building. Mr. Pizzagalli asked if the Building Committee recommended this plan, and was told that it did. Chief Monell noted that there was no privacy for the men in the area of the locker and shower rooms. After studying the plan it was determined that changing the location of a door would insure privacy, and the change was approved. Mr. Gratton was asked to make certain the use of the gas heaters he proposed would meet the State Fire Code requirements and would be approved by the Fire Rating Association. RESOLVE FLOOR PLAN ISSUE, CONTINUED Mr. Premo reminded Mr. Gratton that his company was going to negotiate possible further reductions as the work progressed. Chairman Behney asked if there were any other questions in regard to the deductions. Items discussed where whether or not the dormitory area would be soundproofed, the location of cement posts, and future meetings with sub-contractors. LETTER OF INTENT Chairman Behney read in full a letter of intent to award the contract to Wright & Morrissey, Inc. After ascertaining that the letter had been reviewed and approved by the Town Attorney, Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to authorize Chairman Behney to sign the letter. Motion seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. WAIVE BUILDING PERMIT FEE Mr. Stearns moved to waive the payment of the building permit fee. Motion seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, and passed unanimously. SELECTMEN'S NEWSLETTER Mr. Gary Warner, a member of the Selectmen's Newsletter Committee, presented those present with a breakdown of items as to cost and content of the proposed newsletter. The first item considered was the Masthead. The cost would total $66.00 for 3 samples and the finished product. Mr. Premo moved that the Committee proceed on the Masthead (not to exceed $66.00) for review at the May 18, 1970, meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. SELECTMEN'S NEWSLETTER, CONTINUED Mr. Warner recapped the cost of printing as estimated by the T. J. Press and Queen City Printers. The Board agreed to have the T. J. Press do the work as its estimated figures are lower. In discussing methods of distribution, it was agreed that the Newsletter would be placed in South Burlington stores for citizens to pick up, rather than having them mailed out or distributed by volunteers. Mr. Stearns suggested that perhaps the boys in the Industrial Arts Courses at school would be able to make the containers for the paper. No decision was reached on what to name the Newsletter, so it was decided that Mr. Pizzagalli would compile a list of about 10 names, and then take a phone poll of the members to get their opinion. "Published by the Town of South Burlington, dedicated to inform its citizens", was one of several slogans suggested, but no firm decision was made. Mr. Warner suggested the following format: 1. Feature article on a different department each month. 2. A summary of the Selectmen's meetings each month. 3. Articles on department heads. 4. A section devoted to answering questions from citizens. 5. Article from a different Selectman each month 6. Articles from town representatives on legislative issues affecting the citizens of South Burlington. Chairman Behney suggested that we should experiment for a couple of months, trying out different items and formats. A copy of Mr. Warner's report is filed with and made a part of these minutes. CONSIDER BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER LATERAL TO SERVE THE WESTERN AUTO STORE Mr. Szymanski had received the following bids for construction of the above: Laurence H. Willis $1150.00 Modern Septic Tank Service 1276.90 Engineer's Inc.1400.00 Giroux's Septic Tank Service 2300.00 He recommended that Laurence Willis be awarded the bid. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the Laurence Willis bid, award him the contract, and have the Town Manager issue the purchase order. Seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. Mr. Premo made a motion to go into Executive Session at 5:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. On a motion made and seconded the Executive Session was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. RECONVENED REGULAR MEETING Chairman Behney reconvened the regular meeting at 5:20 P.M. ACQUISITION OF RED ROCKS Mr. Stearns moved, and Mr. Premo seconded, the adoption of the following resolution: ACQUISITION OF RED ROCKS, CONTINUED R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the Town of South Burlington is interested in acquiring the Hatch property, so called, at Queen City Park, Now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Chairman be and he hereby is authorized and directed to sign an option for the purchase of the said property, all as set out in an option approved by the Town Attorney, and be it further, RESOLVED, that the Town Manager be and he hereby is directed to proceed with the preparation of applications for Federal and State funds to assist in the purchase of said property. Approved unanimously. May 8, 1970 BOARD OF SELECTMEN On motion by Mr. Pizzagalli, seconded by Mr. Stearns, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn at 5:30 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.