HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/23/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MARCH 23, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, March 23, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Charles H. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Biais and James C. Pizzagalli. OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Arthur F. Shields, Charlotte C. Marsh, Reporter George Lambert, Franklyn McCaffrey, Linda Christiansen of the League of Women Voters, John Lucas, School Business Administrator and Code Officer Richard Ward. READING OF THE MINUTES OF MARCH 16, 1970 MEETING The following corrections were pointed out: Item 6 in last paragraph on page 3 should read 1 1/2%. Fire Warden appointments on page nine should include the reappointment of Mr. Roderick Wheelock. Fence Viewers appointments on page nine should include the reappointment of Mr. Howard Chittenden and Mr. Ernest Auclair. The minutes as recorded will appear with the above corrections. On a motion made by Mr. Stearns and seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, the minutes of the March 16, 1970 meeting were approved as corrected, with Mr. Premo abstaining from voting due to his absence at that meeting. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST FROM PLANNED DISTRICT TO RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A OF DORSET STREET PROPERTY Mr. Premo made a motion to dispense with the reading of the entire ordinance. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Behney then explained the request and asked Mr. Shields what he was planning for the property. Mr. Shields explained the property would be divided into 6 lots of about 10 acres each. He planned to put in a private roadway, not surfaced as a town road. The deeds would contain covenants that the residents must maintain the road, but in the event they petitioned the town to accept it, it would have to be constructed to town requirements. He said the lots could not be sub-divided.. Mr. Pizzagalli expressed concern over the lack of trees on the land. Mr. Shields said trees would be planted. He was advised to show the trees on the plan. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the first reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney explained to Mr. Shields that the ordinance would be forwarded to the Planning Commission for a recommendation, then it would be advertised for a Public Hearing for the second reading. He also explained that his subdivision plans would have to go before the Planning Commission at a Public Meeting if the zone change is approved. REVIEW FIRE HOUSE PROGRESS Town Manager Janes presented three lay-outs of the proposed Fire Department building as prepared by Mr. Szymanski. Mr. Behney, Chairman, said that Mr. Szymanski expected to have the plans completed by Wednesday, April 1, 1970. REVIEW FIRE HOUSE PROGRESS, CONTINUED The Board went over the plans in detail and expressed concern about location of visitor's parking. Town Manager Janes was instructed to suggest to the Fire Chief and the Town Engineer that more work be done on visitors' parking and entrance so all cars would be kept away from the front. CONSIDER REQUEST OF THE LISTERS Mr. Behney, Chairman, said he would like to have this item considered in an Executive Session as personalities might be discussed. Mr. Stearns made a motion to take up the item later in Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. DISCUSS LEASE OF CENTRAL SCHOOL Chairman Behney said he had received a copy of the lease for Central School which had been reviewed by the Town Attorney who said the lease seemed to be satisfactory from a strictly legal standpoint. Mr. Behney, Chairman, then read the terms of the lease in full. Discussion centered on the access road from the school to Dorset Street, the installation of the fence and sidewalk and the landscaping which is to be provided by the town. Chairman Behney remarked that 30% of the cost of the fence, landscaping, and sidewalk would be funded by State Aid. Town Manager Janes asked if the $5,080.00 for custodial services and supplies, and heat was a fixed annual figure, or if it was likely to increase. He also wondered if money was budgeted for the access road, sewer, and water facilities installation. Chairman Behney said the Town Engineer had figured the cost and he would be able to stay within the budget. It was decided to have Town Manager Janes get together with Mr. Lucas for discussion of the cost of the lease. DEED FOR PROPERTY TRANSFER TO SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Chairman Behney explained that the Natural Resource Committee and the School Biology Department had requested the town to deed a small parcel of land located on the northeasterly side of the intersection of Dorset Street and Kennedy Drive to the School Department for school purposes only. The Board unanimously agreed to transfer the property to the School Department and signed the deed. Description of the property follows: CEMETERY COMMITTEE REPORT - CHARLOTTE C. MARSH, CHAIRMAN Charlotte C. Marsh, Chairman of the Cemetery Committee, reported that her research in the City of Burlington, State of Vermont, and Town of South Burlington records had revealed that the Eldredge Cemetery on Airport Drive was deeded to the town in 1816 and the Shelburne Road Cemetery was deeded in 1833. She said both cemeteries are in good condition as the monuments have been repaired, the dead trees removed, and the upkeep is satisfactory. Miss Marsh also showed the Board the ledger in which she has recorded the burials in each cemetery, and said she had reconstructed maps which showed the location of the different plots. The maps are on file in the Town Clerk's office. Miss Marsh told several amusing anecdotes in connection with her report and received the thanks of the Chairman and the Board for her work on behalf of the town. DISCUSS LIME KILN ROAD Chairman Behney said the State will not take over Lime Kiln Road, the Grand jury will have to hear the case, that it is in the paper works and should be convened next month upon receipt of a letter of complaint from a resident. Mr. Premo emphasized the importance of having the road repaired and read from some state reports about the condition of the road and the traffic it usually generates. He said General Cram at the Airport also has an interest in having the road repaired. Chairman Behney said that a Highway Department offer to pay for 1/3 of the cost of the repairs still stands, but Colchester has not agreed to pay the other 2/3 and at this point all we can do is wait to see what happens when the Grand Jury meets. PRESENTATION OF CHECK FROM SOUTH BURLINGTON KIWANIS CLUB Mr. Raymond E. Stearns, Selectman and President of the South Burlington Kiwanis Club, presented a check for $2,270.00 for the purchase of a new Fire Truck to Chairman Behney and Town Manager Janes. The Chairman and Board members expressed their gratitude to the Kiwanis Club for its generosity to the town. PLANS FOR GREEN-UP DAY, APRIL 18, 1970 Richard Ward, President of the South Burlington JayCees, said the State Green-Up Day Committee had approached the Vermont JayCees and asked them to take part and help with the project. He said the state is to be divided into sections, time of clean-up set from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M., and that many details are not yet formalized. Mr. Janes, Town Manager, asked Mr. Ward to give him a memo with the plans by Friday, March 27. Chairman Behney told Mr. Ward that the Board of Selectmen endorsed Green-Up Day and intended to publicize it and make town facilities (land-fill area, trucks, and men) available. AIR POLLUTION Chairman Behney spoke about the many violations to the town air pollution ordinance, and requested Mr. Ward to prepare a list of those establishments that were complying with the ordinance by trucking or by the use of the proper equipment. Many violations were pointed out, residential as well as commercial, and Chairman Behney said his thought was that perhaps we could come to the point of outlawing any burning at all, that possible a business approach, such as organizing the trash haulers so that regular collections would be made, might be possible. LAND-FILL AREA Selectman Blais wondered if any set plan was available as to the eventual development of the land-fill area. Town Manager Janes said the Town Engineer has a plan in his head. Mr. Blais said the equipment people sometimes develop a plan for such areas when they are negotiating a sale. Town Manager Janes was instructed to contact the Caterpillar Company people to see if they would develop such a plan for the town. EXECUTIVE SESSION At approximately 10:20 P.M., upon motion by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and voted unanimously, it was moved to go into Executive Session to discuss the Listers' recommendations on hourly pay, etc., as received in a communication from Mr. Irving Douglas, on March 16, 1970. At 10:40 P.M., upon motion by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and carried unanimously, the Board closed the Executive Session and resumed regular business. Chairman Behney reviewed Mr. Douglas' letter of March 16, 1970, and Town Manager Janes' research and recommendations (3 pages) dated March 23, 1970. MOTION TO HIRE 24 LISTERS TO TAKE POLLS - APRIL 1, 1970 Upon motion by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Blais, and voted unanimously, the Board accepted the Town Manager's concurrence with Chairman Douglas' request to hire 24 listers to accomplish the taking of Polls; to hire Mrs. Mildred Bostwick at $2.12 an hour to coordinate the poll taking, and, after lengthy discussion, to pay the listers 20 cents for each card completed, and $3.00 per day for use of car. ACCEPT RESIGNATION - MR. LEO J. RACICOT, LISTER Upon motion by Mr. Pizzagalli, seconded by Mr. Blais, and carried unanimously, it was voted to accept with regret the resignation of Lister Leo J. Racicot due to his Doctor's orders. No replacement was announced tonight whereas Mr. Racicot's letter just arrived this day for Selectmen's action. Mr. Blais made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:51 P.M. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.