HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/04/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING MARCH 4, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held an Organizational Meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Wednesday, March 4, 1970, at 4:00 P.M. OATH OF OFFICE TAKEN BY NEWLY ELECTED MEMBERS Mrs. Paquin, Town Clerk, administered the oath of the office of Selectman to Mr. Frederick G. Blais for a three year term, and to Mr. James C. Pizzagalli for a two year term. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Mr. Behney opened the meeting by turning the gavel over to Town Manager Janes so he could preside over the election of Chairman of the Board. Mr. Janes offered a short prayer for divine guidance and protection in the performance of our civic duties from this meeting forward. He then asked for nominations for the office of Chairman. Mr. Stearns placed Mr. Behney's name in nomination, and the nomination was seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli. Mr. Blais motioned that Mr. Premo's name be placed in nomination. Mr. Premo thanked Mr. Blais for the nomination, remarked on the good working relationship on the Board under Mr. Behney's Chairmanship the past year, and requested his name be withdrawn and the nomination of Mr. Behney made unanimous. Mr. Blais did so, and Mr. Behney was unanimously elected Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Town Manager Janes then turned the gavel over to Chairman Behney, who asked for nominations for the office of Vice-Chairman. Mr. Pizzagalli nominated Mr. Stearns for the office of Vice-Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Premo, and Mr. Stearns was unanimously elected Vice- Chairman. ELECTION OF OFFICERS, CONTINUED ELECTION OF CLERK OF THE BOARD Mr. Premo nominated Mr. Pizzagalli for the office of Clerk. The nomination was seconded by Mr. Blais and Mr. Pizzagalli was unanimously elected Clerk of the Board. Chairman Behney expressed his feeling that the new Town Manager's opening of the meeting with a prayer was very appropriate. He then explained some of the duties of the Board, saying the Board always has, and always will, work as one team for the betterment of the town. He asked that all agenda items be referred to him by 9 A.M. on the Friday before a meeting so the agenda could be delivered early in the day and released to the press. He mentioned that on meeting nights minor items could be added to the agenda without motion, and also noted that although the items are set up numerically, they can be shifted around for the convenience of visitors who may be present for discussion of a certain issue. Chairman Behney also explained the Board's method of requesting resumes and interviewing candidates for appointment to the various committees and commissions, explaining the interviews were normally scheduled for 7:00 in closed session before the regular meetings. SET TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS Mr. Premo made a motion to hold the regular meetings of the Board of Selectmen on the first and third Mondays of each month, at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REGULAR MEETINGS, CONTINUED The members were in agreement that it was necessary to have additional meetings scheduled for the Mondays that were not regular meeting nights, because of the work generated at this time in the establishing of the Fire Department, and the urgency of resolving any problems that are delaying the town's revaluation program. DUTIES OF SELECTMEN AND TOWN MANAGER Chairman Behney asked everyone to review the duties of the Selectmen and the Town Manager as set forth in our town charter. COMMITTEE AND COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS There was a general discussion about the Town Government Committee. Mr. Blais was asked to submit a list of the members of this committee at the next meeting when the appointments are to be made. Selectman Stearns said he felt that any member who was not contributing to his Committee or Commission should not be reappointed, and that the appointments should be made with careful consideration. Mr. Premo read a statement in which he suggested that different Selectmen act as liaison men with departments, commissions, and committees, in which they might possibly have a special interest. He felt this would enable the whole Board to be more aware of all the details in the town government as well as the current affairs being considered by the different boards. The members were in agreement that this was beneficial. REVALUATION PROGRESS After Mr. Behney, Chairman, recapped the steps taken for revaluation from the hiring of Mr. Silver, Assessor, to the present time, Town Manager Janes said he had been looking into the situation, which he said was pretty bad, and he would make a recommendation shortly. There was further discussion on the subject, and Town Manager Janes said he would endeavor to have a recommendation ready for the meeting of March 23, 1970. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF FIRE TRUCK WITH FIRE CHIEF MONELL Chairman Behney reported on the condition of a 1952 Brockway truck with a 2400 gallon tank mounted on the chassis which the City of Vergennes offered to sell to the town for $1,000. Chief Monell and Mr. Behney, Chairman, had both inspected the truck on this date and their recommendation was that the Fire Department could use it and it was worth the cost. As the purchase of the truck had been approved by the Board at its meeting of February 9, 1970, Mr. Stearns made a motion to authorize the Town Manager to issue a purchase order to the City of Vergennes for the truck as inspected by the Fire Chief and the Chairman as of this date. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF 2 TRUCKS - FIRE CHIEF MONELL Chief Monell reported he had received the following quotations on the purchase of two trucks: Young equipment on a Ford chassis $72,700.00 (Option 2) Mack Diesel Custom fully equipped $78,700.00 (Option 2) Mack Gas Custom fully equipped $72,650.00 (Option 2) Maxim Custom fully equipped $72,700.00 (Option 2) PURCHASE OF 2 FIRE TRUCKS, CONTINUED Chief Monell went over the details, explaining the differences in the bids, delivery dates, warranties, equipment, service availability, and the advantage of diesel over gas operation. After discussion his recommendation was to purchase the two Mack Diesel Custom trucks. Mr. Stearns made a motion to purchase the two Mack trucks, diesel, delivery to be in July, with the stipulations that two standby trucks will be here at a time to be designated by the Chief and that the contract be reviewed by Attorney Ewing. Mr. Blais seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. FIRE DEPARTMENT BUILDING Chairman Behney reported that the specifications for the fire department building should be ready for review by the Selectmen at the meeting of Monday, March 16, 1970. Mr. Premo remarked that he felt the Board had held a good meeting, and he hoped there would be many more successful meetings with the new manager. Mr. Stearns made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and so passed. James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.