HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/29/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 29, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, June 29, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager, Robert M. Janes; Code Officer Ward, Kevin Fahey, Donald Duell, Raymond Unsworth, Charlotte C. Marsh, Reporter George Lambert, Town Engineer Szymanski, Mrs. James Pizzagalli, and Mrs. R. Fastiggi. GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Unsworth said the Growth & Development Committee was acting at the Board's pleasure, had held several meetings and developed the following goals. A. To broaden the Tax Base of the community by actively soliciting such Industrial and Commercial Rateables as are compatible with the highest environmental goals. and, B. To assure the long range stability of this tax base by establishing ten year priorities and objectives for the overall community of South Burlington as the most attractive place in which to live and work. He asked the Board for comments on the above. During the discussion Mr. Unsworth was advised to prepare and publish a brochure that would be effective in selling South Burlington to interested parties. Mr. Stearns said he thought the Committee should contact the Vermont Development Department to see what people are inquiring about at this time. Chairman Behney agreed, saying he felt the Development Department was interested in having personal contact with someone from our community. Mr. Unsworth said they had discussed the publishing of a brochure, and would definitely work on it, as well as contacting the Vermont Development Department. The members of the committee besides himself are: Harold Bensen, Gardner Hopwood, J. Richard Haigis, Douglas Stuart, and the Town Manager, ex-officio. He is waiting for notification of the appointees from the School Board and the South Burlington Development Corporation. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Unsworth for the report, saying he thought the Committee's charges were worthy and fit in well with the Board's objectives. READING OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 15, 1970 Mr. Pizzagalli noted a correction to be made on page 8 of the minutes as follows: Last sentence in first paragraph should be corrected to read: "Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously with Mr. Pizzagalli abstaining". MOVING TWO HOUSES FROM DORSET STREET TO HINESBURG ROAD Town Manager Janes told the Selectmen he had a request from Mr. Unsworth for the Board's approval to move 2 houses from Dorset Street to Hinesburg Road, to be set on two one acre lots with 180' frontage each. MOVING TWO HOUSES FROM DORSET STREET TO HINESBURG ROAD, CONTINUED Mr. Janes said percolation tests must be taken and it might be necessary to build additions onto the existing houses. He had also discussed the request with Mr. Stickney, State Highway Department, who had no objection, and Mr. Janes recommended approval of the request. Code Officer Ward's recommendation was as follows: "The lots involved were approved in a sub-division in September 1969 submitted by Homer Dubois, both have frontage on Hinesburg Road of 180 feet. Mr. Unsworth has discussed this plan with me - my findings are that percolation tests must be taken and maybe an addition to the houses will be needed. Other wise this meets all requirements. This area is zoned Residential A - Signel Family Dwellings." Mr. Unsworth's written request and Code Officer Ward's recommendation are filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Stearns made a motion to grant the request. Mr. Pizzagalli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SIGN BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES - RE: FIRE DEPARTMENT The Selectmen tabled signing the bond anticipation note for the Fire Department, and instructed Mr. Janes to confer with Mrs. Paquin, Town Treasurer, on the interest rate. The men agreed they would be available to sign the note during the week, after the Treasurer had researched obtaining a lower interest rate. SIGN WRIGHT & MORRISSEY CONTRACT FOR FIRE HOUSE Town Manager Janes said he expected a construction schedule on the progress of the fire station soon. There was a general discussion on the completion date, which Mr. Behney said was set for September 1st, as well as the cost of any change orders that might be deemed necessary. FIRE HOUSE CONTRACT, CONTINUED Mr. Blais made a motion to authorize the Chairman to sign the basic contract as negotiated at $95,000, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney based on the fact that the contract is of a different format than that expected. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Pizzagalli emphasized that the Town Attorney review the contract carefully, repeating that Wright & Morrissey had submitted an entirely different contract than one reviewed at a previous meeting. FIRE DEPARTMENT TEMPORARY QUARTERS Town Manager Janes reported that the town Fire Department is temporarily quartered at the O'Brien Civic Center on 113 Patchen Road, that the men have a dorm, the engines are in the barn, and the department has a phone. He felt the arrangement is very satisfactory. The Selectmen wondered if this would interfere with the recreation department's indoor programs on rainy days. The Town Manager said he would check with Chief Monell and Director Burnell on this. Mr. Premo noted that the volunteers have completed the Fire Fighters course and have been issued their uniforms and equipment. He also asked for a list of the names of the full-time men. The Town Manager said he would furnish a list to the Selectmen. TOWN GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION - FUNDING Chairman Behney said the Town Government Committee was requesting funds for the cost of printing and legal work in preparation of bringing the Charter Change question to the people at the November election. TOWN GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION - FUNDING, CONTINUED After discussing the fact that no money was budgeted for these expenses Town Manager Janes suggested that the expenses could be handled as a non- budgeted account for the present. Mr. Blais suggested, and the Selectmen agreed, that it be a matter of record that the Board recommended that we proceed with the November election and approve the general concept of warning the necessary funding in the Charter Change balloting. REVIEW TOWN ATTORNEY'S ACTION ON DELINQUENT TAXES Town Manager Janes explained the procedure as outlined by the Town Attorney for holding tax sales on property for the collection of delinquent taxes, the Town Attorney's fee to be 15% of the amount collected. Chairman Behney said it is generally accepted that the legal fees connected with tax sales are chargeable to the taxpayer. Mr. Pizzagalli moved to have the Town Attorney proceed on the 15% basis. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. SELECTMEN SIGN CONTRACT FOR STATEWIDE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Town Manager Janes submitted for consideration an agreement between the State of Vermont and the Town of South Burlington to participate in a statewide communications system. He also read in part from the letter of transmittal signed by J. M. Jeffords, Attorney General, as follows: "......By executing this agreement, you are committing your community to the following: a. To receive, utilize and maintain in your police department, the communications equipment listed in the agreement. b. To pay the State of Vermont 20% of the cost of this equipment either upon receipt or within one year after the State of Vermont pays for this equipment in your behalf. The choice of which payment time is at your option." Town Manager Janes said he and Chief Carter recommended approval of South Burlington participation and Mr. Janes said he would forward the agreement to the Town Attorney for review. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion that South Burlington participate in the Statewide Communications System, payment to be made within a period not to exceed one year from the date of payment for the equipment on behalf of the Town by the State of Vermont. Amount $2,563.40. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of passage. ORDINANCE INTRODUCED - FIRE INSPECTION AND PREVENTION The Board tabled action on the first reading of a Fire Inspection and Prevention ordinance as prepared by Fire Chief Monell and the Town Attorney Ewing, in order to have time to study the ordinance further, and to check into the matter of a conflict with the state requirements on burning. Chairman Behney said he would like a letter on what the conflict is and how to resolve it from the State Forester, who has requested a copy of the proposed ordinance for study. The Selectmen agreed that their goal is to prohibit any open burning in town eventually, and discussed organized trash collection as one means of eliminating the allowed residential burning. ORDINANCE INTRODUCTION - FIRE INSPECTION AND PREVENTION, CONTINUED Mr. Premo asked that the Selectmen be furnished with a copy of our current ordinances on burning. The Town Manager said he would do this. SOUTH BURLINGTON NEWSLETTER Town Manager Janes remarked that an artistic picture of Red Rocks would be a logical identifying emblem for the town. The Selectmen agreed, and Mr. Stearns said that such a picture, reproduced on our business envelopes and other town material would be very effective. NEWSLETTER NAME Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to designate the Newsletter Editing Committee to decide on the name for the Newsletter. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. LAUREL HILL DRIVE - REQUEST FOR APPROVAL TO DISPLAY FIREWORKS 7/4/70 Mr. Stearns moved to recommend approval of a request from residents of Laurel Hill Drive area to display fireworks on July 4, 1970, subject to the same restrictions imposed on the Burlington Tennis Club for its permit, and subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and the Police Chief. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION - NEW ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS Mr. Blais questioned why no action has been taken by the Planning Commission on its decision of two months ago to have the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations rewirtten. He said he was extremely concerned about the lack of good Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinances at this time. PLANNING COMMISSION - NEW ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, CONTINUED Chairman Behney agreed that this is a priority item, and recommended that in any event the Board should consider two changes right away, amending the present 75' frontage requirements on Williston and Shelburne Roads, and the 15' landscaping requirements. He felt this should not be held up, because under the 1968 Planning Act the complete revisions could take many months. It was decided to ask the Planning Commission members to attend the next regular meeting of the Selectmen to work on getting the revisions completed. MINI-BIKE TRAILS Town Manager Janes reported that Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, would not be in attendance to report on mini-bike trails, that Mr. Ray had said he would mail in a letter which had not been received as yet. RED ROCKS RECAP Chairman Behney, in recapping progress on acquisition of Red Rocks, reported as follows: 1. We have a three months option - to August 18, 1970, Amount - 15% of $450,000 or $67,500. (Certain arrangements can be made and owners would accept a proper legal document in lieu of the money). 2. He was in receipt of a letter from Forrest Orr, Director of Interagency Committee on Natural Resources. Mr. Orr will be in town this week to take pictures of the site. 3. The Selectmen should authorize the Chairman to write the formal letter that will initiate the processing of fund applications. 4. The first appraiser will be in town Monday to look over the area. RED ROCKS RECAP, CONTINUED Mr. Premo made a motion to authorize Chairman Behney to communicate with the Interagency Committee and coordinate a proper presentation of the program for presentation at the next Interagency Committee meeting. Mr. Pizzagalli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. (It was suggested that Fred Sargent and/or Ted Reihle might be able to supply a plot plan of Red Rocks, which is part of the material requested at this time). Chairman Behney expressed his thanks to everyone who helped in the success of the vote of approval. He asked for authority from the Selectmen to write to the Free Press to thank those responsible for their cooperation and good publicity which helped to put over the following issues: Reappraisal, Fire Department, Red Rocks, and Champlain Water District. Motion to grant his request was made by Mr. Blais, seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, and so voted unanimously. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD Mr. Pizzagalli requested that a list of the names of applicants for liquor licenses be submitted to the Selectmen before the meetings. Town Manager Janes said this would be done. NEWSLETTER MASTHEAD Mr. Pizzagalli moved to have the Newsletter Committee design the Masthead for the paper after they select the name. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - MR. DONALD DUELL Mr. Donald Duell asked for permission to speak. He spoke on his disappointment on the achievements of the Park and Recreation Committee this past year. His main concern was the fact that JayCee Park has not been developed, as townspeople were led to believe it would be, in time to conduct recreational activities there this season. He felt this was a reflection of the Jaycees who contributed so much time and money to help acquire the property for the town. He suggested the Board give the Jaycees the power to develop the park. He then recommended the dismissal of the entire committee to be replaced by younger men. Chairman Behney told Mr. Duell his points were well taken, and mentioned that the Selectmen had appointed two young people to the committee, Reginald Godin of the School Department and a high school senior. The Selectmen discussed many aspects of Recreation and mentioned that the acquisition of Red Rocks would mean a lot more planning and work for the Committee. Mr. Stearns felt that reorganization of the Committee was the only solution to resolving the problem, and emphasized that the duties of a newly formed group would have to be very clearly defined. Mr. Stearns then moved that the Park and Recreation Committee be dissolved as of July 15, 1970. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE, CONTINUED The Selectmen decided to require resumes from residents interested in being appointed to the new committee, and mentioned that interested members from the previous committee would also be considered. Mr. Duell asked that he be considered for appointment when the proper time arrives. The Town Manager was instructed to see that the Recreation Director completes all the projects planned at this time. CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Town Manager Janes said that the Regional Planning Commission would like to brief the new Chairman of the South Burlington Planning Commission on its programs, and planned to invite the members of the Planning Commission and the Selectmen to a supper and a presentation of its programs. He will report later on the time and date set. Mr. Blais made a motion to adjourn the regular session at 9:45 P.M. to go into Executive Session. Mr. Pizzagalli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk 108 Logwood South Burlington, Vt. Board of Selectmen Town of South Burlington South Burlington, Vermont Gentlemen: For the past several weeks the residents in the area of the Burlington International Airport have been unmercifully harassed by the excessive noise caused in part by Mohawk Airlines. It is my understanding that Mohawk plans to operate a 24 hour per day, seven day a week repair facility at the airport. I would submit that this type of operation is not compatible with the peace and tranquility normally associated with a residential area. The area adjacent to the airport has not been subject to this type of harassement in the past nor is it adaptable to the noise level now being rudely inflicted upon it. I would respectively submit that this harassement is an abateable situation and that the Board of Selectmen should forthwith take the necessary steps to correct this situation. Sincerely, JAMES H. 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