HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/08/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 8, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting in Room 102 of the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, June 8, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Chalres H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli. Selectman Stearns joined the meeting at 8:30 P.M. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Charlotte C. Marsh, Town Engineer Szymanski, Code Officer Ward, Reporter Lambert, Fire Chief Monell, Mrs. Richard Fastiggi and Mrs. James Pizzagalli. INSPECTION OF NEW TRACTOR-MOWER The Board took a few minutes to go out on the lawn, where the Town Manager had the new town tractor-mower placed for inspection. When the men returned they signed the disbursement order approving payment of the machine. READING OF THE MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 1970 Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which was approved unanimously with one abstention. REPORT FROM FIRE CHIEF MONELL Chief Monell reported that he and Captain Smith of the Volunteer Dept. had visited the Maxim factory, met the president of the company, were given the grand tour, and had been assured the trucks would be delivered to South Burlington on time as promised (one for sure on June 25, the other on June 30, possibly both on the 25th). They were able to examine the progress on our equipment and were impressed with the quality of the work. FULL-TIME FIREMEN Chief Monell said he had decided on four of the applicants for the position of Fireman, and wondered if two men, at least, could start to work a week in advance of July 1, 1970. The Town Manager was instructed to work up a recommendation on the request. Chief Monell said he would select the fifth man after the tests scheduled for June 17, 1970, were administered. Mr. Premo suggested that the Chief contact the men to be sure they are still interested in the positions before their names were announced, and Mr. Janes asked if it wouldn't be proper to notify them by letter offering them the jobs officially. It was agreed this should be done. Chairman Behney instructed the Town Manager to forward a letter to the Maxim Company, thanking them for the courtesies shown our representatives, and commending them on their efforts to get the trucks to us on time. He also asked Chief Monell to work with the City of Burlington on an orderly transfer of alarm systems and other pertinent items, so when the town takes over we will be all set. REVIEW CARNIVAL ORDINANCE Town Manager Janes read a letter from the Town Attorney which outlined the powers of the Selectmen in the granting of permits or licenses to carnivals, circuses, shows, etc. He then read the proposed ordinance in full. The Board discussed the amount of the fee to be charged, and motion was made and seconded that it be set at $100 per day of operation, but no action was taken on the motion. The Board questioned the fact that there was no provision for waiver of the fee in the case of church bazaars, charitable and non-profit organizations, civic clubs, etc. Selectman Pizzagalli drafted several amendments as suggested by the Board. Selectman Premo made a recommendation that the ordinance, as amended, be reviewed by the Town Attorney, instructing him to check the Vermont Statutes as to the legality of waiving license fees for charitable endeavors as well as the suggested amendments, and considering the revised ordinance at a future meeting. RECOMMENDATION ON APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS FOR FISCAL 1970-71 Town Manager Janes recommended the appointment of Thompson, Prahl and Kelley, Auditors, to conduct the 1970-71 audit, saying he would enjoy the continuity from past years into the future. He had met with members of the firm, who were prepared to start preliminary work. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITORS, CONTINUED Selectman Stearns said that last year the firm was asked to make recommendations, which they did, and wondered about asking for recommendations this year. Chairman Behney said we not only want an audit of figures, we want an audit of systems, and then entertained a motion on the appointment. Mr. Premo moved to reappoint the firm of Thompson, Prahl and Kelley, to conduct the 70-71 audit, with the understanding it would be an audit of systems as well as figures, and further recommended the firm utilize help on wage scales appropriate to the degree of professional competence required for the different phases of the audit. Mr. Pizzagalli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA In discussing the June 15, 1970, meeting, Chairman Behney said that Chief Carter would be asked to attend. TOWN MANAGERS MEMO RE: BALLOONS TO WARD OFF SEA GULLS AT TOWN DUMP Mr. Janes, Town Manager, reported he had flown 2 balloons at the town dump, but the balloons had burst. He will consult with Airport Manager William F. Shea and Colonel R. Cater of the Vermont Air National Guard to see if the Airport and/or the VTANG will assist in the sea gull problem. Mr. Premo commended the Town Manager for his efforts. Mr. Blais suggested that he will attempt to obtain balloons from VTANG for further trial tests. AIRFIELD SAFETY COMMITTEE The members of the Airfield Safety Committee are: Rene Bollengier, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bruce Parker, U. S. Game Management Agent Sonny Audette, So. Burlington Highway Dept. Foreman William F. Shea, Manager, Burlington International Airport Colonel R. E. Cater, Base Engineer, Air National Guard Robert M. Janes, Town Manager, South Burlington APPLICATION OF SAN REMO REALTY CORP., RE: KENNEDY DR. SERVICE STATION Mr. Pizzagalli did not take part in the consideration on disposition of this matter. Benjamin F. Schweyer, Esquire, represented San Remo Realty Corporation. Mr. Ward, Zoning Administrator, presented the plan, and stated that it had been approved by the Planning Commission. He then gave background information, stating he had refused a permit because of traffic hazards. San Remo appealed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment, which referred the matter to the Town Attorney, who determined that the Zoning Administrator had no authority to conduct an inquiry as to the feasibility of curb cuts, but that the Selectmen should issue permits in accordance with Vermont Statutes Annotated. The Zoning Board of Adjustment met and referred the matter to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Schweyer stated that the Board of Selectmen had the final say in the matter. Town Engineer Szymanski stated he was opposed to the application because of potential safety hazards. Motion by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, that the Board meet at the site, table the matter, review all documents in the file, and that the matter would be considered next week. Motion passed unanimously. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL Chairman Behney informed the Board that presentation on Solid Waste Disposal would be made Thursday evening at Votey Building, U.V.M., conducted by officials of HEW. Mr. Szymanski told how he had attended previous meetings and they were very beneficial. Chairman Behney urged the Selectmen to attend. MISCELLANEOUS - POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT SUBSTATIONS Chairman Behney told the Board that Mr. Pomerleau would build substations for Police and Fire Departments at his Queen City Mall Development to be leased to the town for a nominal sum. EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion made by Mr. Blais, seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, the Board voted unanimously to go into Executive Session at 9:40 P.M. REGULAR SESSION Chairman Behney reconvened the regular meeting at 11:50 P.M. AGENT FOR REAPPRAISAL On motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and voted unanimously, Mr. Underwood was appointed Authorized Agent for Reappraisal. SELECTMEN'S TAX RATE It was moved by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Stearns, to set the Selectmen's tax rate at 1.02, based on correction of error in listing of polls, and include $30,000 for reappraisal in budget. Passed unanimously. Mr. Blais motioned, Mr. Premo seconded, to adjourn at 11:52 P.M. Passed unanimously. Approved James C. Pizzagalli Clerk of the Board Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.