HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/01/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 1, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 1, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT Gregory L. Premo OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Richard Ward, Code Officer; Reporter George Lambert, Charlotte C. Marsh, and Mrs. J. Pizzagalli. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 18 and 25, 1970, MEETINGS On a motion made by Mr. Pizzagalli and seconded by Mr. Stearns, the minutes of the meetings of May 18, and 25, 1970 were approved as read. DISBURSEMENTS - SIGN ORDERS Chairman Behney asked the Selectmen to sign the disbursement orders as the meeting progressed. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: 1. Dog control report. 2. Insurance accounts - check list item 3. Notes submitted by Town Treasurer to be signed 4. Sign Gas Company petitions LIST OF DELINQUENT DOG OWNERS Town Manager Janes turned over to Chairman Behney a list of the names and addresses of 88 dog owners who had not licensed their dogs as yet this year. DOG ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT - DOG CONTROL Town Manager Janes reported on the steps he had taken to initiate an effective dog control program. First, Chief Carter appointed Officer Richard Delaney as the towns first dog control officer. He will be paid $5.00 for each dog impounded. Secondly, Mr. Janes has executed a signed agreement with one veterinarian, and has appointments with two others, all of South Burlington, to have the dogs taken care of once they are impounded, until they are picked up by the owner. All charges are to be paid by the owner. In the event a dog has to be destroyed, all efforts having been expended to avoid such action, the veterinarian will have received a form from the town signed by the Chief of Police, the Town Clerk, and the Town Manager. Mr. Janes showed samples of the various forms to be used. Dog control methods were discussed generally. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the Town Manager's recommendation and to proceed in the manner outlined. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE - SHELBURNE ROAD As the Board all had received copies of the ordinance Mr. Blais moved to dispense with the full reading. Motion seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney then read the heading and described the location of the property. The change requested is from Business District A and Industrial District A to Planned District. FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE - SHELBURNE ROAD, CONTINUED Mr. Pizzagalli moved to accept the first reading and to forward the ordinance to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REVIEW 5TH LANE ON SHELBURNE ROAD AND TOPICS RECOMMENDATIONS MR. SZYMANSKI AND SELECTMEN Chairman Behney said before the Board made a decision as to whether to go ahead with the construction of a fifth lane on Shelburne Road it should discuss the TOPICS planning. He pointed out the great expense of the construction of Jug-Handles, as proposed by the TOPICS planners, the length of time it would take for land acquisition, and the immediate need for something to be done right away. Mr. Szymanski showed the plans as prepared by the TOPICS consultants, and there was a discussion on the pros and cons of the plans. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to express our approval of the fifth lane construction to the Highway Department, recommending the work proceed with deliberate speed; and also that the Town Manager and Town Engineer make a complete study of the traffic in South Burlington, with special emphasis on Shelburne Road, that they prepare a five year projection, establish priorities, and make recommendations on funding. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. WILLISTON ROAD - SPEAR STREET - EAST TERRACE AREA Chairman Behney reported on developments in the thinking of a fifth lane in the above area. He said that the Mazel brothers had given the town a letter of intent for a right-of-way, the Mobil Oil Company had given the town a deed for the needed amount of land, and that Dick Fletcher of Chittenden Trust Company, the other property owner concerned, was enthusiastic about the proposals as was University of Vermont personnel. DORSET STREET INTERCHANGE Chairman Behney said he thought we had requested the State Highway Department to consider a cloverleaf at Dorset Street onto and off of Interstate 89. Mr. Blais said he felt it was important that we have a letter on file and made a motion to forward a letter to the Vermont Highway Department requesting consideration of a cloverleaf at Dorset Street onto and off of Interstate 89, Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REAPPRAISAL DECISIONS Chairman Behney reported that the Reappraisal Sub-Committee had met twice with bidders on the reappraisal program, and the Sub-Committee's recommendation was to award the contract for the commercial work to the State of Vermont at $15,000.00 and to Archibald & Hawthorne, Appraisers, of Springfield Vermont, the contract for the residential and farm appraising at $29,000.00. He then entertained a motion to accept the recommendation. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the above recommendation and to instruct the Town Manager to forward a letter of intent to both bidders subject to clarification of the contracts. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. RESIGNATION OF MR. I. L. DOUGLAS, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF LISTERS Chairman Behney said that Mr. Douglas had asked that the Board to accept his resignation immediately. Mr. Stearns moved to accept the resignation with regret, acknowledging the tremendous contribution made by Mr. Douglas to the town. The motion was seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. SET TAX RATE Chairman Behney noted the Grand List, estimated at $312,400 had increased to $316,738.45 and entertained a motion that the town and school tax rate be set. Mr. Stearns made a motion to set the school tax rate at 6.49 and the town tax rate at 2.49 making a total of 8.98. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. AREA LIST RATE - SEWER CONSTRUCTION AREA Chairman Behney entertained a motion to set the Area List Rate for the east end of town. Mr. Stearns made a motion to set the rate at 90 cents. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. DISCUSS ORDINANCE ON AMUSEMENT RIDES Chairman Behney expressed his desire to have an ordinance drafted in order to have guide-lines to follow when issuing permits for amusement rides, carnivals, etc. The Town Manager was instructed to have the Town Attorney research the necessity of such an ordinance, and draft one if need be so the Selectmen would be able to make stipulations when granting a permit. The Selectmen suggested the following: 1. The Board of Selectmen shall issue permits (no delegation). 2. Presentation of site or location plan that indicates distances from residences, from highways, town and state highway entrances and exits, to shopping center parking lot, distances to overhead electrical and telephone wires, etc. 3. Fee for permit. 4. Hours of operation. 5. Cash bond for guaranteeing trash clean-up of area. 6. Employment of sufficient off-duty police to keep the peace. 7. Site plan to be reviewed by Police, Fire, & Town Engineer's department. 8. The Town Attorney's own suggestions. REVIEW TOWN ENGINEER'S REPORT ON STATUS OF PHASE IV SEWER CONSTRUCTION Mr. Szymanski reported that delays in the progress of the Phase IV sewer project have been at state and federal levels. The State now says the first day we can go to bid is probably in mid-July. The original date was supported to be the middle of May. He then stated that the Queen City Park sewer project plans will be submitted in 2 weeks, and construction is not expected to start till next spring, and all easements have been obtained except from Fayette, Pettingill and Farrell. Mr. Blais remarked on the importance of construction of the Queen City Park sewer project in relation to the town's proposed acquisition of Red Rocks. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT The Board reviewed the Deputy Tax Collector's May report as submitted. They were in agreement that the Town Attorney should concentrate on collecting the old accounts, even if it entailed tax sales. MCDONALD'S FLAG DISPLAY Chairman Behney read in full a letter from the McDonald's Restaurant which detailed its reasons for displaying the flag at all times. He felt McDonald's should be commended on its patriotic effort. REPAVING LAUREL HILL DRIVE Town Manager Janes reported that the Highway Department has a budget of $27,300 for Town Highway Construction, that competitive bids have been received for the work on Laurel Hill Drive and the cost will not exceed $5,200. He felt this should be done, and said that he and the Town Engineer had determined the $27,300 would be sufficient for all the work planned for 1970-1971 including the Laurel Hill Drive work. His recommendation was to have the Purchase Order signed and get the work done. He was told to proceed as he recommended. CLERK OF THE WORKS FOR FIRE STATION Town Manager Janes recommended that Mr. Szymanski, Town Engineer, be appointed Clerk of the Works for the new fire station. This was o-kayed by the Board. GAS LINE PERMITS After the town engineer explained the location of proposed gas line installation, the Selectmen signed the petitions from the Vermont Gas Company. INSURANCE Town Manager Janes said he felt there has been a communication gap in regard to clarifying the reason the town's insurance costs have increased from last year. He has already asked Mr. Valine of Petersen & Rowlands to compile a detailed report on coverage and costs, and hopes to have it for presentation at the next regular meeting. SIGN ANTICIPATION NOTES The Selectmen signed two $1,000 notes, one for fire department purchases, the other for sewer construction phase IV expenses, as prepared by the Town Treasurer. REPORT FROM FIRE CHIEF MONELL Town Manager Janes reported that Chief Monell was to visit the Maxim Company, manufacturer of our fire trucks, on Friday, June 5, 1970, to check on their progress. Mr. Stearns asked that the Chief report on his findings at the next meeting. FIRE FIGHTER'S TEST Mr. Janes, Town Manager, reported that 8 applicants had taken the fire fighter's test, and 6 had passed. He expected some appointments to be made by Monday, June 8, 1970. NEXT WEEK'S AGENDA - CHIEF CARTER Mr. Blais said he would like to have Chief Carter invited to the next regular meeting to report on the implemation of any program he might have on drug abuse and his coordination with the school department on this. APPLICATION TO GOVERNOR'S CRIME COMMISSION Town Manager Janes reported that the two applications for funds made to the Governor's Crime Commission had been submitted to the Regional Planning Commission for submission to the Crime Commission. The Selectmen asked for copies of the application which was made up by Officer Kelley. On a motion made by Mr. Pizzagalli and seconded by Mr. Blais, the Selectmen voted unanimously to adjourn at 9:40 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli Clerk of the Board Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.