HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/20/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JULY 20, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, July 20, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; William Bailey, Lister; Richard Underwood, Tax Analyst; Melvin Monell, Fire Chief; Henry Caswell, Jr., School Director; George Lambert, Reporter; Nathan Dauchy, Chief of Fire Control, State of Vermont; William F. Shea, Airport Manager; Charlotte Marsh, Frank McCaffrey, and Donald Duell. READING OF MINUTES OF JULY 13, 1970, MEETING Mr. Pizzagalli pointed out that the last paragraph of page 7 should read as follows: HOLIDAY INN ENTRANCE Mr. Pizzagalli said that he had a letter from John T. Gray, Vt. Commissioner of Highways, who reported that application had been made to the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads for permission to relocate the entrance to the Holiday Inn so that it would line up with Dorset Street. Chairman Behney noted that on page 8, the time for adjournment should be changed to 10:00 P.M. Chairman Behney pointed out that the comma in the tenth line on page 2 should be changed to a period and the balance of the sentence should be stricken. READING OF MINUTES OF JULY 13, 1970, MEETING, CONTINUED Moved by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and voted unanimously to accept the minutes as corrected. REVIEW STATUS OF REAPPRAISAL Tax Analyst Underwood and Lister Bailey reported that the reappraisal was progressing satisfactorily with the work on schedule. Upon being queried by the Selectmen, Messrs. Bailey and Underwood indicated that there were no major problems, that a number of errors in the Town tax records had been found and corrected and that the plan was to complete all of the field work prior to cold weather. Mr. Janes pointed out that Town employees Underwood, Ferrier and Bradbury were working with the reappraisal firm and were being trained in the listing technique being used. The report of Messrs. Bailey and Underwood is annexed to these minutes. DISCUSSION WITH MR. DAUCHY RE: BURNING ORDINANCE Mr. Dauchy reported that he had discussed the proposed burning ordinance with Town Attorney Ewing, and Dauchy was of the opinion that the Town should request the State to relinquish jurisdiction over burning pursuant to the provisions of 10 V.S.A. 1496 inasmuch as the town's ordinance is more stringent than the state's statute. Mr. Dauchy also pointed out that once the State had relinquished it jurisdiction, it would no longer pay any costs of fighting forest fires in the Town, but he felt that this was a relatively insignificant item since there are few forest fires in South Burlington, and since we would lose state aid for forest fires, anyway, in the event that we become a city. BURNING ORDINANCE, CONTINUED It was moved by Selectman Premo, seconded by Selectman Stearns and voted unanimously to direct the Town Manager to write a letter to the State Forester, requesting that the State's jurisdiction over burning be waived pursuant to the provisions of 10 V.S.A. 1496. DISCUSSION RE: TOWN OFFICES AT CENTRAL SCHOOL The Board discussed with School Director Caswell progress made to date, concerning the proposed lease on Central School and the construction of the Mary Street extension. Selectman Stearns pointed out that there was a drainage problem in the Central School parking lot and that, in his opinion, two members of the School Board wanted to force the Board of Selectmen to remedy the situation. School Director Caswell pointed out that this was not necessarily the position of the majority of the Board. Selectman Blais suggested that no further action be taken until he and Mr. Stearns can investigate the matter further. There was general discussion on office space needs with ideas exchanged on the possibility of expanding the Fire Station or remodeling the existing town hall if the move to Central School did not prove to be feasible. There was general consensus that a final decision on the matter should be made at the next meeting of the Board. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT RE: CHECK WRITING AND ORDER SIGNING At the Town Manager's request, this matter was tabled until the next meeting. Mr. Janes also pointed out that, to his surprise, he had been informed by the Town's accountants that the books of account are kept on a cash rather than an accrual basis, and he would need some time to study this matter further and make appropriate recommendations. SELECTMAN PREMO'S REPORT - RUBBISH COLLECTION Selectman Premo's report on rubbish collection was delivered to the Board and is annexed to these minutes; copies will be distributed to all members of the Board. Mr. Premo pointed out that there had been a number of problems with the rubbish collectors, but that the majority of the town was apparently reasonably satisfied with the existing situation. He noted that there was some evidence of a licensing system but could not find complete details. This will be investigated further. He suggested that there be a comprehensive licensing system with collectors operating in assigned geographical areas and with a procedure for revoking licenses in those instances where complaints were received from citizens. AIRPORT MANAGER SHEA REPORTS ON AIRPORT GROWTH Airport Manager Shea reported that he was happy to be able to attend a meeting of the Board so as to improve channels of communication and keep the Town informed as to developments at the Airport. In this regard, he stated that in the future, the Board of Selectmen would be furnished copies of the minutes of the meetings of the Airport Commission. Mr. Shea extended an invitation to the Board to visit the airport facilities, and he reviewed future plans at the airport, existing facilities, and the impact of the airport on the greater Burlington economy. At the suggestion of Mr. Premo, Mr. Shea was invited to attend the meeting to be held Wednesday, July 22, between Mr. O'Leary of Mohawk Airlines and South Burlington officials. In answer to a question by Mr. Blais, Mr. Shea stated that he had not yet seen a copy of the town's new master plan, but would like to review it. Mr. Janes will forward a copy to him. Members of the Airport Commission are: AIRPORT MANAGER SHEA REPORTS ON AIRPORT GROWTH CONTINUED L. John Cain, Chairman; Edwin Blakely, and Roger Fay. Vincent D'Acuti attends Commission meetings as a representative from South Burlington. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE The Board heard a report from Mr. Stearns and Mr. Blais concerning the new Beach, Park and Recreation Committee which is in the process of being formed. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Pizzagalli, seconded by Mr. Premo, and passed unanimously that the outline plan for the new Beach, Park and Recreation Committee, which is attached to these minutes, be implemented as soon as possible, subject to the further stipulation that members of the committee be selected by personal interview and review of resume. Town Manager Janes reported that a new job description for the Recreation Director would be prepared and submitted to the Beard, at its next meeting. The job description will be a combination of the existing job description and that contained on page 32 State of Vermont Recreation Survey for South Burlington, dated December, 1969. TOWN GOVERNMENT REPORT The report of the Town Government Committee, with respect to a new charter, was presented to the Board. Mr. Janes reported that the matter was being reviewed by Town Attorney Ewing. The report will be placed on the Selectmen's agenda in the near future for discussion. Mr. Blais pointed out that the committee was projecting a very tight time schedule and that the Board should proceed with all deliberate speed in its consideration. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS Town Manager Janes brought several administrative matters to the attention of the Board. Among these were a status report from Town Grand Juror Fayette, an offer from State's Attorney Leahy to appear at a Board meeting to discuss the Crime Strike Team concept, a state-aid claim which required and received the Board's approval. a request from Zoning Administrator Ward for more stringent subdivision regulations for commercial developments, and a request from Wright & Morrissey, Inc., for additional compensation on the fire station contract because of additional costs incurred. As to the last item, it was suggested that Town Engineer Szymanski review the matter with the contractor and report to the Board. TOWN MANAGER'S REQUEST FOR PRIORITIES The Town Manager presented a list of three projects to the Board, and inquired as to the priority which the Board of Selectmen attached to each. Questions presented were as follows: (A) Town Traffic Study (Pine Street and 5 year priorities?) (B) Town line, street and speed signs (especially the Burlington and Winooski signs on Shelburne Road?) (C) Organization of the Office of Superintendent and Town Engineer, Department of Public Works, relative to Town Government vote November, 1970, and/or Manager's suggestion - see chart? Selectman Stearns inquired as to whether Item B could be handled merely by delegating it to the Town Engineer as, in his opinion, this was not a long- range project, but rather something that could be handled immediately. Mr. Janes reported that this delegation could be made if it were the Board's wish and that there was $1,400 in the budget for this purpose. Moved by Mr. Pizzagalli, seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously that Item A be assigned number one priority among long-range projects, that Item B be accomplished immediately by the Town Engineer, that the Town Manager report to the Board at its next meeting as to the status of this item, and that Item C be postponed until after the November election, as this matter would be affected by the outcome of the vote with respect to the Charter change. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD At 10:50 P.M. the Board convened as the Liquor Control Board and considered the application of Frederick Solomon for a license to sell malt beverages and wine at 1160 Williston Road. After discussion, the matter was tabled to await a report by the Town Manager as to certain violations existing on the property. On motion by Selectman Stearns and seconded by Selectmen Pizzagalli the Liquor Control Board adjourned and the regular meeting reconvened. CHITTENDEN COUNTY CRIME STRIKE TEAM On motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli, and voted unanimously it was moved to hear the pros and cons of the Chittenden County Crime Strike Team concept by the State's Attorney and by the South Burlington Police Chief in Executive Session on Monday, July 27, 1970. At 11:00 P.M., on motion by Mr. Blais, seconded by Mr. Premo, the Board voted unanimously to adjourn. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.