HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/19/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 19, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a public hearing at the South Burlington Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, January 19, 1970. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. OTHERS PRESENT John T. Ewing, Town Attorney, Attorney Robert M. Rosenberg, Richard Myette, Ralph Goodrich, Leon Ignasewzski, Attorney Douglas Stuart, Richard Tarrant, Charlotte Marsh, Jean Hildick, Barbara Bull, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Allard, Reporter George Lambert, Robert Burnell, Robert Ray, Wayne Jameson, Mr. L. Vogel, and several other area residents. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD MEETING-LUM'S INCORPORATED Chairman Behney announced that as the first order of business, the Board would meet in its capacity of Liquor Control Board. The Board then considered and approved unanimously the liquor license application of Lum's Incorporated of Williston Road. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to adjourn the meeting of the Liquor Control Board at 7:35 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. Behney then recalled the regular meeting to order. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 12, 1970 MEETING After noting a correction to be made in paragraph 5 on page 7, from Burlington to South Burlington, Mr. Stearns motioned to accept the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Nardelli and so passed. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Chairman Behney announced that the hearing was to be held within a set time of 1 ½ hours. If everyone had not been heard within that time the meeting would be adjourned to a later date. He then pointed out on maps the master plan of 1960, proposed plan of 1970 and the zoning map that was adopted in 1964, noting the similarities in the two master plans. He also enumerated the amendments that have been made to the proposed municipal development plan, and recommended that the different areas be keyed like the zoning map, so the town would be working with the same titles. The purpose of the hearing, Chairman Behney went on to state, is to adopt or reject the map, which if adopted, must be revised every five years according to the state statutes. If accepted the next step is for the Planning Commission to draw up the by-laws and zoning map of the town of South Burlington. He noted that areas designated as rural and agricultural on the 1960 plan were classified as Planned Areas on the zoning map. He also mentioned that the 1970 proposed plan was prepared by professionals working with the Planning Commission over a period of two years of study and work. The Master Plan of any municipality may be designated as a zoning map except where districts are not defined by the map. The State Planning Act of 1968 also spells out the regulations by which the master plan could be designated as an official map by the inclusion of streets and drainage ways with the approval of the state department of Water Resources. Chairman Behney then entertained any comments from those present. Charlotte Marsh asked for an explanation of the term 'collector street' which Mr. Behney answered by saying the designation meant a street which collects traffic, children going to school, etc. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CONTINUED Town Attorney Ewing explained that under the state statutes, the master plan is simply a plan for use as a guideline in making decisions for the orderly growth of the town. He said the present zoning map is in effect and must be used until it is amended, that the comprehensive master plan is not a zoning map, that the new zoning ordinance which reflects the plan will be prepared by the Planning Commission. Mr. Premo made a motion to have the Town Attorney give his explanation of the function and adoption of a master plan as well as its implementation with a zoning ordinance to the Board of Selectmen in writing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mrs. Bull asked if the Zoning Ordinance would be a revision of the old one. Mr. Behney replied that it would be a new zoning map. He said that under the law the map has to be adopted first, and then the zoning map would be prepared. Mrs. Hildick, speaking for the League of Women Voters, read a prepared statement in which the League endorsed the adoption of the Proposed Municipal Development Plan. A copy of the statement is filed with these minutes and made a part thereof. Robert Rosenberg, Jr., Attorney for the Hatch Estate, owners of Red Rocks in Queen City Park, an area designated as reserved for recreation, conservation, and open space, voiced his clients' objection to such designation. He reported that a sale of the property was pending which would be of light industry use, with the use of the beach area yet to be decided upon, although his feeling was that some public recreation project might be developed for the town. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CONTINUED Mr. Rosenberg said that the Hatch family's plans would increase tax revenues in South Burlington without increasing the costs of services. He concluded his statements by saying that he felt the property adjacent to the lake should be designated as Planned Area. Mr. Behney, Chairman, remarked that if this proposed Master Plan is adopted, the zoning would not be implemented in time to interfere with the plans of the buyers. Mr. Rosenberg still said he felt the open space, conservation, recreational designation was of a confiscatory type. Miss Marsh remarked that actually the Red Rocks site was too dangerous a spot for recreation. Mr. Behney said that had been considered, it would not necessarily have to be a play area, it could be a lookout site. Mr. Douglas Stuart asked if it was the intention of the Planning Commission to zone the open space, recreation, and conservation areas as 'planned'. Chairman Behney said he felt that when the zoning map is prepared, the areas should be keyed as they now are. Representative Richard Myette spoke in reference to the proposed Burlington belt-line and other proposed routes in the area, saying he knew the State Highway Department was changing its priorities, and the Burlington Belt line may well be considered for construction right away. He felt the town should investigate this, so as not to be planning a parallel route to the state's. Chairman Behney said that a meeting has been planned with our Planning Commission, the State Highway Board, and others, on the Burlington belt line as well as other proposed road construction. PROPOSED MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, CONTINUED Chairman Behney said the Board would take Mr. Rosenberg's remarks under consideration. He went on to say that his recommendation would be that the current zoning map of 1964 be brought up to date and the open space, recreation and conservation areas be designated as 'planned' so that before an area could be developed in anyway the proposal would have to go before the Planning Commission. He told Mr. Rosenberg that if the Master Plan is adopted shortly the zoning could not be implemented in time to interfere with the plans of his prospective buyers. Mrs. Hildick, Miss Marsh, Mr. Lothar Vogel, Mrs. Barbara Bull and Mr. Douglas Stuart also commented and asked questions on different aspects of the proposed plan. Mr. D'Acuti remarked that as the Planning Commission now has practically all new members, it would be advisable to table a decision until the new members had an opportunity to study the proposed map in depth. After some further discussion Chairman Behney said if there were no further comments from the floor the Board would go on to the other business on the agenda, and announced a 5 minute recess. Chairman Behney recalled the meeting to order at 9:10 P.M. and the Board agreed not to consider item 3 (Consider use of Recreation Department gift) and item 4 (Discussion of Data Processing) at this meeting. Mr. Premo passed around a publication put out by the Federal Government which contained articles on municipal data processing, and the secretary was instructed to send for copies for each Selectman. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE'S REVISED BUDGET Chairman Behney asked Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, if he had reviewed his budget in regard to a figure for maintenance and implementation of the house and field at JayCee Park. Mr. Ray said he had added a figure of $5,000 to the proposed budget for that purpose. In discussing recreational activities, Mr. Nardelli made a motion to have the Athletic Director of the High School appointed to the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. D'Acuti asked Mr. Ray if he had given any thought to working with the JayCees and the Kiwaniis on the development of JayCee Park and the Kiwanis' ball park, and Mr. Stearns said if any organization was planning work on the projects the Park and Recreation Committee should direct the work. Mr. Premo asked Mr. Ray if the Park and Recreation Committee members all had copies of the State Recreation Department's survey of recreation in South Burlington, what the Committee's reactions were to the survey, and what planning was being done in regard to programs for teen-agers and senior citizens. Mr. Ray said all the members had copies of the survey. Mr. Stearns asked what priorities the Committee had in regard to plans for recreation in the future, and said he would like to charge the Committee with coming back to the Board with it's comments on the state report. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the Park and Recreation Committee's revised budget. Seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER CO. PETITIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF POLES The Board considered and unanimously approved two petitions from the Green Mountain Power Company for the installation of utility poles on Sherry Road and Kennedy Drive. STATE AID CLAIMS FOR HIGHWAY WORK The Board unanimously approved and signed two State Aid Claims for reimbursement for labor and material on state aid roads. AUDIT OF TOWN BOOKS Mr. Nardelli made a motion to have the town books audited at this time because of the resignation of the town manager. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESIGNATION OF DALE ROBERTSON, ASSESSOR Chairman Behney announced that Mr. Robertson, Assistant Assessor, has resigned his position with the town as of January 31, 1970. TOWN MANAGER'S POSITION Chairman Behney reported that a candidate for the position of Town Manager would arrive in South Burlington on Sunday night, January 25, 1970, and the Board agreed to a 7 A.M. interview to be held at the Redwood Motel on Monday, January 26, 1970. SELECTION OF A TOWN MANAGER Chairman Behney recommended that each Selectman make a critique of each applicant interviewed so the Board could consider an appointment as soon as possible. EXECUTIVE MEETING ON JANUARY 26, 1970 Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Selectmen's meeting of Monday, January 26, 1970, be held in Executive Session. Seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. PROPOSED FIRE DEPARTMENT ITEM Chairman Behney listed the dates and places of public meetings and coffee hours that are being held for informational purposes on the proposed fire department issue and reported that he had contacted the adjoining towns for their consideration of a mutual aid agreement should the fire department vote be favorable. ORDINANCE FOR THE PROTECTION OF MOTEL OWNERS Mr. Premo said he would like to see an ordinance adopted in South Burlington enabling motel owners to advise guests that they must present identification when registering. He said this is being done in some states and explained how it would be beneficial. URBAN PLANNING Mr. Premo showed the members of the Board a copy of a publication distributed by H.U.D., which he thought would be of use to the Board. The secretary was instructed to send for copies of the book, titled An Information System for Urban Planning. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.