HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/12/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 12, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, January 12, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte Marsh, Robert Stewart, Executive Director of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns; Fred Blais, Richard Ward, Donald Davie, Dorothy Guilford, William D. Kellner, and Jean Hildick and Linda Christiansen from the League of Women Voters. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 5TH, 1970, MEETING The following corrections to the minutes were noted: a. On page 5, last paragraph, change Chairman D'Acuti to Selectman D'Acuti. b. Add to paragraph 3, page 4, "Charlotte Marsh objected to the concept of a swimming pool." Mr. Premo then made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PRESENTATION BY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF VT. LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS Mr. Robert Stewart, Executive Director of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, gave an informal presentation on the function of the Town Manager in Vermont. He also supplied the Board with material on a wage survey recently made in the state. In speaking of the League activity Mr. Stewart reported that for the next few months, they would be concerned with action of the Legislature and were supporting several items, among them the question of giving aid to non-public schools, the building up of the state police system and de-emphaziation of the deputy system, and the drafting of Model City and Town charters. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Stewart for his interesting presentation and for taking the time to meet with the Board. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. D'Acuti said he personally felt there were too many controversial items in the recent Town Government Committee Report to consider bringing it to the voters in March without further study. He suggested public hearings before holding an election so the residents would be informed of the proposed changes. The Chairman and other members agreed that there were several points that should be reconsidered, among them the following: a. Appointment vs. election of the Town Clerk. b. Council men elected from districts instead of at-large. c. Water Department should be part of the town departments. d. Water Commissioners appointed instead of elected. e. Establishment of Steering and Finance Committees. f. Percentage increase allowable for budgeting. Charlotte Marsh suggested that the Charter be printed after changes are made for distribution to the voters before any public hearings are held. Mr. Blais explained the make-up of his Committee, saying many forms of government were reviewed, and what was presented was the result of intensive study with the advice of several experts in the field. Mr. Stearns wondered if Mr. Blais would be able to give reasons for the recommended changes if questioned at a public meeting. Mr. Blais said the Committee has the general logic by which it arrived at the various points in the report. Mr. Stearns then said if there were known matters a controversial type they should be worked out before any meetings are held. Mr. Blais said the Committee had met with the various Commissions and Boards of the town as well as with the Selectmen, but had never received a written statement from any of them with objections or suggestions. Mrs. Guilford, Secretary of the Town Government Committee, asked if each Selectman would give his comments on the report in writing so they could be reviewed at the next meeting. Chairman Behney and Mr. Nardelli both said the people should have their say at public hearings, which then could be followed by a special election. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion that the Town Government Committee would hold public hearings with the Selectmen, one on Thursday, April 2, 1970 at the Orchard School, and the other on Tuesday, April 14, 1970, at the Central School. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. CONSIDER MOVING RECREATION DIRECTOR'S OFFICE TO CIVIC CENTER Chairman Behney said this move is being considered because the town has to keep the building heated, and insurance rates are increased if the building is unoccupied. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to move the Recreation Director's office to the Patchen Road house and have a telephone installed. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. USE OF PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT GIFT Chairman Behney said the JayCees wished to develop a public library in the Civic Center on Patchen Road and wondered if an anonymous gift of $1582.42, which had been donated to the Park and Recreation Department last year for playground equipment, could be used for such a purpose. He said he would contact the lawyer who represented the group who donated the gift to see if this would meet with any objection, and he should have an answer by next week. At this point, Mr. Blais, speaking for the JayCees, said it was not the intention of the JayCees to interfere with the recreation department in any way, that he felt the recreation department had the impression the JayCees would tell them what to do. To clear up any misunderstanding Mr. Premo suggested that the Selectmen, the JayCees, and the Recreation Department, hold a joint meeting in the near future to go over the plans for the grounds and building. Chairman Behney called for a motion that if the group that gave the money agrees that it be used for development of a town library, with the consent of the Park and Recreation Committee, we allow the JayCees to use it for the purpose requested. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to table the item until the Park and Recreation Committee and the donor are contacted, and have the item put on next week's agenda. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MR. KELLNER = PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM Mr. Kellner explained in detail the items making up a proposed purchase order system for the town as outlined in a report submitted to each member of the Board. MR. KELLNER, PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM, CONTINUED He described the flow of the copies of the purchase orders from the purchaser, to vendor, bookkeeper, etc., and back for an o-kay by the Town Manager, pointing out the advantages of each step. Such a system would relieve the Town Manager of routine details, as well as facilitate payments in order to take advantage of any discounts offered. Discussion brought out the fact that purchases of large items would be put out for competitive bid by the Town Manager, that heads of departments would be authorized to issue purchase orders up to a set limit, purchases of office supplies would be issued from the Town Manager's office, voucher checks would be used in making payments, and if possible, the bookkeeping machine should be programmed to pick up the orders as they are issued as an encumbrance. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept Mr. Kellner's report and move to implement it. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Nardelli then made the suggestion that it would be advisable to have the auditors brought into it. DATA PROCESSING FEASIBILITY STUDY Chairman Behney told the Board members that an article on municipal data processing that was in their meeting material had been forwarded by Mr. Davie for their review. He also had heard from the School Board that they would be interested in sharing the cost of a feasibility study if it were undertaken. Since the last meeting, Mr. Behney said, Mr. Kahle of IBM had phoned him to tell him that if IBM were to do a feasibility study for the town it would be free of charge. DATA PROCESSING FEASIBILITY STUDY Chairman Behney said he would entertain a motion to table the item at this time. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to table the item. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of passage. REVIEW USE OF CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING Chairman Behney reported that he felt the town would be able to comply with all areas of responsibility laid out by the School Board in regard to the use of the Central School building. He had met on Saturday morning, January 10, 1970, with the owner of the property adjacent to the school, the Town Engineer, and Mr. Lamphere from the Planning Commission, to discuss the building of the road requested for access to the school. Mr. Behney showed plans showing where the road would be located and felt that the town could construct the road with utilities for approximately $20,000 for the donation of the land, a distance of 650'. The largest part of the cost would be for sewer construction, which the Board agreed could be paid for from the sewer surplus fund. The Board members were in agreement that this construction would be good for the town as well as for the school department, and Mr. Behney said he would present his findings to the School Board at the joint meeting to be held on Wednesday, January 14, 1970. REPORT OF FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE Chairman Behney read in full a detailed report of the cost of operating a town owned fire department as prepared by himself and Mr. Premo with the help of the Volunteer Committee, James Lamphere, Architect, and other qualified personnel. In essence, the report concluded that cost of operation, equipment, and building for the year 1970-1971 would total $67,730.00, for the year 1971-1972, $71,186.00 and for 1972-1973, $75,377.00. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the report. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Behney, Chairman, thanked the Board for its confidence on behalf of himself, Mr. Premo, and the others who devoted time to the project. Questions from those present, including Miss Marsh, Mrs. Guilford, Mrs. Hildick, Mrs. Christiansen, and Mr. Davie, especially in regard to the quality of protection that would be offered, were answered by the Chairman and Board members. Mrs. Guilford offered to have a coffee hour and to ask others to have coffee hours for neighbors and friends to promote the fire department project. Linda Christiansen, President of the League of Women Voters, announced the League would hold two public hearings on the proposed fire department, one on Tuesday, January 20, 1970 and the other on Wednesday, January 28, 1970. Both meetings will be held at Burlington High School and will begin at 8 P.M. A copy of the complete report as presented is filed with these minutes and made a part thereof. MASTER PLAN Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to table discussion of the proposed updated Master Plan until the meeting of January 19, 1970, at which time a public hearing is being held. Motion seconded by Mr. Nardelli and so passed. BUDGET ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA The secretary was instructed to put consideration of the Selectmen's budget and the Park and Recreation Department's revised budget on the agenda for the meeting of January 19, 1970. PURCHASE OF NEW FURNACE - POLICE DEPARTMENT BUILDING Chairman Behney said that on the night of January 6 and 7, the furnace in the Police Department building blew up, and inspection by two firms disclosed that the furnace was too old to repair. After Mr. Behney contacted the Chittenden Trust Company, owner of the building, it was decided to purchase and have installed a new furnace on a 50/50 basis, with the ownership to remain with the town. If and when the Police Department moves back to the town building on Dorset Street the furnace can be removed for possible use in the Dorset Street building. The furnace cost approximately $500.00, so cost to the town is about $250.00. He also reported that the insurance company had been contacted and was in the process of cleaning up the damage caused by the incident. SENIOR CITIZENS' CLUB Chairman Behney reported that about 25 South Burlington residents attend the functions of the Burlington Senior Citizens' Club, and the Board agreed to donate $50 to the club as approved at the Selectmen's meeting of September 29, 1969. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to go into executive session at 10:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board came out of executive session at 10:45 P.M. and conducted the following business during the reconveyned regular session. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to appoint Mr. Leon P. Ignaszewski to the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Chittenden. The appointment runs to March, 1972. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. CLASSIFICATION OF DEPUTY TAX COLLECTOR'S POSITION Mr. Stearns made a motion to change the classification of the position of Deputy Tax Collector from Level 7 to Level 8, effective as of this date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. MR. LECLAIR - VACATION PAY Mr. Premo made a motion to pay Mr. LeClair the two weeks pay for vacation time accumulated in the work year January 1, 1969 to December 31, 1969. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. REQUEST OF CHITTENDEN TRUST COMPANY FOR CREDIT OF PENALTY AND INTEREST Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to correct the administrative error of $21.35 regarding the Chittenden Trust Company being charged interest and penalties on taxes billed beyond their responsibility of ownership (Speedy Car Wash), if considered legal by our Town Attorney. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.