HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/05/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 5, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, January 5, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo. MEMBERS ABSENT Raymond E. Stearns OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte Marsh, Linda Christiansen, Jean Hildick, Richard Tarrant, James Lamphere, Reporter Lambert, Robert Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, and Mr. Donald Davie. Mr. John Lucas, Business Administrator of the School District was also present. READING OF THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 15, 22, and 30, 1969 MEETINGS On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. D'Acuti, the Selectmen unanimously approved the minutes of the December 15, 22, and 30, 1969, meeting. DELETIONS AND ADDITIONS TO AGENDA Chairman Behney read over the agenda for the meeting, and with the agreement of the members deleted Item 2, DISBURSEMENT ORDERS, as they were not submitted and item 6, APPOINTMENT OF A TOWN GRAND JUROR. Added to the agenda were the following items: a. Report from James Lamphere regarding cost of renovations connected with the use of Central school. b. Consider resignation of Royal Chittenden from Planning Commission. c. Discuss written report from Mr. Szymanski regarding snow removal and scheduled future work. d. Status of Fire Department planning to date. e. General status of Town Manager applications DATA PROCESSING PRESENTATION - RICHARD TARRANT Mr. Tarrant reviewed in general the scope of a feasibility study on the use of data processing in town functions. He said that no matter how computerized data processing was initiated, whether by expanded use of school facilities, rental of a system, or hiring the work done at a computer center, the feasibility study would be the first step. The cost, at an estimated 104 hours at $14.00 per hour would be $1456 with a guarantee that if more hours were required to complete the study the cost would not exceed $1800. Mr. Tarrant said that Mr. Robert Hoehl, who designed the Vermont State Data Processing System, Mr. Frank Evans, an analyst and Civil Engineer experienced in the public works department, and Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, an ex-I.B.M. Systems Engineer, would be available to work on the study, and gave a brief resume of their qualifications. As part of the study would be concerned with school department functions, Mr. Premo asked Mr. Lucas how the School Board would react to sharing the cost. Mr. Lucas said this could be brought before the School Board and that it would help to have a firm figure. Mr. Tarrant figured about 20% to 25% would be about the School Department's share of the cost. DATA PROCESS PRESENTATION, CONTINUED Mr. Tarrant said the work could be started right away. Chairman Behney said it might be better to wait until a Town Manager is hired, as the new man might have had some experience along this line which would be helpful in making a decision. The Board agreed to discuss the matter further at the next meeting. JAMES LAMPHERE - COST OF RENOVATIONS TO CENTRAL SCHOOL Mr. Lamphere presented a list of renovations with estimated cost as well as plans for renovating the Central School building for use as town offices. The estimate was approximately $22,000. Mr. Lamphere noted that all items requested by the Fire Marshall's office were included in the estimate as well as construction of a new vault. The landscaping, shrubbery, and fencing requested by the School Department was also included, as well as a fire detection system. The plans made the second floor usable as well as the main floor and basement. Chairman Behney asked Mr. Lamphere to provide extra copies of the list and the plan for use at the joint meeting with the School Board on January 14, 1970. He also remarked that most of the items requested by the School Board were taken care of and said he would work on the details of the road to Mary Street that was requested. RESIGNATION OF ROYAL CHITTENDEN FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Behney read a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission received from Royal Chittenden. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Premo, the Selectmen unanimously voted to accept the resignation with regret, noting Mr. Chittenden's many years of dedicated service to the town. PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - PROPOSED 1970-71 BUDGET Mr. Robert Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, was present and explained the cost of the items that made up the accounts in his budget. He mentioned that the Committee was adding a new activity, Gymnastics, which was figured in the proposed budget. Mr. Ray presented each Selectman with lists of the cost for items and labor that made up the amounts requested for the Flag Football program and improvements to Farrell Park. Mr. Ray brought up the subject of a swimming pool, which he said the Committee had worked for diligently for several years without any encouragement from the Board or permission to bring the matter to a vote. During a discussion on this the members explained to Mr. Ray that the Board has to have firm facts and figures as well as assurance that a location for a pool is available. Mr. Ray was asked to set up a meeting with Mr. Behney, the other Selectmen, the School Board, and his Committee to go over the swimming pool matter in detail. Mr. Ray said he would do this. Mr. Premo said he would like to see more publicity given to the many programs the Committee sponsers. Mr. Ray said he would consider this. Mr. Ray was also asked to look into the possibility of having a skating rink at Chamberlin School which he said he would do. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to accept the proposed Park and Recreation budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. D'Acuti and passed unanimously. SNOW REMOVAL REPORT Chairman Behney passed out a written report and schedule of work to be done in regard to the recent snow storm as prepared by Mr. Szymanski. SNOW REMOVAL REPORT, CONTINUED He had asked for the report so Board members would know where and what projects were being worked on by the Highway crew, and thus be able to answer questions put to them by residents. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to send a letter of commendation to Mr. Szymanski and Highway Department personnel on the excellent work they had done during the storm. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Behney said that he would write the letter. REPORT ON THE PROGRESS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT PROJECT Chairman Behney reported that a meeting was scheduled in the Town Office Building on Wednesday night, January 7, 1970, with persons interested in helping in the organization of a town fire department. He mentioned that Mr. Haigis, a Facilities Manager from the Simonds Company, would act as administrator to collect data, that Win Whitney of the Free Press staff would advise and help on publicity, the League of Women Voters were going to schedule public discussions, and James Lamphere, Architect, was working on the building phase. He had received many calls from residents, experienced in fire fighting, who were interested in becoming volunteers, some of whom would attend the meeting. He said the response was really heartwarming, and expected to be able to compile all the facts and figures available to help sell the project. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman D'Acuti said he had several items to discuss in regard to the Town Government Committee report. The other members agreed that they would like to review the report further. Chairman Behney said the item would be placed on the next agenda for discussion, and the Board could charge the Committee with studying the matter further as there were too many controversial points in the report. RALPH GOODRICH'S LETTER RE MASTER PLAN Chairman Behney said he would answer a letter received from Mr. Ralph Goodrich, in which Mr. Goodrich expressed his feelings about several items in the proposed Master Plan. Further discussion on the Master Plan will be an agenda item at the next meeting. TOWN MANAGER APPLICATIONS Mr. D'Acuti told Chairman Behney that he was to meet with Mr. Stearns during the week to look over the applications for the position of Town Manager. Chairman Behney said that was fine, that as soon as the resumes were reviewed the Board could start to schedule interviews. REMARKS BY MR. DONALD DAVIE Mr. Davie, a new resident of the town, made a few remarks about Data Processing. He urged the Board to look into all aspects of such a move and not to limit themselves to one or two presentations. He felt municipal data processing is being used in many towns already and said he would send in articles relating to such use. Mr. Davie was thanked for his interest. EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Nardelli made a motion to go into Executive Session at 9:30 P.M. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER After the Executive Session it was announced that Mr. Behney had been appointed as Chief Administrative Officer of South Burlington until such time as a Town Manager is selected. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.