HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/21/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DECEMBER 21, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting in the Middle School Library on Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, December 21, 1970. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Frederick G. Blais, and Raymond E. Stearns. MEMBERS ABSENT Gregory L. Premo. OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Janes, Charlotte C. Marsh, Town Engineer Szymanski, Code Officer Ward, Highway Department Foreman Audette, Police Chief Carter, Fire Chief Monell, Lister Patricia Fastiggi, Students John Sullivan, Thomas Tetreault, Leigh Graffam and Sharon Shepard; Donald P. Brisson, Homer Theriault, Louis Rathe, F. Wiley Grant, Patricia E. Klinck, Jeanne Menard, Jack Naylor, Reporter George Lambert, Franklyn McCaffrey, and several other residents of South Burlington. Chairman Behney opened the meeting at 8:05 P.M. with the Allegiance to the Flag and convened the Board as the Liquor Control Board. The Board then considered the application for the New Victorian Inn, found everything in order, and approved and signed the application. The Liquor Control Board meeting was then adjourned and Chairman Behney called the regular Selectmen's meeting to order. TWO CHRISTMAS PRESENTS TO OPEN - FOR CENTRAL SCHOOL Chairman Behney announced that the above agenda item had been taken care of before the regular meeting opened, and that it was the presentation of two framed awards presented to the town - a first award for the 1969 Annual Report and a second award for the 1970 Annual Report. MINUTES TO READ - DECEMBER 7, 1970 On a motion made by Mr. Stearns and seconded by Mr. Blais, the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 1970, were unanimously accepted as read. CONSIDERATION OF WEBSTER-MARTIN, CONSULTING ENGINEERS' REPORT Town Manager Janes read from a communication from Webster-Martin, Inc., which quoted an estimate of $25,000 for cost of construction, and a price of $2,850.00 for cost of engineering for the sewering of the Red Rocks area. Costs of easements would be in addition to these costs. Chairman Behney said this work would also take care of the lower Lyons Avenue area. Mr. Szymanski reported that no Federal or State aid was anticipated for the work. Mr. Janes recommended approval of the Webster-Martin, Inc. report saying the construction could possibly be financed through the surplus sewer fund. Mr. Stearns made a motion to adopt the recommendation regarding the sewering of Red Rocks and the lower Lyons Avenue area. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Town Engineer Szymanski mentioned that the cost of burying electrical cables to the treatment plant had been estimated at about $6,000, which he considered excessive and he was waiting for a breakdown of the figures. TREATMENT PLANT PLAQUE Town Manager Janes distributed typed concepts of the plaque to be erected at the Bartlett's Bay treatment plant. The Selectmen agreed they had not objections to be concept. Chairman Behney pointed out that a correction should be made in Mr. Janes' middle initial. SECOND READING - ORDINANCE TO CONTROL THE SANITARY LANDFILL IN SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT Miss Leigh Graffam, spokesman for Middle School Students Thomas Tetreault, John Sullivan and Sharon Shepard reported that they had conducted a poll of residents asking whether or not they would like to have established Municipal Rubbish Collection. They questioned 1082 persons, receiving 1030 yes answers and 52 nos. She said the prime concern in conducting the poss was to find an alternative to the burning in residential incinerators. Mr. Jack Naylor questioned why we contracted with the town of Shelburne to allow them to use our landfill. He could see no reason for any other community to use the landfill. Chairman Behney explained that South Burlington and the Board is committed to inter-municipal co-operation, but Mr. Naylor still said he felt we should not allow any other towns to use the dump. Mr. Janes said he knew that Mr. Aske, Town Manager of Shelburne, is working on Shelburne getting into its own system. Mr. Naylor complimented those responsible for maintaining the dump, saying they were doing a fine job. There was further discussion on the rates to be charged and mention was made that an amendment be drafted to change the language in paragraph B to clarify the description of anything over ¾ ton trucks. Mr. Blais made a motion to adopt the ordinance as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Town Manager Janes was then instructed to see that an amendment was drafted to clarify the language in paragraph B in regard to description of the trucks. The ordinance as adopted follows: SECOND READING - AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CONTROL AND PREVENTION OF FIRE Chairman Behney read the pertienent parts of the above ordinance, expecially in regard to the residential burning hours which are set from 6 A.M. to 11 A.M. and explained in detail the part relating to violations and penalties. Mr. Stearns moved that the ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney recommended that we get out as much publicity as possible on the change in the residential burning hours. The ordinance as passed follows: LIBRARY READING ROOM REPORT Miss Menard of the Middle School Library gave a report for the Committee that had been appointed to study the establishment of a library in South Burlington. She said the committee had met four or five times, and had discussed the following: 1. What kind of a library should be established? 2. What services should be offered? 3. Where will the facility be located? 4. Is there evidence of need, and will the town receive outside support? The Committee's findings on each item were as follows: 1. As we can't meet every type of reading interest, and would because of the cost involved have a small number of volumes, we decided to concentrate on books for pre-schoolers and adults. 2. The Committee felt the need was to have reading and listening rooms, and story hours for pre schoolers. 3. The Committee feels the basement of the Central School is a suitable location, as it has good entrances and exits and is available to bus transportation. 4. Research in the use by South Burlingtonians of the St. Albans Bookmobile, and the Fletcher Free Library, proves that South Burlington needs and could support such a library. In regard to financing such a library concept, Miss Menard felt that it would be necessary to purchase about 1700 books. We would receive the balance needed by conducting a book drive, and obtaining some on a rotating basis from the St. Albans Bookmobile. She felt that hiring a professional librarian for 24 hrs. weekly, or 4 hours a day for 6 days, plus volunteer help would be sufficient. LIBRARY READING ROOM REPORT Selectman Blais commented on the comprehensive report given by Miss Menard, and Chairman Behney and Selectman Stearns also congratulated here on the thoroughness of the Committee's work. Mr. Blais made a motion to charge the Library Committee to coordinate efforts on the budget with the Town Manager for the purpose of establishing the concept of a Reading Room Library for fiscal 71-72. Seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST – ALL EN ROAD - BUSINESS A TO BUSINESS B Chairman Behney read a proposed ordinance to rezone a parcel of land at the corner of Shelburne and Allen Roads from Business District A to Business District B, explaining the change was being requested by Donald Brisson for Al's Outboard Motor Company. Mr. Stearns made a motion to pass the first reading and forward the ordinance to the Planning Commission for its recommendation. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. FIRE STATION PLAQUE Mr. Blais reported that the Fire Station Plaque has been shipped, and should be here in a day or two. CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT - WM. KELLNER Mr. Kellner listed the communities served by the Regional Planning Commission and noted what each town considered the five most important matters to be studied and acted upon by the Commission. In effect, as Mr. Stearns pointed out, the towns' main concerns were Water and Sewer Systems, Transportation and Traffic Studies, and Recreation. CHITTENDEN COUNTY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT, CONTINUED Mr. Kellner was questioned by the Board members as to why the Commission is not apparently concentrating on these important areas of interest to the communities. It was pointed out that the Commission seems overly concerned with regional police concepts, for instance, whereas the towns do not list this item with any degree of importance. Town Manager Janes wondered why South Burlington had not received any action of a request made previously that the town play a role in the drafting of a job description and the hiring of a Regional Police Planner. Mr. Kellner said that definite action on this has not as yet taken place, but that certainly South Burlington could play a role in the drafting of the description as well as the hiring of such a person. Mr. Kellner was asked if the Commission had recommended a definite location for the proposed Route 7. He said no definite location had been recommended. After more discussion, Mr. Kellner was instructed that the Town of South Burlington's major point of interest was transportation, which encompasses the Belt Line location, Route 7 location, Pine Street Extension, and the Topics study in the area. Charlotte Marsh said the Regional Planning Commission doesn't seem to consult the towns as to their wants. Mr. Kellner pointed out that the Commission is made up of members from each town, that the Commission was trying to be objective and do what the people want. Mr. Kellner was thanked for his presentation. FIRST READING - WIRE INSPECTOR ORDINANCE As the entire reading of the proposed ordinance was waived, Chairman Behney read the pertinent parts of the proposed wire inspector ordinance. Mr. Blais moved to pass the first reading of the proposed ordinance covering electrical inspections. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. RESIGNATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION - LEON P. IGNASZEWSKI Chairman Behney read in full a letter from Leon P. Ignaszewski from the South Burlington Planning Commission. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the resignation with regret and to so advise Mr. Ignaszewski by letter. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REQUESTS FOR WAIVERS OF SEWER INSTALLATIONS Chairman Behney explained that requests for permission to delay connecting to the town's sanitary sewer were being received from residents. Mr. Blais made a motion that those who have or do make requests for a waiver of connection to the sewer be granted the request by the Town Manager, because of the bad weather, but the waiver to be in effect no later than June 1, 1971. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S JOB DESCRIPTION Town Manager Janes noted the important parts of the new description for the position of Recreation Director and said much of the description was paraphrased from the State's form. RECREATION DIRECTOR'S JOB DESCRIPTION, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the job description. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. A copy of the job description is filed with and made a part of these minutes. AMENDMENT TO PERSONNEL POLICY - FRIENDLY TOWN AMENDMENT Chairman Behney read in full a Friendly Town Amendment as prepared by Town Manager Janes who explained why he felt such an amendment was necessary. The Amendment reads as follows: "It shall be the duty of each and every person, employed in the classified service of the Town of South Burlington, to conduct his office in a professional manner and in a manner which carries with it the sincere impression that the Town of South Burlington is a friendly place in which to live, to work, to raise your children and to operate a successful business." Mr. Stearns made a motion to amend the Personnel Rules and Regulations to include the friendly town amendment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. CONSIDERATION FOR RED ROCKS CAMPER Chairman Behney explained that a South Burlington property owner who also owns a camp at Red Rocks had asked for special consideration in regard to the taxes on his camp. Mr. Stearns said he felt that the resident should not have special treatment and made a motion to deny the request for Mr. Campbell for special treatment and to write a specific letter on it to him. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REVIEW AND ACTION OF SECOND FRONT-END LOADER, AND MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Mr. Stearns made a motion to table action on the above item. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and so passed. It was decided that Mr. Stearns, Mr. Blais would Meet with Town Manager Janes, Town Engineer Szymanski, and Highway Foreman Audette to study the loader proposals, and they would report back on January 4, 1971. LISTER PATRICIA FASTIGGI'S REPORT The Selectmen had a written report on the status of the Personal Property Tax appraisal. They thanked Mrs. Fastiggi for the report, a copy of which is filed with and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Stearns made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 11:10 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.