HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/07/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Cafeteria on Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, December 7, 1970 at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Charles H. Behney, Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns and Frederick G. Blais. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte C. Marsh, Mrs. Nan Frymoyer, Mrs. Pat Fastiggi, Reporter George Lambert, Town Engineer Szymanski, Acting Superintendent of Public Works Audette, Franklyn McCaffrey and Code Officer Ward. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairman Behney opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the pledge of Allegiance to the flag. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 16, 1970 MEETING On a motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and passed unanimously, the minutes of the November 16, 1970 meeting were approved as read. DISBURSEMENTS TO SIGN Chairman Behney announced that the disbursement orders were on the table and asked the Selectmen to sign them before the meeting was over. REQUEST FOR RECOGNITION - SOUTH BURLINGTON STREET DEPARTMENT UNION - MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION The Town Manager's recommendation in regard to the request of the Street Department for recognition of the Union was that a petition may be filed with the State Labor Relations Board, signed by 30% of the employees, requesting the Labor Relations Board to hold a hearing on the question of representation, and, in lieu of the hearing, the Town and the Association could file a stipulation with the State Labor Board consenting to an election on the question of representation. Mr. Stearns made a motion to accept the Town Manager's recommendation Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING - PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR SANITARY LANDFILL CONTROL The Selectmen voted to waive the complete reading of the proposed ordinance for Sanitary Landfill Control. Selectmen Blais said he was delighted to see that the proposed 25 cent fee for residents had been deleted, and Selectman Premo questioned the 24 hour violation. Mr. Stearns made a motion to pass the first reading and to have the ordinance advertised for a second reading, Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. INTRODUCTION AND FIRST READING - PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE CONTROL AND PREVENTION OF FIRES The Selectmen voted to waive the complete reading of the proposed ordinance for the Control and Prevention of Fires. Town Manager Janes remarked that a sub-committee composed of Mr. Blais, Mr. Ward, and Fire Chief Monell had worked on the ordinance. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE CONTROL AND PREVENTION OF FIRES, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns made a motion to pass the first reading and to have the ordinance advertised for a second reading. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE INSPECTION OF WIRE INSTALLATION In discussing different aspects of the proposed ordinance to provide for the inspection of wire installations Selectman Premo noted that he felt the Electrical Inspector should be hired by the Town Manager, not appointed by the Board. The Board and Town Manager agreed on this and felt the inspector should be a classified employee, and a job description should be drafted. Mr. Stearns made a motion to have section 2 rewritten and to table the first reading until the next meeting. Mr. Premo seconded the motion which passed unanimously. VARIOUS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Town Manager mentioned briefly various departmental reports and correspondence, copies of which had been forwarded to the Selectmen. He noted a letter from the City of Montpelier noting the South Burlington people who attended an In-Service Training Session on Communications. A letter from Miss Graffam and other students in regard to pollution and trash collection, a copu of a letter from the Town Clerk in regard to the Bond Bank, the Crash Phones Agreement with the Airport, a report from the deputy tax collector, a legal opinion on the San Remo easement, the fire department report for the month of November, Phase IV sewer progress report, a letter from Forrest Orr which had included a check for $152,000 for the State's share of the Red Rocks purchase, and a letter in regard to the town's method of tax collection received from resident Emory Richardson. VARIOUS DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS, CONTINUED Chairman Behney commented that the $152,000.00 received from the state toward the purchase of Red Rocks was more than was anticipated. Chairman Behney read in full the letter from Emory Richardson which was a well written, humorous, commentary on the wording of our statements used in the collection of delinquent poll taxes. REVIEW OF FRONT-END LOADER QUOTATIONS The Town Manager recommended that consideration of the purchase of a front-end loader be tabled until the next regular meeting. The Selectmen agreet to this. AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE PLANNING CONTRACT Mr. Stearns made a motion to authorize Chairman Behney to sign the contract with the Vermont Planning Agency for the rewriting of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinances and the Subdivision Regulations. The cost to the town to be $1,000.00 to be paid in five months. Motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. ONE TITLE CHANGE RE: PERSONNEL PLAN - MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Town Manager Janes recommended that the South Burlington Rules and Regulations and Classified Plan be amended to change the title "Bookkeeping Machine Operator" to "Bookkeeper", noting that the job description for the position describes the work of a bookkeeper rather than a machine operator. Mr. Blais made a motion to adopt the Manager's recommendation. Motion seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO WINOOSKI PARK AUTHORITY Chairman Behney read a recommendation from Mrs. Barbara Bull, Chairwoman of the Natural Resources Committee, that Mr. Wallace Hill and Mr. Frederic O. Sargent be appointed to the Winooski Park Authority. Selectman Premo made a motion to appoint Mr. Hill and Mr. Sargent as South Burlington representatives to the Winooski Park Authority. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais, and passed unanimously. As the third appointee has to be a member of the Town Planning Commission, Chairman Behney said he would bring the matter to the attention of the Planning Commission at its next meeting so the appointment could be made. SELECTMEN TO SIGN STATE AGREEMENT FOR PHASE II OF THE STATE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM On the recommendation of Police Chief Carter and the Town Manager, Mr. Stearns made a motion to sign the agreement for phase II of the State Communications System, whereby the town will acquire 4 portable radios at a cost of $720.00 to be paid for out of next year's budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. REVIEW OF VARIOUS CORRESPONDENCE Town Manager Janes reviewed a letter from Montpelier explaining the paperwork involved to have the state pay for half of fire-fighting tools. The Selectmen signed the forms which are to be returned to Montpelier, and a check for $88.00 will be forthcoming. REPORT OF LOW BIDDER - RELOCATION OF DORSET STREET INTERSECTION William Szymanski, Town Engineer, said we received three sealed bids as follows: Willis Construction Company $3492.50 Engineers, Inc.$3809.50 Giroux Septic Tank Sales & Service #3287.00 The Selectmen discussed with the Town Engineer the fact that all the projects planned for this year could not be done if the relocation is taken care of. The Town Engineer recommended that the Board accept Giroux's low bid of $3287.00 for the relocation work, and make that job and the reconstruction of Van Sicklen Road top priority. Mr. Blais made a motion to adopt the Town Engineer's recommendations, to accept Giroux's low bid of $3287.00 for the relocation work, and to make that job and the reconstruction of Van Sicklen Road top priority. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and voted unanimously. Further discussion determined that the work planned for Dumont Avenue and for Charles Street would be done next year. SELECTMEN SIGN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BURLINGTON FOR SEAGRAVE AERIAL LADDER TRUCK Fire Chief Monell explained the advantages of being able to use the Seagrave Aerial Ladder Truck and ennumerated its features. The lease will cost $1.00 per year, South Burlington to furnish liability coverage and take care of the maintenance. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the lease agreement as drawn up and the Chairman authorized to sign, also that we express our gratitude for Burlington's offer. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. CHAIRMAN BEHNEY - DEDICATION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT AND SOUTH BURLINGTON'S RESPONSE TO AN EMERGENCY SITUATION Chairman Behney said he would like to take this opportunity to express his personal thanks to everyone who participated in the dedication of the new Fire Department. He mentioned the delicious refreshments and the sincere enthusiasm shown by everyone connected with the affair. At this time he also commented on the great effort expended by the firemen, both regular and volunteer, the Highway and Police Department and town employees who helped in the emergency caused by the crashing of an airplane in South Burlington the same afternoon. Mr. Stearns in speaking of the dedication said it was the most professional job of putting on an open house that he had ever experienced, noting that nothing was overlooked. MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION ON 71-72 BUDGET DATES In regard to the 71-72 budget, Town Manager Janes pointed out on a chart the dates he had established as deadlines for the different operations in formulating a proposed budget for presentation to the Selectmen, School Board and Press by January 11, 1971. Mr. Janes asked the Board's pleasure on when to hold the Budget Hearing, on January 25, 1971 or February 1, 1971. The Board agreed to hold the Budget Hearing at the latest date, on February 1, 1971. LIBRARY - MR. BLAIS Selectman Blais remarked that now that we are going into budget matters he thought that the women who had been working as a committee on the establishment of a library, should come before the Board with the findings. The men agreed to this. On motion made by Mr. Premo and seconded by Mr. Blais, the Board voted to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. Approved Frederick G. Blais, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.