HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/10/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 10, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, August 10, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais, and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT Gregory L. Premo OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Doctor C. M. Gluck, Reporter George Lambert, Mrs. Patricia Fastiggi, Charlotte C. Marsh, Town Engineer Szymanski, and Code Officer Richard Ward. MINUTES OF THE JULY 27, 1970, MEETING Mr. Blais noted a correction in the last paragraph on page 14 as follows"....... Board go on record as requesting that the contractor or town help make a cost study....." - Change the word contractor to Consulting Engineer, i.e., Webster-Martin, Inc. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais, and passed unanimously. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Chairman Behney mentioned that the orders would be on the table for signing by the Selectmen after the formal meeting. SHELBURNE ROAD UTILITY AGREEMENTS Town Engineer Szymanski explained that the town is responsible for the labor and costs of moving sewer lines, water lines, and street lights, made necessary by the installation of a fifth lane on Shelburne Road by the State. Estimated cost to town $2,775.00. He requested the Selectmen vote on an authorized agent to sign the agreements. Mr. Stearns moved to authorize the Town Manager to execute all documents pertinent to the widening of Shelburne Road. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Stearns initiated a discussion concerning the trees that have to be removed because of the above construction. Charlotte Marsh and Mr. Szymanski both said they planned to have trees planted within the cemetery fence since the trees on the street side would have to be removed. Mr. Stearns said when any trees are removed in town some sort of planting replacement should be considered and implemented. REPORT FROM DR. CHARLES GLUCK - HEALTH OFFICER Dr. Gluck said that as Health Officer he did not have the time or training needed to handle the growing number of complaints, most of which were not strictly health items, but rather problems which could best be taken care of by a sanitary engineer. He mentioned the possibility of South Burlington hiring such a sanitary engineer on a shared basis with other communities. Town Manager Janes reported on some corrective measures taken in the light of complaints received by him and Dr. Gluck regarding the odor emanating from one of our installations. Mr. Janes suggested that the Code Officer work on the complaints as received by Dr. Gluck and Dr. Gluck said he would be glad to help out. REPORT FROM DR. CHARLES GLUCK, CONTINUED Mr. Stearns made a motion to instruct the Town Manager to explore the best way of providing a Sanitary Engineer for the Town of South Burlington. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. TOWN MANAGER RECOMMENDATION ON RESIDENT ENGINEER FOR PHASE IV SEWER Before this item was considered, Selectmen Pizzagalli asked that it be put on record that he would not partake in this or any furture discussion on the Phase IV Sewer Project until after the awarding of the contract. Mr. Janes read his recommendation which was that Mr. Alfred Mossey be appointed as resident engineer for Phase IV sewer project. Mr. Janes said this was also the recommendation of Webster-Martin, the town's consulting engineers. In answer to questioning by Selectman Blais, Mr. Szymanski explained the difference between the resident engineer and the inspectors. Mr. Janes said the hiring of the inspectors was not necessary at this time, and should be considered later on. Mr. Stearns made a motion to go along with the Town Manager's recommendation and appoint Mr. Alfred G. Mossey as Chief Resident Engineer. Motion seconded by Mr. Blais, and the vote was 2 in favor, with Mr. Pizzagalli abstaining. CRIMINAL STRIKE TEAM Chairman Behney read the Police Chief's recommendation on the Criminal Strike Team, and drew the Board's attention to the Town Manager's recommendation and the letter of July 14, 1970 from the coordinators of the Team. Both the Chief and Town Manager recommended participation in the Criminal Strike Team, and Chairman Behney then read the following resolution: CRIMINAL STRIKE TEAM, CONTINUED RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE CHITTENDEN COUNTY CRIMINAL STRIKE TEAM WHEREAS, the South Burlington Board of Selectmen is aware of the fact that certain individuals have engaged, and continue to engage, in felonious activities on a county-wide basis and that such criminals do not restrict their activities to the geographic limits of any one municipality, and WHEREAS, the Board of Selectmen recognizes the desirability of participating in a force which operates across municipal borders to seek out, apprehend, and bring to justice those persons who break our local, state and national laws, said inter-municipal force having been created to supplement informal arrangements which have existed for many years among area Chiefs of Police, and WHEREAS, the Town Manager and the Chief of Police have recommended to the Board that the Town participate in the Criminal Strike Team established by the Chittenden County State's Attorney, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Manager be and he hereby is authorized to inform the Chittenden County State's Attorney that the Town will participate in the Criminal Strike Team in accordance with the provisions of a memorandum from the Burlington Police Department dated July 14, 1970, which memorandum is hereby ordered annexed to the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting of August 10, 1970, and be it further, RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the Board be and he hereby is directed to send a true copy of this Resolution to the Chairmen of the Legislative bodies of each of the other six municipalities participating in the Criminal Strike Team. Approved August 10, 1970 s/ James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Mr. Pizzagalli moved to accept the resolution. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of passage. Mr. Blais expressed his pleasure in accepting the resolution. RESOLUTION RE: REGIONALIZATION OF POLICE SERVICES Selectman Pizzagalli read a resolution he had drafted in support of the concept of Regionalized Police Services as outlined in a study made by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, as follows: RESOLUTION RE: REGIONALIZATION OF POLICE SERVICES RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN SUPPORTING THE CONCEPT OF REGIONALIZED POLICE SERVICES IN CHITTENDEN COUNTY WHEREAS, the South Burlington Board of Selectmen recognizes the manifold advantages which can accrue from the consolidation of personnel and facilities in the fields of crime prevention and detection, public safety, traffic control, and related areas, and WHEREAS, the Board of Selectmen supports the concept of regional government in those instances where the needs and wants of citizens may be more efficiently and effectively served thereby, and WHEREAS, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has delivered to the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission a study dealing with the concept of regionalization of police services in Chittenden County and the advantages and methods of providing such services on an inter-municipal basis in this County, and WHEREAS, the South Burlington Board of Selectmen is desirous of publicly indicating its support of the concept of regionalization of police services, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Burlington Board of Selectmen THAT, the Board of Selectmen hereby publicly announces its support of a plan of regional police protection to be established in accordance with such plans as might be developed by representatives of the affected municipalities and generally along the lines of the plan outlined in the International Association of Chiefs of Police report, and THAT, the Board of Selectmen hereby requests that the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission takes action to the end that steps may be taken toward the implementation in the near future of a regional plan of police services in the manner provided by law, said near-term implementation to be in those areas where the need for centralized services is particularly acute, and on a longer-range basis, that action be initiated to provide for complete police regionalization, if such action be found feasible, and THAT, the Clerk of the Board be and he hereby is directed to transmit a true copy of this Resolution to the Chairman of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission and to the South Burlington representative thereon, Mr. William D. Kellner. Approved August 10, 1970 James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to adopt the resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns. During the discussion that followed the motion Chairman Behney pointed out that South Burlington has always been a leader in cooperating with neighboring communities in other areas, and said he applauded the motion as South Burlington is interested in the common good in a regional approach. Selectmen Pizzagalli said he felt it was important that we move fast if we wish the study to be implemented, and this will indicate to the Regional Planning Commission that we want to see some action taken. Chairman Behney called for a vote. The vote was unanimous in favor of adopting the resolution. LAW ENFORCEMENT STUDY COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Chairman Behney said the Board had been requested to appoint a Board member to sit in on the meetings of the Law Enforcement Study Committee of the C.C.R.P.C. Mr. Blais made a motion to nominate Mr. Pizzagalli as Board representative to the above Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. NEW ENCLAND MANAGER'S INSTITUTE (AUG. 19-21, 1970) ORONE. MAINE Mr. Stearns noted that the agenda of the program at the above institute contained many pertinent items, and made a motion that the Town Manager, Robert M. Janes, attend the Institute. The motion was seconded by Mr. Blais and passed unanimously. PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS - ASSISTANT TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR - MEMO 34 The Town Manager's recommendation for three personnel improvements was read in part. (Two items referring to the Highway Department were not considered due to the absence of the Highway Department foreman). PERSONNEL IMPROVEMENTS - ASSISTANT TREATMENT PLANT OPERATOR - MEMO 34, CONTINUED The balance of the recommendation read in part "I further strongly recommend that our capable Assistant Treatment Plant Operator, Mr. Willis Estus, be advanced from pay scale 10 to 11. ......" Mr. Blais made a motion to accept the Town Manager's recommendation to raise the Assistant Treatment Plant Operator's pay level from 10 to 11. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion which passed unanimously. REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE - CONSULTANT - MEMO NO. 36 Town Manager Janes read a memo in which he asked about the possibility of hiring a consultant to assist him in several areas. Mr. Stearns said he was opposed to the hiring of temporary consultants, and Mr. Pizzagalli said that actually from the Town Manager's figures the consultant would be hired for approximately just 6 days. In discussing the many items of business that should be finalized, it was decided that the Town Manager would forward a list of the items to each Selectman to see if they can't resolve the matter. Mr. Stearns said he felt that possibly the Board could decide, when giving charges to Mr. Janes at the Monday meetings, just what items are most important so that he would spend his time on those. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT ON CONSULTANT AND UPGRADING SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND ZONING ORDINANCES Chairman Behney read a letter from the Chairman of the Planning Commission, Mr. Lamphere, which stated that a Committee of two (Mr. Allard and Mr. Haigis) has been appointed to work on the upgrading of the Regulations and the Ordinances, and that he (Mr. Behney) had asked them to report back to the Selectmen in a month. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT, CONTINUED Selectmen Blais and Stearns expressed their concern over the delays in getting the work done. Chairman Behney expressed his confidence that a report would be forthcoming the first of September. Selectman Stearns requested that a letter be written to the Planning Commission telling the Commission that the Selectmen expect the report on the rewriting of the Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations on September 8, 1970. APPOINTMENT OF LISTER Mr. Stearns made a motion to appoint Mrs. Patricia Fastiggi to the Board of Listers. Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. RECIPROCAL FIRE AID AGREEMENT WITH THE AIR NATIONAL GUARD Chairman Behney recommended that we accept the Reciprocal Agreement with the Fire Guard which had previously been approved subject to review by the Town Attorney. Mr. Blais made a motion to authorize the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen to sign the Agreement. Motion seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. SIDEWALK PROGRAM Chairman Behney asked the Town Engineer if he had negotiated for bids for the extra sidewalk construction for Chamberlin School. Mr. Szymanski said no, he hadn't, as the drainage work hasn't been done in preparation of the sidewalk construction. Selectman Stearns said the School District was led to believe the sidewalk would be in when school started. He asked if there was any possible way the work could be done on time and said this had been budgeted for, and felt that the Town Manager and the Town Engineer had let the Selectmen down. FIRE HOUSE CHANGE ORDERS - STATUS REPORT Mr. Szymanski, Clerk of the Works for the Fire House construction, explained the cost and reason for several change orders. Town Manager Janes said he wanted it a matter of record that he was against any changes that will bring the cost of construction over $95,000.00. The Town Engineer was instructed to negotiate the cost of the different change orders, as well as ascertain the reason (or fault) for each one. Mr. Blais said he knew of several changes already made by the contractor for which we were not charged. Town Manager Janes and Mr. Stearns both questioned whether or not we could legally spend more than the authorized $95,000.00. RED ROCKS Chairman Behney said we must exercise the option on Red Rocks on August 18, 1970. We are 3 weeks away from BOR funding, Mr. Orr is on vacation, and we are waiting for the appraisal which will be delivered on Saturday. Mr. Blais made a motion that Mr. Behney, as Chairman of the Board, ask for a 60 day extension of the option, pointing out the result of the vote and the progress of the application. Motion was seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli and passed unanimously. HOLMES ROAD OR CROWN ROAD It was decided that Crown Road is the official name of the road in question. CAUSE OF INCREASE IN COST OF TOWN INSURANCE Selectman Blais gave a short report on a meeting with Duane Valine, our insurance carrier, which explained in part the reason for the increased cost in the town's insurance coverage. He said a detailed report will be sent to the town manager, and that Mr. Valine is planning to meet with the department heads to get latest figures on no. of employees, etc. APPOINTMENTS TO BEACH, PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Mr. Stearns made a motion that the following twelve persons be appointed to the newly organized Beach, Park and Recreation Committee: Mrs. Richard A. Anderson Mr. Donald Rathbone Mr. Thomas Racine Mr. Fred W. Sanford Mr. Joseph M. Curtin An appointee from the Kiwanis Club Mr. Arthur J. Dorey An appointee from the Jaycees Mrs. W. J. Schuele The Athletic Director of the High School Mr. Thomas F. Breen A High School student Mr. Blais seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Chairman Behney recommended that the appointees send in resumes to the Chairman of the Committee, who is yet to be appointed by the Selectmen. Selectman Pizzagalli couldn't see any need for resumes. Chairman Behney said that if the Chairman had resumes listing the appointee's recreational interests, it would be beneficial in setting up committees. Mr. Blais made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:50 P.M. Mr. Pizzagalli seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The Board reconvened at 11 P.M. On motion made by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Blais, and unanimously voted, the Board passed the following: To authorize the Town Manager to reimburse street department employee, Patrick Ryan, for his labor in sweeping the General Electric parking lot. Mr. Stearns said that the Selectmen's policy on leasing the street sweeper had been violated and that the Highway Department foreman did not have the authority to loan out that piece of equipment or enter into an agreement for its use. In the future the leasing of the street sweeper will be handled by the Town Engineer, pursuant to the Selectmen's Resolution of May 4, 1970. On motion duly made, seconded, and so passed, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.