HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/03/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 3, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, August 3, 1970, at 6:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli. OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Robert Janes, Code Officer Ward, Fire Chief Monell, Everett Allen, William Yendrzeski, Charlotte Marsh, Wayne Jameson, Chairman of the Town Government Committee; and Kenneth Jarvis and Dorothy Guilford of the Town Government Committee. SANITARY LAND FILL AREA The Town Manager reported to the Board that the Town's Land Fill Area no longer meets Vermont requirements. Selectmen Premo, Stearns and Chairman Behney insisted that our dump should meet the state's standards. Town Manager Janes informed the Board that he would instruct the Town Engineer to bring the Land Fill Area up to state standards. CONSIDERATION OF CHARTER CHANGE PROPOSAL Mr. Jameson, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, reported to the Board on the Committee's recently completed recommended charter changes. Mr. Jameson: Presently it is in the form that would be presented to the voter. When each item is split up, it must be presented separately. J. Ewing is working on making it less complicated. Mr. Premo: How does the School Board feel about the new charter? Mr. Jameson: No reaction. They felt that whatever we came up with would be acceptable to them. CONSIDERATION OF CHARTER CHANGE PROPOSAL, CONTINUED Mr. Premo: What do you consider to be the most important point in question? What will be the public's reaction, in your opinion? Mr. Jameson: I haven't determined that there is any item that has been received with disfavor. The entire document probably wouldn't be reviewed by the public anyway. Mr. Blais: Question to Mr. Behney and Mr. Premo: In the presentation to Kiwanis, was it comprehensible? Mr. Behney: I think everyone understood. Mr. Premo: It almost got too technical. Stay away from the history if you can when telling people about it. Highlight each area of basic change. Mr. Pizzagalli: Why can't we go with a new charter? Mr. Blais: John Ewing says it can't be done. Any time you have a first charter, anything thereafter is an amendment. Mr. Jameson: Question to the Board: Did anyone find anything missing? Mr. Pizzagalli: Does the School District disappear as an entity? Mr. Jameson: John Ewing will determine. Mr. Pizzagalli: If the School Department wishes to exceed the formula appropriation and it has to go to a vote, must the Selectmen approve the ballot question? Doesn't this give the Selectmen a veto power? Mr. Blais: Not if the School Department is a separate district. Mr. Pizzagalli: Would they have to have our approval to increase the budget above your formula? Mr. Jameson: It will depend on legal status of School Department; Mr. Ewing will report. Mr. Pizzagalli: He will also determine whether land will be owned by town or district? Mr. Jameson: Yes. I am assuming that we will have a city structure with two separate heads - school and town. Mr. Pizzagalli: The present charter is rather ambiguous as to whether an appropriation is for a specific purpose (line item) or whether there is a gross appropriation to each department. Also, there has always been a question as to the Selectmen's powers in transferring funds between departments. Does the new charter clear up these ambiguities? See, for example, Sec. 1104 and 1106. CONSIDERATION OF CHARTER CHANGE PROPOSAL, CONTINUED Mr. Jameson: We made no changes in those paragraphs in existing charter. We never discussed changing this. Mr. Behney: It may be worthwhile taking a look at it. Mr. Pizzagalli: What power do Selectmen have to spend excess revenues? I think it might be advisable to give Selectmen the power to spend up to 2% beyond the budget plus excess revenues without having to report to a special town meeting. Mr. Jameson: I think excess revenue may be controlled by state statute. We will put it in the charter. Mr. Stearns: Suggested that it be used for debt reduction. Mr. Pizzagalli: Does our charter still comply with new Vermont Planning Act? Sec. 701 (a): Chairman of Selectmen should be voting member of Planning Commission. Sec. 702 (d): Representative to Regional Planning Commission should be appointed by, and report to, Selectmen. Mr. Jameson: No change made to Chapter 7 of existing charter. Mr. Pizzagalli: Question 10, dealing with the calling of meetings, etc.: Would the Chairman still have the power to call a special meeting? Mr. Blais: Yes. We could call a special meeting, see Sec. 305 (a). Mr. Pizzagalli: We might ask Mr. Ewing if we still have that power. Mr. Jameson: Suggested that in 303 (c) "The Chairman shall review the agenda of regular Council meetings..." INSERT THE WORK REGULAR. Mr. Pizzagalli: Concerned about question 10. Thirty days is too long a period to warn a vacancy; many times we can't wait that long to fill an opening. Mr. Jameson: Many of the townspeople felt that most of the vacancies are filled before they even know about it. Mr. Pizzagalli: 30 days seems to be too long. Five days should be sufficient. Mr. Blais: Five days too short a time. Mr. Jameson: I feel that 15 days would be good. I agree that 30 might be too long. Dot Guilford agreed 15 days is good. Mr. Stearns: Is there a procedure for personal interviews? Mr. Jameson: No. Mr. Behney: You would incorporate that under number 7. CONSIDERATION OF CHARTER CHANGE PROPOSAL, CONTINUED Mr. Pizzagalli: It can get long and involved. Mr. Jameson: It could be put in the warning at that time. Mr. Jarvis: Would you take a person, not knowing him? Mr. Stearns: I would like to know the person. Mr. Pizzagalli: If everyone knows the fellow - no need for resume. Mr. Stearns: It's quite common to keep good files on employees. Mr. Behney: Background information good for news releases and gives Chairman a sketch of his committeeman. Mr. Jameson: Sec. 310 (c) (7) of Question 10: Should there be a separate area for regular appointments or reappointments? Is there always a need for a resume? Would you feel that we need a clarification of work "vacancy?" Mr. Stearns: Ask John Ewing. Mr. Blais: Question 10 - Under present charter, dealing with removal, you have to prove crimes involving moral turpitude. Mr. Janes: Can we consider possibility of changing word "charges" to "due cause" in Sec. 310 (c) (8) of Question 10? Mr. Behney: Would the Board like the Town Attorney to be present on Wednesday? Mr. Pizzagalli: Yes Mr. Pizzagalli: Moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Premo: Seconded Mr. Pizzagalli: Withdrew motion, pending question from volunteer fireman. Mr. Premo: Withdrew second to motion. Discussion on pros and cons of taking new pumper to parade in Rutland this Saturday. Mr. Behney: Suggested that it was an administrative matter. Mr. Janes: Went into some detail as to shy the truck should stay in South Burlington. Mr. Premo: Moved for adjournment Mr. Pizzagalli: Seconded. Voted unanimously. Adjourned at 7:35 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.