HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - Public Art Selection Committee - 10/19/20211 South Burlington Public Art Selection Committee Meeting minutes October 19, 2021 Approved 11/16/2021 In attendance: Michele Bailey, Amanda Holland, Jean Sebastien Chaulot, Penne Tompkins, Trice Stratmann, Ilona Blanchard (staff), Daniel Zeese (for interview) Meeting convened at 6:08. Daniel Zeese was present for Curator Candidate interview. Trice approved minutes, Jean seconded. Minutes were approved unanimously. Ilona noted that the “Call for artists” is not yet ready for review yet. Curator Interview: Daniel Zeese spoke about his experience and what he would like to do as new curator for the SBP Art Gallery. Jean moved to appoint Daniel for the new curator position, Trice seconded. Committee members voted unanimously to approve Daniel as new curator for gallery space. Ilona will proceed to let him know and to draw up a contract for his appointment. The next show proposed for the gallery space will be five artists from the Vermont Watercolor Society. Martin Lalonde (president), Lauren Wooden, Joey Bibeau, Lynn Cumming and Alice Eckles. Committee discussed that an artists statement should be received from each artist in the show. Trice stated that each artist needs to submit with their work a list of paintings including the title and date. Jean motioned to approve the proposed Watercolor Show, Amanda seconded. Unanimous approval. Opening is scheduled for “Hometown Watercolorists”, November 4th, 5:30-6:30, no food will be served due to covid. Dates for show: November 1, 2021 – January 7, 2021 The committee expressed the hope that Daniel could help with hanging the show on Monday November 1st, 9:00am. He will need to be contacted, also needs to sign contract beforehand. Promo will include a photo of Martin’s work and Lynn’s work. A postcard size graphic from Canva of each artist should be done with SB information/Logo and sent out to each artist for their own PR. Amanda offered to help on cards. Artist should be encouraged to send their postcard out to their mailing lists. Penne will contact “Other Paper” to suggest an interview with Martin or Lynn. Press releases will be sent out to Essex, Middlebury, 7-days, Other Paper and Vermont Arts Council Calendar, Michele will handle this. Other locations: Facebook Instagram, Twitter, City Center Page, Community News Page. 2 Reception, music was suggested. SB Public Art Selection Committee Resolution: The committee reviewed the draft Council resolution that would expand the committee purpose to advising the City Council on matters related to art and engage in activities to encourage art in the community and support artists. “Selection” will be removed from the Committee name to allow for a wider scope for the SB Public Art Committee. Michele had to leave the meeting but stated that she supported the resolution amending the committee charge. Amanda motioned to approve recommending the resolution updating the committee charge, Jean seconded. Unanimous approval. Michele was not present. Annual work plan: Change: Amanda would like to add the coordination of city departments and staff to inform SBPAC regarding proposed Public art installations. Amanda will make these edits to the Annual Work Plan. Jean motioned to accept revised SBPA Work Plan for 2022, Trice seconded. Unanimous approval. Other Business: SBPA Web page needs to be updated, someone needs to contact Coralee to add paragraph about the value of accessible art in the community. And a list all public art, with locations displayed in SB. Crayons, Wind sculpture (Kimble Ave.), Hive wall sculpture, Whales Tails, Healthy Living, Gooses and Clock. Artists should be encouraged to submit work to be shown in the gallery on City website. It was suggested the Public Art Web Page have an additional page/link for the art gallery and a page be developed for the gallery. CIP Funds: We have $5,000 budgeted for this fiscal year. Which needs to be spent by June 30th, 2022. The committee will discuss ideas at the next regular meeting determine by December 2021. Ideas related to ARPA potential funding. Cultural Plan, Temporary Art, Theater production, Summer Art Series, Scholarships for participants in local art organizations/schools. Next meeting Thursday, November 16 at 6 pm. Adjourn 7:57 3 Respectfully submitted by Trice Stratmann