HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/13/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING APRIL 13, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School Library on Dorset Street, on Monday, April 13, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo; Raymond E. Stearns and James C. Pizzagalli. MEMBERS ABSENT Frederick G. Blais OTHERS PRESENT Robert M. Janes, Town Manager; Tax Commissioner Lawrence Wright; Mr. G. Carlson; Mr. Donald Wood; James Alexander and Arthur W. Bradshaw from the Vermont Tax Department; Irving Douglas and William Bailey, South Burlington Listers; Fire Chief Monell; Charlotte C. Marsh; Fred Hackett; Peter L. Yankowski; John D. Donoghue; George G. Smith; Henry Caswell, Jr.; Richard Greene; Franklyn McCaffrey; Douglas Tudhope; and about twenty other South Burlington residents. APRIL 20, 1970 MEETING Chairman Behney announced that the Board would not hold its regular meeting on Monday, April 20, 1970, due to the School District meeting being held on that date. READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 2, AND APRIL 6, 1970 MEETING On a motion made by Mr. Pizzagalli and seconded by Mr. Stearns, the Board unanimously approved the following corrections to the minutes of the April 6, 1970 meeting. READING OF THE MINUTES OF APRIL 2 AND APRIL 6, 1970, MEETINGS, CONT'D. In paragraph 1 on page 3 - add the following sentence after the first sentence. The appointment of the member from the High School Senior class is for one year terms. In paragraph 2 on page 5 of the item "Appointment of Selectmen to Town Government Committee" - Equitable of New Hampshire should be changed to Equity Publishing Corporation. Lines 5, 6, 7, and 8, on page 6 - should be changed to read as follows: Mr. Pizzagalli moved that the Planning Commission be directed to study the present Subdivision Regulations to clarify the definition of a subdivision to include large building projects and to report back to the Selectmen within two months. On page 6, the item "Code Violations" - should read as follows: Mr. Janes was asked by Mr. Pizzagalli to make a report on code violations, to set aside one week to find those in violation, and to establish procedures to follow up on violations. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 2, 1970 meeting as read, and the minutes of the April 6, 1970, meeting as corrected. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISBURSEMENTS - SIGN ORDERS Chairman Behney suggested that the orders could be reviewed and signed later on, as many persons were present to hear a presentation on the Tax Equalization Survey in Town. INFORMAL HEARING-STATE OF VERMONT TAX EQUALIZATION SURVEY Chairman Behney introduced Commissioner Lawrence Wright of the State Tax Department to those in attendance, explaining that he had requested Mr. Wright and other members of the Tax Department to meet with the Board to explain the State's method of making an equalization survey and to go into other areas relating to tax matters. With the use of prepared charts, Mr. Wright, as well as Mr. Carlson, Mr. Wood, and Mr. Bradshaw, from the Tax Department, detailed the steps involved in making such a survey. Following is the Fair Market Value Computation of the last survey: Listed Value Ratio Used F.M.V. Residential $16,667,845 35.82%$46,532,620 Vacation 112,500 31.15%361,175 Commercial 5,867,460 24.44%24,012,523 Industrial 1,244,800 50.00%2,489,600 Farm 485,080 25.30%1,917,532 Public Land 98,700 50.00%197,400 Timberland .. ..... ..... ... Miscellaneous 424,630 15.13%2,806,303 Totals $24,901,015 $78,317,153 Personal Property 1,726,005 31.15%5,541,402 Total R. E. & Personal $26,727,020 $84,062,844 Mr. Wright pointed out that the survey shows that inequity exists in South Burlington appraisals, that it fairly cries for reappraisal. The Board members asked specific questions in regard to the survey which were answered by the representatives from the State. Mr. Cote, Mr. Henry Caswell, Jr., Mrs. E. Ralph, Mr. Richard Greene, Mr. George Glad, Mr. Fred Hackett, Miss Marsh, and several other interested residents raised several points in regard to the survey as well as the need for reappraisal and received clarification from both the State representatives and the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Wright, in answer to questioning, by Board members and other present, said the equalization survey results did not in any way make any difference in the amount of State Aid Funds received by the School District. INFORMAL HEARING-STATE OF VERMONT TAX EQUALIZATION SURVEY, CONTINUED Mr. Irving Douglas, Chairman of the Board of Listers, gave his views on the subject, and said he was preparing a written recommendation for the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Douglas for the research he had done on the matter and then explained the procedures necessary to initiate a reappraisal, i.e., request of the Listers for expert assistance, or contracting the job to the State or a commercial firm which requires a town vote. Chairman Behney thanked the State personnel for their presentation and announced a five minute recess at 9:45 P.M. He reconvened the meeting at 9:50 P.M. and asked Fire Chief Monell to come forward and report on the progress of the establishment of the Fire Department. STATUS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief Monell reported on detail on the following: 1. Purchase of 2 Custom Pumper trucks from the Maxim Company. 2. The start of a 45 hour Fire Fighting Course which is being attended by 35 call men. 3. Initiation of a promotion system with two promotions already in effect. Promoted to Captain, Mr. George G. Smith and Mr. Vernon Wamsganz. 4. Purchased Motorola Communication System. 5. Ordered 26 signal systems for the call men, and explained how they work. 6. Ordered the installation of 2 "red" phones and one black one. 7. Contracted with the Alco Company on Dorset Street to do the body work and paint the pumper purchased from the City of Vergennes. 8. Made arrangements with Chief Pratt for the repair of Fire Department apparatus by the B.F.D. mechanic. 9. Is working on the question of doing the fire dispatching for Shelburne. Has meetings set up. 10. Explained the rates paid by the state if the department is called out to help control forest fires. STATUS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT, CONTINUED 11. Explained method of safety inspections being held. 12. Reported the following donations to the Fire Dept.: Gaynes - - - - - - 4 slice toaster, one dozen blankets. Grandway - - - - -2 dozen sheets and pillow cases. Mammoth Mart - - - - - Kitchen utensils. 13. Mentioned that he had met with the Chief of the Queen City Patk Fire Department who apparently wants to keep the two departments separate, and said he would meet with them again. 14. Is meeting with the Boy Scouts regularly to instruct them on safety and fire prevention. 15. Is working closely with the Town Manager on purchasing and budget matters. Chairman Behney thanked Chief Monell for his presentation and said he would cooperate with him in his efforts to come to an agreement with the Queen City Park Fire Department. In discussing the matter of violations that are pointed out by the Fire Chief after an inspection, Mr. Premo remarked that there was no ordinance to enforce the corrections. Mr. Pizzagalli said he felt the Board should enact an ordinance enforcing compliance to the Fire Chief's recommendations after an inspection. The Board agreed, and Mr. Stearns suggested that the Town Manager check on this type of ordinance. Mr. Premo remarked that it would be helpful when the Chief was reviewing applicants for full time fireman's position, to hire a man who could type and also perform routine clerical duties. The Fire Chief was advised to get some publicity for his department, especially about the promotions, the fire-fighters' school, and his meetings with the Boy Scout groups. CODIFYING TOWN ORDINANCES Mr. Pizzagalli said he felt the matter of having the South Burlington Ordinances codified was very important. Mr. Janes, Town Manager, was asked to check into firms who specialized in such work, and also to discuss it with the Town Attorney. CHAMPLAIN WATER DISTRICT On a motion made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Stearns, and unanimously voted, the Board adopted the following resolution noting the success of the Champlain Water District in obtaining Federal Aid for water facilities in the area: The secretary was instructed to forward copies of the resolution to Senators Aiken and Prouty, Mr. Jacob, Chairman of the South Burlington Water Commission, and officials of the towns in the District. SIGN TELEPHONE LINE INSTALLATION PETITION The Selectmen accepted and signed a petition for the installation of underground telephone lines on White Street. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to instruct the Town Engineer to write to the utility companies for six month predictions of the construction planned in South Burlington so this type of work can be coordinated. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. POSTPONEMENT OF AGENDA ITEMS The following items were postponed until the meeting of April 27, 1970: 6. Discussion on Selectmen's Newsletter. 7. Report on Central School Lease. 8. Consideration of Financial Statement. REPORTS TO BE GIVEN AT THE APRIL 27, 1970 MEETING BY TOWN MANAGER Town Manager Janes said that he would report on the progress of the application for the Juvenile Act, give a briefing on what has been done in regard to a narcotics program, report on dog control investigation, and summarize the Green-Up Day activities. ANNOUNCEMENT OF JOINT MEETING Chairman Behney announced that the Selectmen would meet with the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board at the Middle School on Friday, April 17, 1970 for discussion of the proposed "Shoppers World". The meeting is set for 3:30 P.M. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD At 11:15 P.M., on a motion made by Mr. Stearns and seconded by Mr. Premo it was moved to recess the Selectmen's meeting and convene as the Liquor Control Board. Voted unanimously. BIG BEN PIZZA RESTAURANT - LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION The Selectmen considered, unanimously approved, and signed the liquor license application of the Big Ben Pizza Restaurant on Shelburne Road. At 11:20 P.M. it was moved by Mr. Stearns, seconded by Mr. Premo, and so moved, to conclude the Liquor Control Board's session and resume the regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen. Voted unanimously. RESIGNATION OF MR. DOUGLAS, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF LISTERS Chairman Behney read a letter of resignation from Mr. Irving L. Douglas, Chairman of the Board of Listers. There was a short discussion on items pertaining to the Listers' office, but no action was taken on the resignation. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.