HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/06/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING April 6, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont in the Library at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Frederick G. Blais; James Pizzagalli; Gregory L. Premo; Raymond E. Stearns. OTHERS PRESENT Robert Janes, Town Manager; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Wayne Jameson, Chairman of Town Government Committee; Mrs. Lynda Christiansen, President of League of Women Voters of South Burlington; Mr. Robert C. Ray, South Burlington Park and Recreation Committee; Mr. F. McCaffrey; Mr. William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer. MINUTES OF MARCH 29, 1970 Motion was made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Pizzagalli to accept the Minutes of March 29, 1970. It was passed unanimously. RESOLUTION - MR. WALTER ANDERSON Mr. Stearns made a motion to adopt the resolution and forward it to Mr. Anderson's family. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. A copy of the Resolution is attached to these Minutes and made a part thereof. RECOMMENDATION ON PURCHASE OF TRACTOR-MOWER Mr. Szymanski requested acceptance of the Ford Tractor-Mower at the low bid of $6,370 which he feels is acceptable. He also requested permission to purchase two additional augers (6" and 9") at an added cost of $115.00 There was discussion. Mr. Behney recommended that both augers be purchased. Mr. Pizzagalli made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Town Engineer to purchase the Ford equipment and the two additional augers. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REPORT OF PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF March 31, 1970 Mr. Robert Ray reported to the Board on the meeting March 31, 1970 when membership was discussed. He feels the committee is too large and suggests a twelve member Board, with the replacement of two members each year. In his opinion, Mr. Reg Godin should be a member ex-officio, without voting power, and should coordinate time and facilities. Mr. Stearns stated that he thinks Mr. Godin should be a voting member of the Board. Mr. Pizzagalli agreed and said he feels any ex-officio member should vote, that Mr. Janes should be able to vote. Mr. Stearns added that he did not think the Director of Recreation should vote. All agreed with him. Mr. Ray explained that about six men would like to be removed from the Committee but he cannot see bringing six new members in. Mr. Stearns thought a turnover at two a year would make a very slow rotation of the Board and felt four would turn the group over faster and get some younger men on the Board which he thinks is badly needed. Mr. Blais remarked that he would like to see a High School member appointed to the Board, either male or female. Mr. Ray said they had been unsuccessful in getting High School students to assist them, even if they paid them, and could see no advantage in putting one on the Board Mr. Stearns called attention to the fact that there are no women on the Board and said he would like to see two women appointed in 1971-1972. Mr. Ray requested him to submit names. It was generally felt that attempts be made to appoint younger men in the future, that the program be reviewed and scrutinized so that the money will be spent where the majority will obtain the most benefit. Mr. Blais moved that the slate of officers as follows be adopted, with a voting member of the High School Senior Class. Membership is to be rotated at the rate of three (3) per year and seats are to be established with initial terms of four, three, two and one and thereafter four year terms: Bartlett Dunkley Maynard Ex Officio: Robert Janes Voting Childs Hart Ray Members Reg Godin Cousens Lamson Swett Dorey Leonard Watson The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. At this point Mr. Behney announced that he had been requested to sit in on the School Board meeting which was then in progress and turned the chair over to Mr. Stearns. Mr. Pizzagalli asked Mr. Ray if, since he is a new member of the Board of Selectmen, he could receive a description of the present program of the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Janes made reference to the State Report of 1969 which he indicated was most informative and said also that he would request Mr. Burnell to furnish a report for him. He will also recommend that one member of the Board of Selectmen will attend the meetings of the Park and Recreation Committee once in a while. He, too, expressed the opinion that men with younger children be appointed to the Board and young people also. Mr. Premo asked Mr. Ray if it would be helpful if the Selectmen sat in with them and expressed the comments discussed tonight and he indicated it would be. Mr. Stearns then asked Mr. Janes and the Selectmen to arrange to be at the next meeting on May 4, 1970 at the Middle School Library. Mr. Ray asked the Board who is going to fix the curbs at Orchard School, since it was difficult to freeze the skating rinks there this year. Mr. Janes replied that he will investigate and requested if Mr. Burnell has problems of this nature and calls him he will try to be of help. The Board expressed thanks to Mr. Ray for his work. A recess was called for ten minutes. ************************ The meeting was reconvened at 9:25 P. M. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE - REPORT BY MR. WAYNE JAMESON, CHAIRMAN Mr. Jameson expressed thanks to the Committee for appointing him Chairman and also thanked the Selectmen for appointing the extra members to the committee, feeling it was a good idea. He explained that members who have been on the Committee for some time feel that enough time has been spent in study; however, the new members do not want to become a rubber stamp and special efforts are being made to bring the new members up to date. He stated that he would like to have the Selectmen meet with his Committee at least twice, and he plans to have his Committee meet with the School Board and Water Commissioners, or any other Board who would like to, within the next two months. He added that it is the feeling of the entire Committee that they do not want to be on the Committee for another year, they would like to get the work done, and he thinks having a deadline set for bringing it to the people for a vote is an absolute necessity. He thinks all Boards should be in general accord, and compromise should be made on specific items. He hopes to come to some kind of agreement which is best for the town. He requested approval of the time table which he had submitted to the Selectmen, to bring this to a vote by September 15, 1970 Mr. Stearns asked why he had selected the date of September 15 to which Mr. Jameson replied that it would save the cost of a special election since it is primary date and, if it was voted on at the November election he fears not enough time or attention would be given it because of the regular elections. He remarked that he would not want it to become a "political football". Mr. Pizzagalli questioned whether it would have greater participation in November but Mr. Jameson still thought another date would be desirable and would not be overshadowed by the elections. He also added that, after the recent Town Meeting, people are more aware of, and interested in, town government. Mr. Stearns stated that it will have a better chance of passing if it is done right. Mr. Jameson agreed and explained that there will be several opportunities to allow people to be heard. Mr. Behney recommended that the schedule of the Town Government Committee be accepted with an arbitrary date for the time schedule on June 1st to look at the schedule. The following meeting dates were set up with the Town Government Committee and the Selectmen: May 11 Middle School Library 7:30 P. M. May 25 " " "" " " Appointment of Selectman to Town Government Committee Mr. Premo moved and Mr. Pizzagalli seconded that Mr. Blais be appointed to the Town Government Committee as representative of the Board of Selectmen. It was passed unanimously. Mr. Jameson reported that Mr. Charles Shea had contacted Equitable of New Hampshire regarding their work on the proposed charter revision and was told that, because of heavy work load they could not handle this for a year. Mr. Shea suggested that the possibility of a local law firm doing it be investigated and having it published locally. Mr. Jameson said his main concern is how much time is required to draft and print it and also to get a cost estimate in order to get money approved. He anticipates it may cost from $1,000 to $2,000 but stressed that this is only a guess. Mr. Behney suggested he get a price and then it will be decided where the money will come from. Mr. Jameson asked the Selectmen how they would like to have the Committee report to them and was told by copies of the minutes and Mr. Blais attending the meetings. SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE - SET-BACKS AND GREEN STRIPS Mr. Blais made a motion that the Planning Commission be requested to review the set-back and green strip Zoning Ordinance for any possible modifications and revisions in all zoning districts and incorporate landscaping requirements. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. Pizzagalli moved that the Planning Commission be directed to study the present Subdivision Regulations to include large commercial building projects which do not have to go to the Planning Commission or the Board of Appeal, and to report back to the Selectmen within two months. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Mr. Pizzagalli asked Mr. Janes to determine whether a Planned District should get a zoning change or merely to the Planning Commission as it is now. Charlotte Marsh presented to Mr. Behney a certified copy of Statute No. 193, State of Vermont which states that a simple majority, and not two thirds, is required on bond issues for munipal improvement. CODE VIOLATIONS Mr. Janes was asked by Mr. Pizzagalli to make a report on code violations and to set aside one week to find those in violation. DOG PROBLEM In answer to Mr. Stearns question on this subject, Mr. Behney stated this would be taken up at the next meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P. M. Approved Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.