HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/02/1970BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING APRIL 2, 1970 The Board of Selectmen held a special meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Thursday, April 2, 1970, at 4:00 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, James C. Pizzagalli and Frederick G. Blais. OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Janes, Irving L. Douglas, Chairman of the Board of Listers; John Lucas, School District Business Administrator; William H. Bailey, Lister; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; and Mr. Arthur Bradshaw from the Vermont Tax Department. Chairman Behney explained the meeting was called to give those present the opportunity to hear Mr. Arthur Bradshaw from the State Tax Department speak on tax matters in general as well as the state's method of arriving at its equalization figures that are used to arrive at the amount of State Aid that is received by the different communities. DISCUSSION ON REAPPRAISAL Mr. Bradshaw said towns usually conducted reappraisals by contracting the job (with private firms or the State) or with expert help as requested by the Board of Listers. He discussed the need of approval by the voters of the town before a reappraisal could be conducted. Selectman Pizzagalli requested that the Town Attorney be asked to forward his written legal opinion of the necessity of a vote by townspeople before any action is taken. DISCUSSION ON REAPPRAISAL, CONTINUED Mr. Lucas expressed his concern over the fact that the School District has very little to go on when estimating the amount of School Aid it might receive, and asked about the value of a reappraisal. Mr. Bradshaw's answer indicated that even though our Grand List is not at a true 50% ratio, the state system of spot checking and equalization takes this into account when determining the amount the school system will receive, unless there was an error in the state's sampling techniques or in the appraisals made in connection with the equalization. The Board members seemed to feel that Mr. Bradshaw's remarks indicated that a reappraisal would not increase the amount of state aid monies received by the School District. Mr. Bradshaw answered many general questions concerning reappraising, and Mr. Behney, Chairman, expressed the thanks of the Board for his attending the meeting. Mr. Douglas, Chairman of the Board of Listers, was asked what his recommendation would be on the reappraisal question. He replied that he would not get into this now as he and the other Listers' main concern was to finalize the present Grand List and all the details connected with it. Chairman Behney then asked Mr. Douglas if he would have a recommendation for the meeting of May 4, 1970. Mr. Douglas said he would do this and he would make copies of the recommendation available to the members before the meeting date. He said he had given a little thought to this already, and the recommendation would depend on the findings of the following: DISCUSSION ON REAPPRAISAL 1. Is a reappraisal necessary? 2. What method should be used - contract the job or hire expert help with Listers' assistance? 3. Determine a time table for completion. 4. What will it cost? 5. How will the appraisals be kept current once the initial work is done? Mr. Bailey asked if the Board was considering the appointment of a Lister to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Racicot who has resigned. Chairman Behney said the Board would consider the appointment very soon. Mr. Douglas asked for some budget figures relating to the Listers' Office. Chairman Behney said this would be done. On a motion made by Mr. Pizzagalli and seconded by Mr. Stearns, the April 2, 1970 Selectmen's meeting was recessed to reconvene at the Conference Room of the Redwood Motel at 9 A.M. on April 3, 1970. RECONVENED MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen reconvened the recessed meeting of April 2, 1970 on Friday, April 3, 1970, at 9 A.M. at the Redwood Motel on Shelburne Road, South Burlington, Vermont. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order at 9 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Chairman Behney, Gregory L. Premo, Raymond E. Stearns, Frederick G. Blais and James C. Pizzagalli OTHERS PRESENT Town Manager Janes, Town Engineer Szymanski and Fire Chief Monell. FIRE STATION BUILDING Chairman Behney called for a line by line review of specifications and bidding documents for the new South Burlington Public Safety Building. FIRE STATION BUILDING, CONTINUED Discussion proceeded until 10:45 A.M. RELEASE OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS On motion made by Mr. F. Blais and seconded by Mr. J. Pizzagalli, the Plans and Specifications of the Town of South Burlington, Vermont, Public Safety Building, dated March 31, 1970, and prepared by Town Engineer William J. Szymanski, as revised and recorded April 3, 1970 were unanimously accepted, and authorization was voted to distribute bid documents to the seven qualified contractors (approved February 23, 1970) on April 6, 1970. On a motion made by Mr. Blais and seconded by Mr. Stearns, the Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 11 A.M. Approved James C. Pizzagalli, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.