HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/29/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING September 29, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting in the library of the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, September 29, 1969 at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT C. Harry Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Albert Audette, Foreman of Highway Department; Mr. Fred Blais; Mr. Samuel F. B. Morse; Mr. Wayne Jameson; Mr. Everett Reed; Mr. Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; Mr. Albert I. Reynolds, Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment; Mrs. Ruth Reynolds; Mr. Robert Martineau; Mr. George Lambert, Burlington Free Press; Miss Charlotte C. Marsh; Mr. Ralph Goodrich; Paul Graves, Town Grand Juror. Mr. Douglas Stuart was also present. READING OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 8, 1969 MEETING On a motion made by Mr. D'Acuti, seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously, the minutes, of the September 8, 1969 meeting were approved as read. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS Mr. Stearns made the suggestion that disbursement orders be signed either before or after the meeting in order that proper attention be given to them. There was general agreement that this procedure should be followed in the future. Mr. Nardelli stressed concern that very few cash discounts are taken on purchases made and suggested that Mr. LeClair look into a purchase order system. He feels the town is now large enough to benefit by such a system and individual buying should be eliminated. Mr. Stearns suggested cash flow projections to eliminate necessity of borrowing money. He would also like to see closer attention to the sale of bonds by both Boards and asked that this be in writing. Mr. D'Acuti made a suggestion to Mr. Behney to send a letter to the School Board to: 1. Investigate purchase orders 2. Investigate the possibility of a separate journal for discounted bills. Mr. LeClair agreed that the town should get into a cash flow system and indicated, since he now has a history he can follow, this would be easier to accomplish. GRADER BIDS Memorandum from Mr. Szymanski dated September 29, 1969 grader bids summary are filed with these minutes. Mr. Behney pointed out that there is a 1% discount on the price of the Huber machine, which is not shown on summary sheet, making the price $18,295 Mr. D'Acuti remarked that he favors buying from South Burlingtonians whenever possible and, in this instance, there is a price difference of only $275. Mr. Behney agreed, adding that service from a local vendor would have many advantages. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion, it was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously that the town purchase the Huber machine from the Woods Equipment Company, South Burlington, Vermont, at a price of $18,295. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING Mr. Nardelli stated that he thinks the committee should have reported to the Selectmen before releasing it to the newspaper. He also indicated that, in his opinion, the report in the Free Press was much more complete than the reports the Selectmen had received in the minutes of the committee. Mr. Stearns agreed with Mr. Nardelli. Mr. Blais, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, explained the government construction, which would consist of a nine-man city council, elected at large, retaining the manager form of government. The council would elect a mayor, a deputy mayor and clerk. The mayor would be ceremonial and would act as a liaison between the judicial and administrative branches of government. There would also be a Steering Committee, composed of five members, who would meet eight times a year to review money matters and proposed budgets. Meetings would be advertised and open to the public. Mr. Wayne Jameson outlined budget procedures. He proposed that bonded indebtedness be kept separate from the administrative budget, allowing each year a certain automatic increase as set by the Council, but not to exceed a certain percentage which is yet to be determined. Anything over this percentage variable must be voted by Australian Ballot. He explained that the committee believes this system allows for long term capital expenditure planning and the purpose of the percentage variable is to place fiscal control on the budget. Mr. Blais commented that we have a growing Grand List in the town which will bring with it increases in services and he feels this system will enable administrators to project expenditures, particularly long term capital expenditures. Mr. Nardelli said he is opposed to using this percentage variable, feeling that if percentage increases were given to departments, they would be inclined to use all of it. He felt it better business practice to ask the department to operate within its budget, and if the need should arise, to ask for additional money. Mr. Morse suggested that a check of town budgets for the past five years be made to determine what, percentage variable would seem most advisable. Mr. D'Acuti asked if the Committee had discussed having the budget voted by the town. Mr. Blais replied that this had been discussed but the Committee felt a pressure group could throw out the whole budget over some emotional item. Mr. Samuel Morse explained the relationship of the Water Department to the town under the proposed reorganization. This would bring the water department under the control of the municipal government, answerable to the city council, with present commissioners retained. However, water department funds would be kept in a separate bank account, and used only for the water department needs. He feels that eventually the town will not have Water Commissioners and that this is a transition period from elected to appointed to having none at all. Mr. Behney asked if anyone had questions. Mr. Reynolds questioned Mr. Blais regarding limiting serving on the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment to two consecutive terms and wondered why the Committee had suggested this. Also, would this be retroactive? Mr. Blais replied that the purpose of limiting terms on these commissions is to get more people involved and interested in town affairs. As for its being retroactive, this is subject to consideration by the Council and further study by the Committee. Mr. Behney asked Mr. Blais to have the Town Government Committee study provision for taxicab control in the town and also tax penalty abatement when not the fault of the taxpayer. He also requested him to submit a written report, summarizing all study to date, to the Selectmen for their meeting on October 20th. Mr. Premo expressed thanks to the members of the Committee for their work during the past eighteen months. BOND AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF RECREATION LANDS Mr. Stearns commented that he had observed, at the last two Planning Commission meetings, a great deal of interest in acquiring land for parks and recreation. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. LeClair if the first step in obtaining such land is getting an appraisal in order to get federal funds. Mr. LeClair replied that first the funds must be proven to be available. Mr. Stearns questioned whether the appraised value is not realistic enough for land that has recreation potential. Mr. D'Acuti stated that, even with an appraisal, the important item is the selling price and the desire of the buyer. He also indicated that the Legislature should change the statute so that only a simple majority vote would be required for passing such a bond issue. The first step, he feels, is to take an option in the name of the Town, subject to voters' approval. This protects both the buyer and the seller. Mr. Behney reported that the Natural Resource Committee had met recently with Mr. Hatch, one of the owners of Red Rocks property and Mr. Hatch would entertain an offer from the Town for the purchase of this property. He referred to a letter from Mr. Forest Orr, Inter-Agency Dept. of Natural Resources, stating that our region is top priority for water-based land. Mr. Behney thinks it would be wise to proceed before December 31, 1969. Mr. D'Acuti suggested that he, as representative of the South Burlington Development Corporation and Mr. Behney, as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, meet with Mr. Farrell to determine the possibility of proceeding with an option on Allenwood Estates. It was agreed they would do this on Friday morning, October 3, 1969. SENIOR CITIZENS' NEEDS Mr. D'Acuti said he had been asked by Mrs. Wilson, who is in charge of the Senior Citizens' program for Burlington, if South Burlington would be interested in participating in the Burlington program. Mr. D'Acuti asked that Mr. LeClair request Mr. Burnnell to contact Mrs. Wilson and, if the program is not too costly, to use their facilities until our own are ready. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli, seconded by Mr. Premo and unanimously approved, it was agreed that $50.00 be appropriated for such a purpose, if the need exists. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO PROSECUTE ZONING VIOLATORS Mr. Reynolds stated there are 104 zoning violations at the present time. His board intends to prosecute only those who have not gone through the Zoning Board of Adjustment for variance permit. He explained that to prosecute requires study and research to be sure they are right; also it could become expensive. Mr. Paul Graves, Town Grand Juror, asked how the Selectmen want to handle the financial aspects of processing violations. Mr. Behney suggested taking one or two violators and processing them to determine the cost. He also was of the opinion that getting the list of violators and giving publicity to the fact of violation might make them conform. Mr. Premo felt a letter from the Town Grand Juror might help. Mr. Graves estimated an amount of $25 to $50 would be adequate to proceed with processing a few violations. Mr. Reynolds asked the Selectmen if they will stand back of the Zoning Board of Adjustment in prosecution of these violations and all agreed they would. Mr. Nardelli made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stearns and it was passed unanimously that the Town Grand Juror send out letters to violators of zoning ordinances. Mr. LeClair was instructed to request Mr. Ward to present a list of violators at the meeting scheduled for October 20, 1969 Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Reynolds if the Zoning Board of Adjustment had considered declaring a moratorium on granting permits for signs in excess of 60 square feet until the amendments to the present ordinance now being studied is completed. Mr. Reynolds replied that there has been no such moratorium declared. He suggested that petitions for signs owned by national chain organizations be applied for both in the name of the leasor and leasee of sign. When asked by Mr. Nardelli if any time limit is ever placed on signs, Mr. Reynolds answered in the negative. Mr. Nardelli also asked the Town Juror if use variance permits granted are for lifetime. He answered in the affirmative. Mr. Reynolds commented that, so far, most of the objections to signs and sign variances has been from a small group of people. However, if the Zoning Board of Adjustment felt the objections were representative of the whole town, they might feel differently. AUTHORIZATION TO FILE "TOPICS" APPLICATION On a motion made by Mr. Premo, seconded by Mr. Nardelli, and passed unanimously the Town Manager is authorized to file TOPICS application to the State Highway Commission. FIRST READING OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TO BUSINESS DISTRICT B This amendment under Sec. 8:60, Subsection 6 would require one parking space for every 100 square feet of building and also would require 200 feet minimum frontage in Business B. There was a short discussion and it was tabled. FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE EXPIRATION OR REVOCATION OF BUILDING PERMITS AND VARIANCES On a motion made by Mr. D'Acuti, seconded by Mr. Nardelli, and passed unanimously, the ordinance was approved for first reading as presented. A copy of this amendment is filed with these minutes and made a part thereof. ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF LESTER E. RAVLIN FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Premo made a motion that the resignation of Mr. Lester E. Ravlin from the Planning Commission be accepted with regret. This motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and approved unanimously. Mr. Behney then asked for suggestions to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mr. Nardelli presented the name of Douglas Tudhope. Mr. Stearns requested that there be a resume of all names submitted for consideration. He said this idea was originally submitted by Mr. Premo and he thinks it an excellent idea. Mr. Behney told the selectmen that this position is an important one and this should be kept in mind in making suggestions for appointment. He informed them that the name of Mrs. Barbara Bull had been presented to him but she is unable to be considered because of other commitments. Mr. Peter Jacobs suggested it would be advisable to appoint a water commissioner to the Planning Commission. Mr. Behney reminded the selectmen to be certain the individual whom they would like to see appointed actually wanted to serve on the Commission. It was agreed to take up this appointment at the next meeting. LETTERS READ Mr. Behney read a letter from Mary Carpenter thanking the Selectmen for their resolution. Letters from Senators Aiken and Prouty pertaining to tax reform bills. These letters are filed with the Town Manager. A letter from the Office of Economic Opportunity was read which extended an invitation to anyone interested in sitting in on their meetings. Name of the individual is requested by October 3. Mr. Behney asked that any names be submitted to him by that date. A letter from Mr. Fon Seca on Phase V Sewer was noted by Mr. Behney and turned over to the Town Manager. Letter from Mr. Robert E. Lee was read, thanking the Selectmen, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment for the fine job they are doing. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS Mr. D'Acuti called attention to the "Arrow" in front of Gaynes and felt it should be changed. He also said the holes on Hinesburg Road should be filled, although this is a state responsibility. Mr. LeClair has requested that the state put a traffic light at the intersection of Hinesburg and Dorset Street. ASSESSED VALUATION OF PROPERTIES - PHASE IV AND V These items were moved to the next agenda. Mr. Premo asked Mr. LeClair if he would look into the reason for 241 hours of overtime in the past three weeks in the Police Department. Mr. Behney reminded the Selectmen that the Jaycee Park will be dedicated October 12th. The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P. M. Approved as amended in the minutes of the meeting of October 6, 1969. Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.