HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/20/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School Library, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, October 20, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman: Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, and Gregory L. Premo. ABSENT - Raymond E. Stearns OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Helen Paquin, Town Clerk and Treasurer; Frederick G. Blais, Wayne W. Jameson, Fred Maher, Samuel Morse and Dorothy Guilford from the Town Government Committee; Karen Larson, Linda Christiansen, and Jean Hildick from the League of Women Voters; Leslie Leggett, Liason member from the School Board; Anthony Socinski, Charlotte C. Marsh, Alice Hurlebaus, Edmund G. Paquin, Rosemary F. and Howard Perkett, Thelma E. Tilley and Kenneth W. Jarvis. MEETING OF LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION Chairman Behney called the meeting to order as a meeting of the Liquor Control Commission at 7:30 P.M., and presented an application for approval of a liquor license and proof of transfer of property for Charlie's Handy Andy Store of Williston Road, formerly Victory's Handy Andy Store. Mr. D'Acuti moved to approve the application. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney adjourned the Liquor Control Commission meeting at 7:34 P.M. and called the regular meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 6, 1969, MEETING On a motion made by Mr. D'Acuti and seconded by Mr. Premo, the minutes of the meeting of October 6, 1969 were approved as amended. SIGNING NOTES FOR SCHOOL OPERATING EXPENSES AND BUS PAYMENT The Board members signed notes, submitted by the Town Treasurer, for funds for school operating expenses and school bus payment. DISCUSSION WITH TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Selectman D'Acuti opened the discussion by referring to Chapter 8 - Water Department, in the Town Government Committee's report, saying the following should be included "the Water Department should present a monthly expense report to the Water Commissioners and then to the City Council". Mr. Blais said the Committee would explore the suggestion for inclusion in the proposed Charter. Mr. D'Acuti also said he was concerned about the 10% allowable increase in the yearly budget as suggested. Mr. Blais said the figure was just an estimate, and that a certain allowable increase should be allowed with a limit, so the taxpayers would not feel that the Council and School Board were given a blank check. Mr. Nardelli raised many questions in regard to the proposed methods of preparing the town and school budget. He said he felt a professional person trained in fiscal matters should be hired in a supervisory position to oversee all town financial matters. He endorsed the present Town Meeting system, saying the voters would not have enough say in budget matters. Mr. Morse said the Councilmen would have power over the budget only within the limit set by the Charter, that the Steering Committee would hold at least eight meetings per year to review all budget items as submitted by the Council and School Board. These meetings would be public meetings at which taxpayers could ask questions and make proposals. Mr. Blais emphasized that if the budget increases over the proposed percentile then the budget is voted on by the taxpayers. Mrs. Paquin, Town Clerk and Treasurer, referred to Chapter 9, page 5, of the proposal, saying she felt the appointment of the Town Clerk and Treasurer should be made by the City Council and not the City Manager since the City Manager is likely to be replaced every few years. Mr. Blais explained that the appointment would have to be approved by the City Council and only persons qualified for the position would be considered. It was brought out that this should be a classified position and a job description should be prepared for it. Mrs. Paquin pointed out an omission in the proposal in Chapter 5, saying a section titled Requirements for Voting should be included. Mr. Blais noted the omission and said it would be corrected in the final draft. Mr. Edmund Paquin expressed his opinion that we should continue to operate under the Town Meeting system, that when all the voters who want to attend cannot be accommodated in the hall it would be time enough to make a change. Miss Marsh and several others present agreed with him. Chairman Behney and Selectmen D'Acuti, Nardelli, and Premo asked questions and made many suggestions for revisions. Messrs. Blais, Morse, Jameson, Maher, and Mrs. Guilford of the Town Government Committee clarified the items discussed and made note of suggested changes. DISCUSSION WITH TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE, CONTINUED Chairman Behney said the Board would discuss the proposal further, and thanked the members of the Committee for the presentation. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to charge the Town Government Committee to meet with the School Board, the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Water Commission for discussion and recommendations. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Morse explained that after the Charter is compiled in rough draft it could be sent to a firm that specializes in preparing charters in legal form for presentation to the voters. Chairman Behney recessed the meeting for 10 minutes at 9:25 P.M. and reconveyned the meeting at 9:35 P.M. DISCUSSION WITH WILLIAM KELLNER RE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. Behney, Chairman, said Mr. Kellner was invited to meet with the Board for two reasons, (1) so the Board could express its concern that Regional Planning had not met the HUD requirements with the result that the Town can't get approval for HUD funds, placing our projects in jeopardy, and (2), that the town had to hear from another agency that Regional Planning had not established eligibility. Mr. Kellner said that the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission was established as the first step in meeting Hud requirements. The requirement was to have a Commission set up and a comprehensive plan in the works so applications could be certified to obtain funds, however, now HUD requires the preliminary plan to be complete, including land use, transportation study, minimum population density, economic base, and sewer and water needs projected. The Commission had felt they had until 1971 to complete this although the original agreement stated all preliminary planning should be done by 10/15/69. Upon being questioned by the Board members, Mr. Kellner stated that applications for sewer and water projects would not be certified until all the requirements are met by Regional Planning, however, he said that the applications could be submitted to Hud, as it would take from 6 months to year for processing, and by then the Regional Planning Commission should have met all the requirements. He further said that the Commission was not working on any other surveys or projects but was concentrating solely on meeting the requirements for certification by HUD. The Board members again expressed their concern over hearing of the problem from an agency other than the Commission. Mr. Kellner said the members of the Commission were not aware of the problem until they heard that a project submitted for Winooski under the Model Cities Program had been denied. He reported that the Regional Planning Commission had passed a resolution to establish eligibility as soon as possible and expected to have a preliminary plan in place by January, 1970. There was a general discussion on planning with Mr. Kellner in regard to the Route 7 relocation, traffic surveys, police department study and other matters. DISCUSSION WITH W. KELLNER RE REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION, CONTINUED Mr. Kellner was asked if he would meet with the Board monthly at the meeting held on the third Monday of the month. He said he would be glad to attend. Mr. Behney, Chairman, thanked Mr. Kellner, and said he felt we had opened up a new avenue of communication. APPROVAL OF OPEN SPACE LAND PROGRAM - PROJECT NO. VT-OSA-3 Chairman Behney read a letter received from William J. Davis, Assistant Regional Administrator, Metropolitan Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development, which stated that the Federal share for the above project will be $45,700. The grant is for the purchase of the property known as the O'Brien property on Patchen Road and the property situated at the end of Elsom Parkway. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion that the town proceed to finalize the transaction. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISCUSS SIGN ORDINANCE AND RELATED MATTERS WITH AND AT THE REQUEST OF THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Mrs. Jean Hildick of the South Burlington League of Women Voters read two statements, one from the League and one from Mrs. Barbara Bull, both expressed concern because variances were being granted for oversized signs, too many signs advertising one business, and requested that the Board give consideration to strict enforcement of the present sign ordinance. Mrs. Hildick asked if the town supports the present ordinance. Mr. Behney replied that the Board has not discussed the matter formally as a Board. DISCUSS SIGN ORDINANCE AND RELATED MATTERS WITH AND AT THE REQUEST OF THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS Many of those present gave their opinions of the sign situation in town, stating too many variances are being approved, resulting in too large and too high signs. There was discussion also on landscaping, preservation of trees, etc. Chairman Behney said that the Selectmen are keeping in touch with the Zoning Board of Adjustment's operations, as well as checking on violations to the sign and air pollution ordinances. He then read reports from the Code Officer dealing with violations and what was being done about them. Selectman Premo suggested that the Board obtain sample sign ordinances from communities about the same size of South Burlington. The Town Manager was instructed to do this. Mr. Behney, Chairman, thanked Mrs. Hildick for the interest and concern shown by the League and thanked her for coming to the meeting. The statements that were read by Mrs. Hildick are filed with these minutes. ACCEPT MOBIL OIL COMPANY DEED Chairman Behney read the Town Attorney's legal opinion that this deed was acceptable, and the Board unanimously agreed to accept the deed and signed it. ACCEPT DEED TO QUEEN CITY PARK LIFT STATION SITE Chairman Behney read the Town Attorney's legal opinion that this deed was acceptable, and the Board unanimously agreed to accept the deed and signed it. LETTER FROM SOUTH BURLINGTON JAYCEES Chairman Behney read a letter from Mr. Blais, Chairman of the South Burlington Park Project, in which the Jaycees expressed their thanks for the Selectmen's cooperation and participation in the Dedication Day ceremonies at the New Park and Civic Center on Patchen Road on October 12, 1969. The letter is filed with these minutes. PURCHASE RENTAL OF WAYNE STREET SWEEPER Chairman Behney read a memorandum from the Town Engineer recommending the rental purchase of a Wayne Street Sweeper from Wood's Construction and Equipment Company of South Burlington for $1801.00 to be paid for in nine months. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to purchase the sweeper to be paid for out of the Highway budget. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MISCELLANEOUS The Selectmen held a short discussion on the Auditor's report, the financial statement, and the Manager's report on the revaluation and decided to consider these items at a later date. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Nardelli, seconded by Mr. Premo, and passed unanimously. The Chairman then adjourned the meeting at 11:15 P.M. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.