HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/06/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1969 REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION The Town Manager was instructed to invite South Burlington's representative on the Regional Planning Commission, Mr. William Kellner, to attend the next regularly scheduled meeting to report the progress of the Commission on water and sewer projects. REPORT ON SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS SELECTMAN STEARNS Mr. Stearns said there was some discussion on the benefits that would result if the School District and the Town initiated Cash Flow Projections, as many payments are due on November 1st, while the revenues come in on November 15th, making it necessary to borrow to cover some School District bond payments. They felt future bond sales should be considered as to date of payment as well as the dates the town receives the money. Mr. Stearns said that Mr. Marvin felt that Cash Flow Projections would be a big help. Chairman Behney said he would forward a letter to Chairman Marvin informing of the Board's agreement that such a program should be initiated by both Boards. Mr. Stearns asked the secretary to see that Mr. Leggett, liaison man from the School Board, receives an agenda of the Selectmen's meetings regularly. TOWN HALL RELOCATION Mr. Nardelli asked what the status was of the town offices question of moving to the Central School Building. Mr. Behney told him that the matter had been referred to the Planning Commission for consideration at its meeting of September 23, 1969, at which time the Commission tabled the item. CONSIDER TRUCK PURCHASE BIDS, CONTINUED Mr. Szymanski was asked if he had contacted the Purchasing Department of the State to see if the town could purchase a truck through the state. He said he had done this and had been informed that the state did not anticipate a purchase of light trucks, if any were needed, until the spring. Mr. Premo suggested that Mr. Szymanski investigate the possibility of renting a truck for the winter season and buying the truck through the state purchasing department in the Spring. Chairman Behney asked Mr. Szymanski to check into Mr. Premo's suggestion and report on the cost of rental at the next meeting. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to buy the Internation truck at the bid price of $3,409.32, unless it proves to be more economical to rent now and purchase later through the state. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CONSIDER QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD TRAFFIC CONTROL RESOLUTION Mr. Behney, Chairman, read the resolution in full. Mr. Premo motioned to adopt the resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. The resolution as adopted reads as follows: R E S O L U T I ON BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Any vehicle proceeding northerly on Shelburne Road shall be prohibited from making a left turn onto Queen City Park Road. Section 2. Appropriate sign or signs designating this resolution shall be erected by the Town Manager. Section 3. The resolution of the South Burlington Board of Selectmen dated October 7, 1968 is hereby repealed. QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD TRAFFIC RESOLUTION, CONTINUED Section 4. This resolution shall take effect from its passage. Approved October 6, 1969 s/ Charles H. Behney Vincent J. D'Acuti Walter Nardelli Gregory L. Premo Raymond E. Stearns Mr. LeClair was asked to see about getting some publicity about this change in traffic regulations. SEWER CONSTRUCTION ITEMS The Town Manager read a summary of Fire Districts 3 and 4 agreements, and explained the details of the User Charge, General Taxation, and Area Charge, as they relate to the estimated costs and anticipated revenues of the two phases to be constructed. There was a general discussion of the financial aspects of the completed sewer project as well as the proposed. For informational purposes the summary of agreements, projections of costs and revenues, and summation as prepared by Mr. LeClair, are filed with these minutes. CONSIDER REQUEST OF THE TOWN OF MILTON FOR POLICE DISPATCHING SERVICES AND RELATED POLICE DEPARTMENT MATTERS Chairman Behney remarked that since the town already dispatches for the town of Shelburne and is considering doing the same for Milton, it would seem to be a step toward regionalization of Police Departments. Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, explained that the Police Department is now on the borderline of needing additional clerical help which would be a necessity if it took on the added responsibility of the Milton dispatching, but added that the town would not lose anything financially. POLICE DISPATCHING SERVICE, CONTINUED Mr. Behney, Chairman, said he thought anything that can be done to help out any other community without having a cost factor to the town is beneficial. Mr. Premo made a motion to approve the request of the Town of Milton for Police Dispatching Service by the town. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. RELATED POLICE DEPARTMENT MATTERS Chairman Behney said he had suggested to the Town Manager to have the Police Chief work on next year's budget right away so the Board can determine how much money is needed to meet the criteria set up by the Police Chief's Association. JUVENILE POLICE DEPARTMENT The Town Manager was instructed to report to the Board on a meeting he is to attend with State's Attorney Leahey and Police Chief Carter to discuss Juvenile Police Departments, etc. BUDGET Mr. Nardelli remarked that as department heads submitted the budget for the items in their departments they should be the ones to explain the overages or deficiencies in the different items. APPOINTMENT OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBER After due consideration of the importance of this appointment, Chairman Behney read resumes of those being considered. The three persons under consideration were Mr. William Guilford of 23 Sebring Road, Mr. Douglas I. Tudhope of 68 Laurel Hill Drive, and Mrs. John (Nan) Frymoyer of 27 Woodcrest Drive. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT, CONTINUED The Board thoroughly discussed the appointment and Mr. Nardelli made a motion to nominate Mr. Tudhope to the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Ravlin, the term of the appointment to run until 1973. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion which passed with a vote of four in favor with one abstention. Chairman Behney said he would notify Mr. Tudhope of the appointment by letter. COMMITTEE AND BOARD APPOINTMENTS - PROCEDURES Mr. Stearns recommended that resumes be required from all prospective appointees to Boards or Commissions in the future. The members agreed. Mr. D'Acuti recommended that when such appointments are considered the Board should meet with the prospective appointees in Executive Session. The members agreed to this also. ERROR IN LENGTH OF TERM OF MR. STUART'S APPOINTMENT TO THE ZONING BOARD Mr. LeClair pointed out that when Mr. Stuart was appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment in April of 1969 he was informed the term was for five years. However, on researching the Zoning Ordinance, Section 13.30 states that terms to the Zoning Board of Adjustment are for a three year period. The Board agreed that Mr. Stuart should be informed of the error, and Chairman Behney said he would see that this was done. PRESERVATION OF TREES Mr. Nardelli commented on the fact that many nice trees are being destroyed, especially in subdivision construction and on other building sites. The Board agreed to direct the Planning Commission to make a recommendation on methods of preserving trees. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Chairman Behney gave Mr. LeClair the original of a Town Government Committee written report, asking him to have copies made for, and distributed to the Selectmen in time to review the report before meeting with that Committee on October 20, 1969. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Approved The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, October 6, 1969. Chairman Behney called a special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. in order to meet with Vermont Highway Department personnel. SPECIAL MEETING Present at the special meeting were Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Town Manager LeClair, William Szymanski, Town Engineer; and from the State Chester Laythe, District Engineer, Mr. Goss and Richard Nicholls. There was a discussion concerning the 1968 National Highway Functional Classification Study for the reclassification of all highways within District #5, including State, State Aid, and Town Highways. The special meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. INFORMAL MEETING During this informal meeting the Board discussed with Mr. Jerry Premo, who was formerly employed with HUD and is now with the Federal Department of Transportation, what can be done to get Federal aid for town projects such as sewer and water, as well as Open Space Acquisition and land for recreation. Mr. Premo said that most states have a State Department of Community Affairs, and he believed that one such department was being established in Vermont, which work very closely with communities to assist them in obtaining Federal funding. He emphasized that Regional Planning cooperation and approval is a key factor in the processing of applications. INFORMAL MEETING CONTINUED Also discussed was the TOPICS program (community traffic study), especially in relation to the Williston Road, East Avenue, and Spear Street, area. South Burlington has already applied to have the town included with the City of Burlington which is already in the program. Mr. Premo said he felt the area could get priority if the two communities participated together and showed a need for such improvement. Chairman Behney read a letter from a 12 year old student from the Middle School in which the student said the class of 22 students would like to undertake a project that would be of help to the town. Chairman Behney told the members he was open to suggestions and to give the matter some consideration. REGULAR MEETING Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo, and Raymond E. Stearns. OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; George F. Silver, Town Assessor; Charlotte C. Marsh, Jerry Premo, and Linda Christensen from the League of Women Voters. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 MEETING The following corrections were made to the minutes of the September 29, 1969 meeting: Page 1. Douglas Stuart's name should be included in the list of people present at the meeting. Page 2. Lines 6 and 7 should read as follows: "Mr. D'Acuti made a suggestion to Mr. Behney to send a letter to the School Board". Page 2. The last paragraph in Agenda Item DISBURSEMENT ORDERS should read as follows: "Mr. LeClair agreed that the town should get into a cash flow system and indicated, since he now has a history he can follow, this would be easier to accomplish. He would (1) investigate purchase orders, and (2) investigate the possibility of a separate journal for discounted bills". Pages 2 and 3. Agenda Item TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING "Mr. Nardelli stated that he thinks the committee should have reported to the Selectmen before releasing it to the newspaper. He indicated that in his opinion, the report in the Free Press was much more complete than the reports the Selectmen had received in the minutes of the committee. Mr. Stearns agreed with Mr. Nardelli. Mr. D'Acuti disagreed with Mr. Nardelli, saying we were lucky to get a story out of the Free Press, and that the information was in the minutes of the Town Government Committee meetings. Mr. Blais then said that he had discussed this with two Selectmen". No changes in the balance of the item. Page 5. Add to last paragraph. "Miss Marsh objected to the possible purchase of the Red Rocks property because of the potential danger of the cliffs". Page 7. Lines 3 and 4 should read. "Mr. Graves estimated an amount of $25 to $50 would be adequate for the cost of mailings to violators." Page 7. Line No. 13 to bottom of the page should read as follows: "Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Reynolds if the Zoning Board of Adjustment had considered declaring a moratorium on granting permits for signs in excess of 60 square feet until the study of proposed amendments to the present ordinance is completed. Mr. Reynolds replied that there has been no such moratorium declared. He suggested that petitions for signs owned by national chain organizations be applied for both in the name of the lessor and lessee of sign. Mr. Premo emphasized that several requests have been made that the sign ordinance should be reviewed with consideration given to the size of a sign in relation to the size of the lot and building. When asked by Mr. Nardelli if any time limit is ever placed on signs, Mr. Reynolds answered in the negative. Mr. Nardelli also asked the Town Grand Juror if use variance permits granted are for the lifetime of the property. Mr. Stuart, a Zoning Board of Adjustment member, answered in the affirmative. Mr. Reynolds commented that, so far, most of the objections to signs and sign variances have been from a small group of people. However, if the Zoning Board felt the objections were representative of the whole town, they might feel differently." READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 MEETING, CONTINUED Mr. Premo moved that the minutes be approved as amended. The motion was seconded by Mr. D'Acuti and unanimously approved. ASSESSING PROGRAM - REPORT BY GEORGE SILVER Mr. Silver, Town Assessor, reported that the Tax Mapping program would be completed in five to six weeks, and the Revaluation Program is 25% complete. He said it was not possible to complete the Revaluation Program by April 1, 1970. The Board members expressed their disappointment. Mr. Nardelli asked why the Tax Mapping Program received top priority and Mr. Silver explained that this was the prime base for revaluation work, that he wanted a good job done, and this was the proper method of going about it. The Board discussed many areas in an effort to arrive at a solution to the problem of how to expedite the revaluation program so that it could be completed as soon as possible. After a lengthy discussion Mr. Nardelli made a motion that Mr. Silver ask his assistants to work overtime, decide on the amount to be paid, whether by a bonus or overtime pay, set the target date at July 1, 1970, and report the results to the Town Manager who in turn would report to the Board for action. Mr. D'Acuti seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Silver was thanked for his report, and was asked to report back at once a month thereafter. REPORT ON AIR POLLUTION Selectman Premo remarked that the Air Pollution Control Ordinance report submitted in writing by the Code Officer was not what he had in mind. He and the Board members agreed that they had expected the report to list the number of commercial establishments complying with the ordinance by either the installation of a proper incinerator or by the trucking away of refuse, as well as the number and location of commercial establishments that were violating the ordinance. Chairman Behney suggested that the Town Manager instruct the Code Officer to investigate setting up a permanent report form that could be kept up-to- date as to compliance, violations, inspections, etc. The Board members discussed the fact that there was no procedure set up for the enforcement of the ordinance. Mr. LeClair was instructed to notify the Code Officer of the Board's feelings, and have him report locations of the establishments, whether they were complying now, have made arrangements to comply, or were violating and ignoring the ordinance. CONSIDER TRUCK PURCHASE BIDS The Board considered the results of the bids for a truck purchase as follows: Fitzpatrick's Garage GMC $3,580.00 Al Warren Ford Ford 3,762.56 International Harvester International 3,409.32 The Town Engineer said that purchase of the lowest cost truck, the International, was satisfactory to the Highway Department Foreman and himself. TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT SUMMARY OF AGREEMENTS BETWEEN FIRE DISTRICTS 3, 4, and 6 1. User charges shall be at the same rates charged other consumers of like classification. (Current charge is $3.00 per 1,000 cu. ft. metered). 2. Current outstanding debt is to be paid from general taxation. 3. Future expansion of the sewer system is to be made without regard to geographic Fire District boundaries. 4. Agreement restricting use of Area List Charges refers to persons and properties served as of the time of takeover by the Town. PROJECTED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES SEWER PHASE IV Area Grand List $6,500 Town cost of $260,000 $13,000 F.D.I $339,920 debt service at 5% Vt. Terminals 70,000 Mart 235,000 1/20 of $260,000 pmt.13,000 $644,920 1% x 644,920 x $1.00 Additional plant operating Meter Revenue 2,200 cost 8,000 Total anticipated Revenues $8,700 Total anticipated cost $34,000 SEWER PHASE V Area Grand List $6,600 Town cost $216,000*$10,800 1% x 664,740 x $1.00 5% int. first year Meter Revenue Princ. pmt. 20 yr.10,800 733,000 cu. ft. x $3.00 2,200 Operating Cost 2,000 Total anticipated Revenues $8,800 Total anticipated cost $23,600 *If funded by HUD Grant of $80,000. SU$$TXON Construction of phases IV and V will result in an annual Debt Service and Operating Cost of $57,600 New Revenues produced by the expanded system would amount to about 17,500 Leaving a net Annual Deficit of 40,100 Present surplus would reduce annual debt service by 27,000 Leaving net deficit of 13,100* Leaving net deficit of 21,100** *With the $80,000 Phase V $$ **Without HUD monias Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.