HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/17/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1970 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Middle School, Dorset Street, South Burlington, on Monday, November 17, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti; Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Town Assessor George Silver, Police Chief Carter, Karl A. Andren, Dr. C. S. Woodruff and R. Allan Paul, Attorney, from the Burlington Humane Society; Free Press Reporter Lambert, Charlotte C. Marsh, Dorothy Guilford, and Jean Hildick of the League of Women Voters. Vice-Chairman Nardelli opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. as Chairman Behney and Selectman Stearns were a few minutes late. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF NOVEMBER 3, 1969 On a motion made by Mr. Premo and seconded by Mr. D'Acuti, the minutes of the meeting of November 3, 1969, were unanimously accepted as read. DISBURSEMENT ORDERS AND STATE AID CLAIM The Selectmen signed the above. ASSESSOR'S ORAL REPORT ON MAPPING AND REVALUATION Town Assessor Silver presented samples of work completed in the mapping program, explaining the method of cross indexing each parcel of property in town and pointing out that two indexes would be compiled, one for use in the assessor's office and one for the town clerk's office. ASSESSOR'S REPORT, CONTINUED He estimated that all phases of the mapping program would be complete by December 31, 1969. Also the assistant appraiser who has been helping with the mapping would join the other appraiser for field work on the revaluation by the end of the present week. Mr. D'Acuti, in asking about the progress of the revaluation program asked Mr. Silver what a cost schedule was. Mr. Silver explained the method used in arriving at a cost schedule as well as the advantage of having the mapping completed for use during revaluation, how the records could be kept current once the revaluation is completed and showed samples of the records being used. Mr. D'Acuti asked what the time schedule was for the revaluation project. Mr. Silver said he was hoping to be done by December 31, 1970 and all reviewed and in order for the April 1, 1971, Grand List. He explained the later completion date was due to the fact that there was several months delay in obtaining clerical help, during which time he performed the clerical duties thus delaying the training program for the two assistants. He said this date was based on present operation with present help. Mr. LeClair said the speed-up method (Saturday work and keeping the extra girl) would guarantee the December 31 date. The Board agreed that retaining the girl who is working on the mapping should be up to the descretion of the assessor and town manager. Mr. D'Acuti wondered if the Board would have monthly reports on this, and Chairman Behney said he felt it would not be necessary to have the assessor attend monthly, that Town Manager LeClair could present a monthly report and Mr. Silver could attend every three months. Mr. ASSESSOR'S REPORT Behney, Chairman thanked Mr. Silver for his presentation. CONSIDER PURCHASE OF BURROUGHS CALCULATOR Town Assessor Silver demonstrated the workings of a Burroughs calculator with respect to the work in the assessor's office. The machine was on loan from Burroughs Company, had proved very useful in the office, and he recommended that it be purchased. Selectman Nardelli suggested that an IBM systems analyst be consulted, shown the work processes needed, and asked for suggestions of other or better methods of doing the work and recommendations on the use of the calculator and a computer system. Mr. Premo said he agreed with the suggestion, saying the town functions would certainly be processed on computers soon, and we might as well get recommendations now. Mr. Nardelli gave Mr. LeClair the name of a Systems Analyst he could get in touch with and Mr. LeClair said he would do so right away. PERSONAL PROPERTY REVALUATION In answer to questions from the Board, Town Manager LeClair reported he had contacted Mr. Alexander, personal property appraiser, who had been hired to revaluate the personal property in town commencing on October 1, 1969. Mr. Alexander said he had been delayed, but could start the work on December 1. Miss Marsh wondered if the town had signed a contract with him. Mr. Behney explained that Mr. Alexander had been hired after the Board received a request from the South Burlington Board of Listers for expert help in this field. SANCTION USE VARIANCE REQUESTED BY BURLINGTON HUMANE SOCIETY Chairman Behney explained that the Burlington Humane Society had received approval for a variance at the Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting of November 5, 1969, and the approval needed the sanction of the Board of Selectmen. Attorney Paul, representing the Humane Society, explained the nature of the land around the proposed building and the proposed use, saying the lower level would be used for education and training classes, lectures, and movies. The upstairs would contain a small apartment to be used by an employee and family as it is necessary to have someone on the premises at all times. The approval had been granted with the provision that the apartment be used by such an employee. Mr. Paul said he would like the restriction removed in case some change would make the apartment available for general rental. Selectman Stearns remarked that he could always go to the Boards in the future and request removal of the restriction. Town Manager LeClair brought up the matter of sewer hook-up or septic tank installation for the building, and asked Mr. Paul if the architect had consulted the Town Engineer about the plans. Mr. Paul said he thought so, but he would bring it to the architect's attention. On a motion made by Mr. D'Acuti and seconded by Mr. Premo the Board voted unanimously to sanction the Zoning Board's approval. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE RESTRICTING TRAFFIC ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS Chairman Behney read the proposed ordinance in full. There was a discussion on enforcement of the ordinance and Chief Carter was asked if he had many complaints about this type of activity. He said he did and recommended adoption of such an ordinance. ORDINANCE RESTRICTING TRAFFIC ON PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS, CONTINUED On a motion made by Mr. Premo to accept the first reading of the ordinance and forward it to the Planning Commission for a recommendation, and seconded by Mr. Stearns, the Board voted unanimously in approval. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION ITEM Chairman Behney had previously apologized because he and Mr. Stearns were a few minutes late. They had attended a meeting in regard to Regional Planning and he said he would report for Mr. Kellner, South Burlington's Representative to the Regional Planning Commission, who was not going to be in attendance at this meeting. He reported that the Senate had extended the time for the Commission to meet federal requirements till April 1970, and the House of Representatives expected to extend the time to October 1, 1970. He also was advised that HUD was accepting applications now and the town could proceed with applications. PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT NEEDS FOR UPCOMING BUDGET The Town Manager distributed comparison charts of Police Department activities for the first four months of fiscal 1968 and 1969 as well as of 1965, and a proposed Organizational Chart to members of the Board. The Organizational Chart showed the addition of 3 patrolman, one detective and one clerk. Mr. D'Acuti wondered if an additional cruiser or two wasn't needed as well as additional personnel. In reviewing the increase in activity Mr. Nardelli noted that most of the increases were centered in traffic items. He asked if this was due to the Shelburne Road traffic problems, improper lining of streets, placement of signs, lack of planning in traffic flow and signals, etc. PRELIMINARY DISCUSSION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT NEEDS, CONTINUED He asked that the chief enlarge on the needs of the department, stating the general philosophy of the department, statement of objectives, and proposed function of the additional manpower request. Chief Carter pointed out that traffic items were not caused by anything specific such as the Shelburne Road problem, but were due to the growth in the community and surrounding area. He said he did not have the manpower to properly educate an officer in traffic matters as well as have an officer trained for work in the photo lab. The additional detective would also function as a juvenile officer and the extra clerk would prepare the reports that now take so much of a patrolman's time. The Board held a general discussion. Mr. Stearns questioned that only three additional patrolman would be enough to adequately implement all the shifts. Mr. D'Acuti said possibly two cruisers should be considered rather than one. Town Manager LeClair pointed out that this was just a preliminary report. Mr. Premo asked that the report be jacked up and resubmitted, and also reasons for the items requested explained as suggested by Mr. Nardelli. Chief Carter remarked that there was very good cooperation in pooling resources between area Police Departments. Mr. Carter was thanked for attending the meeting. FIRE PROTECTION DISCUSSION Chairman Behney said that he and the Town Manager had met with Doctor Boardman, Chairman of the Burlington Fire Department Commissioners, and their proposal was $75,000 annually for a 3 year contract and $100,000 for a one year contract. FIRE PROTECTION DISCUSSION, CONTINUED He emphasized that this was not a negotiating meeting, it was to hear the proposal and bring it to the Board for discussion. Also discussed was the possibility of a fire department building owned by South Burlington and manned by Burlington. Mr. D'Acuti said he wouldn't go over the $50,000. Mr. Behney said the town does not have the time to build its own department now before the present contract expires. Many aspects of the situation were discussed, and Mr. Nardelli made a motion to charge the Volunteer Fire Committee to update their report in more detail as to wages, amoratization of equipment, miscellaneous expenses, etc, not including the cost of a building and submit the report at the next regular meeting to be held on December 1, 1969. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to notify the Burlington Fire Commission by letter, with a copy sent to Mayor Cain, that the maximum the Board feels we could pay is $50,000. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. VERMONT LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS Chairman Behney presented the question of whether or not South Burlington should join the Vermont League of Cities and Towns. He noted the League has grown to encompass most of the cities and towns in the state. All communities in this area with the exception of Winooski and South Burlington are members and Mayor Cain of Burlington is presently on the Executive Board. He felt that South Burlington should become a member, that both the town and league would benefit. VERMONT LEAGUE OF CITIES AND TOWNS He submitted the League's latest wage and salary survey, its publication dealing with local election laws, its campaign to have legislature pass a law so that municipal bond items can pass with a simple majority and explained that the League issued a weekly bulletin to members during the term of legislature. He quoted the cost of membership for the present year as pro-rated at $262.50 and the membership for a full year at $350.00. He suggested the cost of membership be expended from the Selectmen's expense account. Mr. D'Acuti expressed his doubt that there were any advantages to joining the League. There was a short discussion after which Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the town join the League. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. GRAVEL ON HINESBURG ROAD Mr. D'Acuti again reported that gravel has not as yet been placed on the shoulders of Hinesburg Road between Birch Street and Simpson Court. Mr. Behney said he had seen state trucks working further down on the road, and Mr. LeClair said he would check on it with the state. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Selectman Stearns presented an applicant's resume for consideration for the appointment to the Planning Commission to replace Mr. Sargent. Chairman Behney explained that this would be an interim appointment till March, at which time applicants would be reconsidered. Mr. Stearns said he had told the applicant he would have an interview with the Board before any appointment is made. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION, CONTINUED Chairman Behney gave the resume to Mr. LeClair to make copies for each Selectmen, with the suggestion that the men keep a file for resumes. JOINT MEETING BETWEEN BURLINGTON AND SOUTH BURLINGTON PLANNING COMMISSIONS Chairman Behney reported that the two commissions had a very fruitful meeting which he felt promoted good relations with the City of Burlington. Many matters of mutual interest were discussed, an important one being the proposed Pine Street Extension. The two commissions are now planning to hold joint meetings every two months. REPORT ON SCHOOL BOARD ITEMS BY SELECTMAN STEARNS Mr. Stearns said he had sounded the School Board Chairman, Mr. Marvin, on the feasibility of acquiring a common financial administrator and Mr. Marvin was in agreement. Mr. LeClair asked if a date had been set for a meeting with the School Board on this, with Mr. Stearns and himself in attendance. Mr. Stearns said the School Board agenda had been very full, and asked the town manager to request Superintendent Lull to put the item on the agenda of a regular School Board meeting in mid-December. CLUSTER HOUSING Chairman Behney told the Board that the result of last week's Planning Commission meeting meant that Cluster Housing type of development has been basically shot down and we are presently awaiting an interpretation from the Town Attorney who is researching the details of the circumstances and meetings that led to this. The Board members agreed that material not pertinent to the question was brought up at the meeting and obscured the facts. CLUSTER HOUSING, CONTINUED Mr. Behney also said that we are waiting for a legal opinion as to whether the Cluster Housing Subdivision appeal can be brought up again without readvertising. There was a rather detailed discussion of the entire Cluster Housing Subdivision question. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Premo the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. APPROVED Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.