HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/19/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MAY 19, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, May 19, 1969 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Charlotte Marsh, Glenn Greene, Vernon W. Wamsganz, Paul DeGrechie, George G. Smith, Mildred W. Bostwick, Leopold Racicot, Richard W. Scelza, Jr., Frederick G. Blais, Samuel F. B. Morse, Margaret Mackay, Ray Trombley, Representative Fred Hackett, Dorothy Guilford, Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Jean Hildick, Jane Brennan, John P. Brennan, Ray Unsworth and Fred Maher. RESOLUTION - GLENN GREENE - TOWN HALL CLEAN-UP Mr. Behney, Chairman, read a resolution that was unanimously adopted and signed by the Selectmen, in which the Board commended Glenn Greene, a South Burlington High School student, who organized fellow Boy Scouts and South Burlington Key Club members and initiated a conservation project and clean-up campaign in order to beautify the grounds around the Town Office Building. The original of the resolution was presented to Mr. Greene and a copy is filed with these minutes and made a part thereof. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 5, 1969 MEETING The minutes of the May 5, 1969 meeting were unanimously approved as amended and read. DISCUSSION ON FIRE PROTECTION Mr. Behney, Chairman, reported that in view of the work stoppage program in the Burlington Fire Department he had contacted most of the Selectmen who were in agreement that some action should be taken to make sure South Burlington would have fire protection in case the situation in the Burlington Fire Department worsened. He further reported that the towns of Winooski, Shelburne, Williston, as well as the Air National Guard fire departments had verbally agreed to assist the town if assistance was needed. Town Manager LeClair said there was a need for volunteers beyond the working day hours if we relied on the National Guard unit. The town departments would be able to assist in those locations in South Burlington nearest their fire station. These departments would be called only if the town was notified that the city would not respond to a call. Selectman D'Acuti said he felt the publicity about the work stoppage by the city department personnel was being used as a wedge to procure an increase in pay for them, and at present we were protected under our contract. Mr. Vernon Wamsganz, a resident of South Burlington for the past seven years, spoke in favor of the town establishing its own volunteer fire department. He said he had 27 years of experience as a volunteer fireman, and he knew there were enough interested men in town available to form a good department. DISCUSSION ON FIRE PROTECTION, CONTINUED Mr. George Smith and Mr. Paul DeGrechie were also present and expressed their interest in the formation of a volunteer department. These three men are presently members of the City of Burlington's volunteer department, and in a general discussion said that the town does have some equipment on hand and they feel it would not be too costly to be set up adequately enough to do a good job. Selectman D'Acuti suggested that perhaps an organization could be formed now, and getting equipment and a building could be considered later. He also suggested appointing a Volunteer Fire Department Committee to be added to the list of town committees. The Selectmen were in agreement. Mr. D'Acuti then made a motion to appoint Mr. Vernon W. Wamsganz, Mr. George G. Smith and Mr. Paul DeGrechie to the South Burlington Volunteer Fire Department Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. LeClair was instructed to set up a meeting with a representative of the National Fire Underwriters Association and the committee to discuss items pertinent to organization of the unit. Mr. Nardelli asked if the Committee could report on its progress at the regular Selectmen's meeting of June 16, 1969. The Committee agreed to attend the meeting and give a report. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Frederick G. Blais, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, reported on the types of town government the committee was studying in order to make a recommendation to the Selectmen. He said the committee had a majority vote for the Town Manager-City Council system form of government several times. He also said that the establishment of a Finance Committee, to go over the town and school budgets, was considered. Mr. Morse said he felt a Finance Committee was useless and helpless, as it can't add to or change any budget submitted to it by the School Board or the Council. There was a general discussion on the different forms of town government, the powers of the School District, the advisability of the Water Department being under the town's juristiction but operating as a separate entity, different methods of setting the tax rate, changing the Grand List date to January first of each year, etc. Representative Hackett explained the difficulties encountered at the state level in effecting a change in the Grand List date and also explained the new method of figuring the amount of State Aid to Education. He said that next year they will vote on a bill so town bond issues will pass on a simple majority vote. Chairman Behney thanked Mr. Blais and the other members of the Town Government Committee for the presentation and said the Board would like to have a list of the goals to be accomplished by September and a time table of same, in order to be well informed when the Committee presented its recommendations to the Board in September. Mr. Blais said this would be done and invited the Selectmen to attend the Town Government Committee meetings which are held on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at his home at 86 Suburban Square at 7:30 P.M. SALE OF OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS Mr. Blais brought out the fact that magazines of a questionable nature are for sale in South Burlington and available to the youth of our town. Mr. D'Acuti suggested that the matter might be brought to the attention of church and civil groups for consideration. No action was taken. DISCUSSION WITH BOARD OF LISTERS WITH REGARD TO PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX The Board had requested this meeting with the Board of Listers in order to determine the advisability of hiring an expert in the field of personal property to do a complete appraisal of the personal property in town. Mrs. Bostwick, Chairman of the Board of Listers, explained the method that is presently being used which is on a voluntary or trust basis. She said it would be impossible for the listers to do as good a job as a full time expert. Mr. Racicot and Mr. Scelza, the other listers, said they were in accord with Mrs. Bostwick. Mr. Premo made a motion to have Mr. LeClair arrange a meeting with the Listers and Mr. Alexander, an expert in the field, for review and discussion of the problem, after which the listers would make a recommendation to the Board. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. SECOND READING OF RAY TROMBLEY ORDINANCE - BARTLETT BAY ROAD Chairman Behney read the proposed ordinance. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the second reading with the stipulation that the septic tank plans were approved by the Planning Commission and the Town Engineer. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The ordinance reads as follows: RAY TROMBLEY ORDINANCE, CONTINUED FIRST READING OF UNSWORTH ORDINANCE - HINESBURG ROAD Chairman Behney read the proposed ordinance which requested a change of zone from Residential B to Residential C on property located on Hinesburg Road. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the first reading and to refer the request to the Planning Commission for a recommendation. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION REQUEST RE PINE STREET EXTENSION Mr. Behney, Chairman, read from the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 6, 1969 as follows: "Moved, seconded and so voted that the Town Selectmen be requested to authorize the Town Engineer to lay out the Pine Street Extension starting at a point on Bartlett Bay Road 300 feet west of Shelburne Road and ending at the center line on Pine Street in Burlington". Mr. D'Acuti made a motion that the Town Engineer be instructed to lay out the Pine Street Extension 300 feet west of Shelburne Road. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. FIRST READING OF AIR POLLUTION ORDINANCE As this first reading had been considered previously Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to waive the full reading. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Behney then read the title, etc. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the first reading as corrected by the Town Attorney. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. DISCUSSION ON TAXI FARES CHARGED AT AIRPORT Chairman Behney read from a letter written by the Town Attorney to the City Attorney requesting that the City officials consider requiring meters to be put in the taxis. The members discussed different methods of controlling the charges. It was decided that Mr. D'Acuti would discuss this again with the Airport Commission and that Mr. Premo would also work on the problem in collaboration with Mr. D'Acuti. SET VOTING HOURS FOR SPECIAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION REFERENDUM ON JUNE 3, 1969 Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to set the hours of voting on June 3, 1969 at 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF TREE WARDEN Chairman Behney reported that Mr. George Holcomb was not interested in being reappointed as town tree warden at this time. Mr. LeClair was instructed to contact Mr. Samuel Wiggans of 1 Sebring Road, a professor of horticultural science at the University of Vermont, about the appointment. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to appoint Mr. Wiggans as Tree Warden if he accepts the post when asked by Mr. LeClair. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. COUNTY TAX BUDGET Town Manager LeClair was asked to request a copy of the County Budget from the county clerk so it would be available for reference when the next budget is being considered. MISSING STOP AND SPEED SIGNS - SCHOOL CROSSING SIGNS Mr. Behney, Chairman, in noting the absence of some stop and speed signs instructed Mr. LeClair to ask the Police Chief to make a survey and replace those that were missing. Mr. LeClair was also instructed to look into the painting of the school crossings, crosswalks, etc. SIDEWALK LOCATIONS Mr. Stearns was asked to discuss with the School Board their feelings on the best locations to install sidewalks and report back to the Board. LACK OF FACILITIES FOR CRIPPLED PERSONS AT AIRPORT Chairman Behney said he had been called about the lack of ramps and conveniences in the parking lot and other areas of the airport for the use of crippled persons. He asked Mr. D'Acuti to discuss this with the Airport Commission the next time he attends a meeting. SOUTH BURLINGTON NEWSLETTER Mrs. Jane Brennan, President of the South Burlington League of Women Voters, reported that the League would not undertake the Newsletter project as such a project would not actually be in line with the League's functions. ORDINANCES FOR LANDLORDS OF RESIDENTIAL C PROPERTY Chairman Behney initiated a discussion regarding the setting-up of an ordinance or notice listing the town's regulations in regard to parking, dog control, burning hours, etc. for tenants and new residents of the town. The Board was unanimous in agreeing that it would be helpful to the landlords, tenants, and new owners in town if the pertinent rules and regulations were consolidated in the form of a notice that could be distributed to them. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.