HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 02/17/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a public meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, February 17, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Robert K. Ashley, Vice-Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Robert K. Ashley, Vice-Chairman; Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli, Augustus T. Stannard and Henry LeClair, Ex-Officio. MEMBERS ABSENT Vincent J. D'Acuti. OTHERS PRESENT Miss Charlotte C. Marsh, Mr. Chauncy Perry, Vermont Gas Systems, Mr. Rene Berard and Linda Christensen. Mr. Ashley, Vice-Chairman, made the Motion that the Board forego the Agenda, other than Items 1, 2, 3 and 4. This is the last meeting of the Selectmen before two new members will be elected and the other items are matters that the new Board should be apprised of and consider. Mr. Ashley felt the new Board should not be saddled with decisions that this Board might make. A brief discussion of the urgency for action on the remaining 5 items on the Agenda followed. Mr. Nardelli then seconded the motion to table items 5 through 9 of the Agenda. The Board voted 3 to 1 in favor with Mr. Behney casting the negative vote. Mr. Ashley explained the action of the Board to Mr. Perry of Vermont Gas Systems and requested he come before the Board again on March 17, 1969. The following action was taken on Items 1 through 4 of the Agenda. 1. MINUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10, 1969 The minutes of the meeting of February 10, 1969 were approved as written. 2. DISBURSEMENTS ORDERS Signed. 3. HIGHWAY BRIDGE STATE AID CLAIM Signed. 4. SECOND READING OF PERMIT FEE ORDINANCE Mr. LeClair presented the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the Board of Selectmen approve passage of the Permit Fee Ordinance. Mr. Behney made the Motion that the Permit Fee Ordinance be accepted. Unanimously approved. MUNSON EARTHMOVING CORPORATION PAYMENTS Mr. LeClair expressed considerable concern regarding payments to Munson Earthmoving Corporation under Contracts 5 and 6. He explained that under the terms of the Contract Agreement we are allowed to retain up to 10%. However, payment 15 on Contract 6 would reduce the retainage to 2%. The same would hold true for Contract 5. During the contract period our total retainage has been somewhat lower than the 10%, but he feels that 2% retainage definitely does not suffice. Mr. Nardelli made the motion that we do not make payments but keep the money in reserve for settlement of the account. Seconded by Mr. Behney and unanimously accepted. Mr. Ashley read the following letter addressed to the Chairman, South Burlington Selectmen, from Mr. Rene Berard, President, Ver-Mada, Incorporated: "Gentlemen: The South Burlington School Board is interested in acquiring a parcel of land approximately 150 ft. x 100 ft., just South of the last house on the east side of Mary Street. They would use this land for the entrance to the school, and hopefully when the front wooded section is removed sell the front for commercial use. We would like to donate this land to the Town in exchange for the Town relocating the sewer line around our proposed Ramada Inn. We realize that the value of the two is somewhat different, however, we feel that presently we are paying some $1,200,00 for taxes in this area, and as soon as the Ramada Inn is completed that we will be paying some $30,000.00 plus in taxes. Realizing that the first year is always the hardest to pay, especially in our position when we will be opening in late fall thereby losing all the summer business, we would appreciate your consideration to our proposal. Also realizing that the time schedule set for the building of this motel is very close, we are this date requesting the building permit. If any questions arise, we would appreciate your immediate attention to them, and you will have our full cooperation." Mr. Ashley stated that he felt his vote would jeopardize the feeling of incoming members He suggested this matter be tabled until the new Board meets on March 5, 1969. Mr. Berard emphasized that they had a deadline, construction had to be started no later than April 1, 1969, otherwise they can not start this year. However, he wanted it understood that it was not his intent to push the Board at this meeting for issuance of the Building Permit. Mr. Nardelli questioned if the property they were proposing to donate to the Town was contiguous to school land and was assured by Mr. Berard that it was. Mr. Ashley interjected that he did not feel he should vote on this matter. It should be up to the incoming Board to decide. Mr. Behney asked if this had cleared the Planning Commission and Mr. Berard said they had submitted preliminary plans and foresaw no trouble as far as parking, landscaping, etc. He further stated that the building would sit back 114 feet from Williston Road and that the property consisted of ten acres. He said that final plans would be submitted by March 15, 1969. Mr. LeClair showed the Preliminary Plans and Mr. Berard pointed out the land they proposed to change. Mr. Ashley asked if the Planning Commission didn't require a Profile defining what they are proposing. Mr. LeClair said that the fact that this property falls within South Burlington Sub-Division Regulations is of major importance. If the Planning Commission wishes to forego the Sub-Division Regulation that is their decision. Mr. Ashley reiterated that he felt the incoming Board should make this decision. Mr. Nardelli recommended that the Board table this matter until the first meeting of the new Board. This was seconded by Mr. Behney and unanimously accepted. Mr. Behney recommended that the Board of Selectmen request the Planning Commission put this matter on their Agenda at their next meeting of February 25, 1969, He then questioned Mr. Berard if he could, in his capacity as Chairman of the School Directors, say whether the School Department would be in a position to reimburse the Town for this land. Mr. Berard stated that they would be in a position to do this. Mr. Nardelli requested that Mr. Berard submit his cost on relocating the Sewer Line for the Ramada Inn before the Board of Selectmen meeting on March 5, 1969. Mr. Ashley suggested that Mr. Berard work out details with Mr. LeClair prior to the meeting of March 5, 1969 and emphasized that a representative of Ver- Mada should be present at the Planning Commission meeting February 25, 1969. The Board of Selectmen assured Mr. Berard that they would do all in their power to expedite this matter. REQUEST OF CHARLOTTE MARSH - DOG ORDINANCE AND FIRE BURNING ORDINANCE Charlotte Marsh suggested that the Town adopt the practice of handing out copies of the South Burlington Dog Ordinance and Fire Burning Ordinance with the issuance of Dog Licenses or Hunting and Fishing Licenses. She had requested that this be done previously but it was not in writing and, to the best of her knowledge, no action has been forthcoming. Also, the Dog Ordinance and Fire Burning Ordinance have been printed but the penalty for non- compliance has not been included therein. Mr. Ashley recommended that the Board accept the suggestion and turn this over to the Town Manager to follow through. He then asked the members if there was any further business to discuss. Mr. Behney commented that the Town of South Burlington was fortunate to have a South Burlington resident as Director of the Central Planning Office...... A copy of the letter from Mr. Fonseca of the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission has been forwarded to both Mr. Hackett and Mr. Ewing for their review. Mr. Ashley commended Henry LeClair for the outstanding job he was performing as Town Manager. He was most gratified that he had a part in the decision of the Board of Selectmen to hire Henry and he felt that his cooperation and diligence during his tenure as Selectman had been exceptional..... He sincerely feels that the people of South Burlington indeed had an asset in Henry LeClair. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M. 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