HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/22/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DECEMBER 22, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the South Burlington Middle School on Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont, in Room 101W, on Monday, December 22, 1969 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. Behney, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo, and Raymond E. Stearns. MEMBERS ABSENT Vincent J. D'Acuti OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Charlotte Marsh, Reporter George Lambert, Richard Tarrant and Robert Hoehl from the Burlington Data Processing Company, and Mr. Elmer Premo. MANAGER'S REQUEST FOR A RESOLUTION IN REGARD TO OBTAINING FUNDS FOR A DATA PROCESSING PROJECT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT Town Manager LeClair explained that the Federal Government allows communities up to 75% of the cost for various projects for innovative type police work, and that Vermont has received only a small portion of the funds that are available. He said he had met twice with Chief Carter and State's Attorney Leahey, who is a member of the Governor's Crime Commission, regarding this and wanted the resolution adopted so that Mr. Leahey could present it to the Crime Commission for consideration. He also said he was asking for $25,000 to initiate the data processing project for police work, and the verbage of the resolution would enable the Selectmen time necessary to develop the program. Mr. Nardelli remarked that it would take a year or so to develop such a program. RESOLUTION TO GOVENOR'S CRIME COMMISSION, CONTINUED Mr. Premo made a motion to adopt the resolution, and forward it with a letter to State's Attorney Leahey for future action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. The resolution follows: R E S O L U T I O N THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON HEREBY RESOLVE, THAT WHEREAS, the President enacted into law legislation known as the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, which provides Federal Assistance on the local level to prevent and control crime by fostering new approaches, capabilities and resources; and WHEREAS, the Town of South Burlington has maintained and operated an adequate police department, and now desires to improve the capabilities of that department by initiating a pilot project of two years duration, to develop a computer-based information system to service its own and other police agencies in the area; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the cost of collection, programming, key punching and processing the desired statistics, facts, and other information to be $25,000 if done in conjunction with other municipal data processing, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SELECTMEN OF THE TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON: 1. That an application be made to the Governor's Commission on Crime Control and Prevention for an amount of $25,000 over a two year period. 2. That the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen be authorized and directed to execute and to file such application with the Commission, to provide additional information, and to furnish such documents as may be required by the Commission, and to act as correspondent of the Applicant. 3. That the Commission be, and hereby are, assured of full compliance by the Applicant with regulations of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968. Approved December 22, 1969 s/ Charles H. Behney, Chairman Walter Nardelli Gregory L. Premo Raymond E. Stearns SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN DATA PROCESSING PRESENTATION BY RICHARD TARRANT AND ROBERT HOEHL Mr. Tarrant explained that Burlington Data Processing Company is a service organization, and after detailing the numerous town functions that can be served by the use of data processing, stated his suggestion at the present time would be to do a feasibility study on a survey basis of what can be accomplished with data processing, examining several alternatives, such as continued and expanded use of the school facilities, rental of a machine, or having the work done at a data processing center. Mr. Robert Hoehl of the same company, also spoke to the Selectmen, telling them he had spent three years as a Vermont State employee in Data Processing, and was familiar with governmental and municipal work, among them the keeping of a current check list for voters, current grand list figures, collection of taxes, payrolls, etc. Mr. Stearns asked about the cost of such a feasibility study, Mr. Tarrant said he couldn't quote an exact figure, but that a recent study which took about a month's time cost approximately $1,900. Mr. Nardelli wondered if Mr. Tarrant would be able to give a cost figure at the next meeting and Mr. Tarrant said yes. The Selectmen then agreed to have Mr. Tarrant attend the next meeting to submit a figure of the cost of such a study. Chairman Behney said this item would be placed on the agenda. CONSIDER BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE STATION AND EQUIPMENT Chairman Behney read a letter from Town Attorney Ewing and a resolution approving a warning for a special meeting requesting a bond issue for the construction of a town building to house a fire department and the purchase of equipment for same. The signed resolution is attached to these minutes and made a part thereof. CONSIDER BOND ISSUE FOR FIRE STATION AND EQUIPMENT, CONTINUED Mr. Premo said he was very concerned as to whether or not the town should go ahead and work toward having its own Fire Department, and asked if figures were available as to the cost of fire departments in towns of comparable size. He and Mr. Nardelli both emphasized that they wanted to have concrete facts and figures so they could answer any questions put to them by constituents. Chairman Behney said his investigations showed that a budget of $75,000 a year would leave a good margin, as he had verified the cost of the building, trucks, and equipment. Mr. Nardelli remarked that we would be able to tell the voters that the budget would be the same or less than we have to budget for a contract with the City of Burlington. Mr. Elmer Premo, of the Redwood Motel in South Burlington, presented his views on the subject, saying his thinking was that we should contract with the city for at least a year longer, thus buying time to further study the feasibility of owning our own department. Mr. Stearns remarked that we are proposing a good fire department with experienced salaried and volunteer help and equipment equal to what Burlington offers. He said we were not looking for an inferior replacement to what the city offers, that we have grown to a size where we should provide our own fire department. Mr. Premo said he did not doubt that and repeated that we should buy time to study the matter in depth. There was a general discussion on all facets of the pros and cons of establishing our own fire department Mr. Nardelli moved to have the bond issue request for a fire department building and equipment published, so that a special meeting could be held on Friday, Jan. 30, 1970. Seconded by Mr. Stearns and so passed. CONSIDER RESIGNATION OF TOWN GRAND JUROR PAUL GRAVES Chairman Behney read a letter of resignation from the office of Town Grand Juror from Paul Graves, Attorney. Mr. Premo made a motion to accept the resignation with sincere regret, and to consider a replacement at a later date. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BRIEF RECAP OF PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM Town Manager LeClair presented copies of a suggested 5-part purchase order for use by the town, as well as a flow chart and explantion of same to each member. He said he had met with Mr. Kellner, whose work is in the purchasing field, and they had worked out this system which they felt could be used for town purchases. He suggested that Mr. Kellner be asked to attend a meeting in order to go into a purchasing program in depth with the Board members. He also suggested that Mr. Kellner be asked to check with the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to see if state level purchasing is available to the towns. The members agreed to this and Chairman Behney said Mr. Kellner would be invited to attend a meeting and the item would be put on the agenda. SANCTION DR. GLUCK'S USE VARIANCE Chairman Behney explained that the Zoning Board of Adjustment had granted a use variance requested by Dr. Gluck to use the building at 1480 Williston Road as office space for three attorneys. He pointed out that the building was formerly granted a variance for use as a Doctor's office. Mr. Stearns made a motion to sanction the approval of the Zoning Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. AMENDMENTS TO UPDATED MASTER PLAN There was a general discussion initiated by Chairman Behney on the proposed updated master plan in which he stated that one of the functions of a master plan is to guide the town in making decisions. The Board of Selectmen then made the following amendments: Mr. Premo made a motion that the Planning Commission's Amendment #6 to the Master Plan as follows "Include a connecting road from Andrews Avenue to the proposed development south of University of Vermont land." be amended to read as follows: "Include a road to extend Sebring Road easterly and southerly to Allen Road." The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. Mr. Premo made a motion to have indicated on the proposed master plan the road from the southerly border of the Orchard School property to Baldwin Avenue. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. Mr. Premo made a motion that the JayCee Recreational Park on Patchen Road be designated on the proposed master plan. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. The Board voted unanimously to go into executive session at 10:15 P.M. Approved Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.