HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/21/1969BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING APRIL 21, 1969 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, April 21, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Behney called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Charles H. Behney, Chairman; Vincent J. D'Acuti, Walter Nardelli, Gregory L. Premo and Raymond E. Stearns. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Frederick Blais, Chairman of Town Government Committee; Robert Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee; Chief Carter and Officer Poreda from the Police Department; Dr. Mackay, Ray Trombley, Charlotte C. Marsh, Ray Bishop, Richard W. Dunkley, Jim Haire, Frank Cota, Robert Barnes, Paula Flaherty and Linda Christensen of the League of Women Voters and several other residents of South Burlington. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 7, 1969 MEETING The minutes of the April 7, 1969 meeting were unanimously approved as read with the deletion of the words 'of bravery' from the first item on page 10. RECOGNITION OF TOWN EMPLOYEE - OFFICER POREDA The following Certificate of Commendation was read in full by Chairman Behney and presented to Patrolman Stanley S. Poreda in recognition of outstanding performance while on duty as a Police Officer: RECOGNITION OF TOWN EMPLOYEE - OFFICER POREDA, CONTINUED During a general discussion on the matter Robert Barnes, Roland Decarreau, George Devereaux and other residents present because of their interest in the matter expressed their approval of the Listers' statement. Selectman Premo said he felt the town needed professional help in assessing the personal property in town and said the Board should work toward determining a method of financing the project. Mr. Premo made a motion to approve the Listers' policy as set on April 21, 1969. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stearns and passed unanimously. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST - RAY TROMBLEY - BARTLETT BAY ROAD Chairman Behney read the proposed ordinance in full. Mr. LeClair explained that the lot in question was presently zoned Planned District and was adjacent to Residential B Property. He also said that Mr. Trombley was in the process of obtaining approval as to sewer requirements from the State Board of Health. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to approve the first reading. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. LeClair was instructed to forward the proposed ordinance to the Planning Commission for its recommendation at the Commission meeting of April 29, 1969 and to advertise it for a second reading at the Selectmen's regular meeting of May 19, 1969. RECONSIDER DECISION TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS ON LAUREL HILL DRIVE Mr. Behney, Chairman, explained that although sidewalk construction was scheduled for Laurel Hill Drive this year the residents of the street apparently did not want it. Mr. D'Acuti reported he had contacted about 20 home owners on the street, found many who knew nothing about the proposed construction, and the consensus of opinion of those he contacted was that it did not make any difference, and only four were favorable to the proposed sidewalk and three were against. RECONSIDER SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION ON LAUREL HILL DRIVE, CONTINUED Town Manager LeClair mentioned several areas which would benefit by construction of sidewalks. Mr. D'Acuti said he felt sidewalks should be installed for the benefit of the school children and suggested the School Board inform the Selectmen where the most traffic is generated, and the Board of Selectmen would then decide the priority. The Selectmen unanimously agreed. REQUEST PERMISSION TO SPEND UP TO $1000 FROM THE NATURAL RESOURCE MONEY FOR APPRAISALS OF RECREATIONAL LAND Town Manager LeClair explained that he would like permission to spend up to $1000 from the Natural Resource money for appraisal of recreation land subject to receipt of the town of H. H. F. A. approval of application. Mr. Premo made a motion that the request be granted. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, gave a short resume of the work of his committee and reported that Dean Slack, Leonard Siwek and Daniel Hurley would not be on the committee for the ensuing year. Chairman Behney commended Mr. Ray on the accomplishments and goals of the committee and suggested that because of the interest of the JayCees in recreation, two members of that organization should be appointed to the Park and Recreation Committee. He then submitted the name of Donald Duell. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS - PARK & RECREATION, CONTINUED Mr. D'Acuti submitted the name of Richard Tarrant, who he said was not a JayCee member, but was interested in Recreation. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to appoint Donald Duell and Richard Tarrant to the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Chairman Behney said he would get in touch with Mr. King of the JayCees to see if he would be interested in serving on this committee. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Action on appointments to this committee was tabled to the May 5, 1969 meeting at the request of Mr. Duncan Brown, Acting-Chairman. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Mr. Blais, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, said Mr. Peter Jacob and Mr. Daniel O'Brien have resigned from the committee, and he submitted the names of Robert Martineau and Frederick McGibney for consideration. Mr. Behney, Chairman, submitted the name of Fred Hackett, saying he felt he would be a great asset to the committee because of his experience in government matters. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to appoint Mr. Martineau, Mr. McGibney and Mr. Hackett to the Town Government Committee. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. Chairman Behney announced that the Board would hold a regular meeting on May 12, 1969 with the Town Government Committee. In further discussion about the Town Government Committee the Board noted that Mr. Martineau was presently a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and the opinion was unanimous that he should state his preferance as to what Board he wants to serve on. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS, CONTINUED DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE Mr. Behney, Chairman, recommended that Mr. Ephrem A. Berteau be reappointed as Director of Civil Defense for the coming year. The vote was unanimous in favor of Mr. Berteau's appointment. ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mr. D'Acuti told the Board that Mr. George DeForge a member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment whose term expires this year had expressed a desire not to be reappointed for another term right now. Mr. Behney submitted the name of Douglas S. Stuart, Attorney, for consideration. Mr. Stearns made a motion to appoint Mr. Stuart to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to replace Mr. DeForge, the appointment to be for five years or till 1974. Mr. Premo seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to reappoint Mr. William D. Kellner as South Burlington representative to the Regional Planning Commission and if South Burlington is entitled to another member to reappoint Mr. Joseph Zachowski. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. FENCE VIEWERS Mr. Premo made a motion to reappoint Mr. Howard Chittenden, Mr. Leonard R. Barton and Mr. Ernest Auclair as fence viewers. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and passed unanimously. HEALTH OFFICER The Board unanimously voted to reappoint Dr. Charles M. Gluck as Health Officer for the coming year. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS, CONTINUED CEMETARY COMMITTEE Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to reappoint Charlotte Marsh and Frances Myers to the Cemetary Committee, Charlotte Marsh to be Chairman and Frances Myers to be Co-Chairman. The motion was seconded by Raymond Stearns and passed unanimously. BUILDING AND ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to reappoint Henry LeClair, Town Manager as Building and Electrical Inspector. TOWN ATTORNEY The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to reappoint John T. Ewing, as Town Attorney. WEIGHER OF COAL AND MEASURER OF LUMBER Chairman Behney said that according to the State Statutes the Selectmen had to appoint a weigher of coal and measurer of lumber. The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to appoint Henry LeClair, Town Manager, as Weigher of Coal and Measurer of Lumber. TREE WARDEN In a general discussion about the appointment of Tree Warden the Selectmen were agreed that it would be advantageous to appoint an expert in the field, suggested that Mr. George Holcomb, the last appointee be contacted as to his opinion. APPOINTMENTS TABLED Appointments to the Industrial Development Committee and for Tree Warden were postponed until the May 5, 1969 meeting. APPROVE LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved and signed the following applications for liquor licenses: First National Stores Corporation of Vermont, William M. Vetters and Grand Union Stores Incorporated of Vermont. The Board also unanimously approved and signed the liquor license application for Joe Barry's Restaurant, Incorporated, after a discussion in which it was noted that Mr. Barry had met the requirements to control the noise caused by his business as requested by the Board. Mr. Behney, Chairman, instructed Mr. LeClair to notify Mr. Barry that he must control the operation of his parking lot. CONSIDER SIGN ORDINANCE AND VIEW FRANK COTA'S DISPLAY OF NEON Mr. Cota showed a display of the colors in neon lighting to the Board. Mr. Behney, Chairman, said he would like to appoint a Committee to review the sign ordinance, taking into consideration the neon question as well as the stock signs that many firms use. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to appoint a member from the Planning Commission, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and the Board of Selectmen to make up a Study Committee to review the sign ordinance. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion. The Board unanimously agreed on the appointment of Mr. Nardelli as the representative from the Board of Selectmen to the Study Committee on the Sign Ordinance. FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF AIR POLLUTION ORDINANCE AND INCINERATORS The Board discussed a survey of 46 commercial establishments made by Richard Ward, which listed 18 concerns as burning trash and 28 as having their trash trucked away. CONSIDERATION OF AIR POLLUTION ORDINANCE AND INCINERATORS There was a general discussion on the problems caused by the burning of trash by commercial establishments. Chairman Behney said he would like to have some kind of an ordinance adopted that would control the burning. Mr. Stearns made a motion to have an ordinance drafted that would require commercial establishments to burn their refuse in manufactured, dual chambered or more, fuel-fed incinerators. The motion was seconded by Mr. Premo and passed unanimously. ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS IN LAUREL HILL SOUTH – YANDOW In discussing the acceptance of streets in general Mr. Stearns remarked that he felt the Board should be very careful of what they approve or disapprove citing problems on accepted streets in many areas in town. Mr. Behney said that under a new policy the Board does not accept any streets without the recommendation of the Planning Commission, the Town Attorney and the Town Engineer. Mr. D'Acuti made a motion to accept the Laurel Hill South streets as deeded by Mr. Yandow. Mr. Nardelli seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. CHANGE IN TIME OF REGULAR MEETINGS The Board unanimously agreed to set the time of regular meetings at 7:00 P.M. starting with the meeting of May 5, 1969, until such time as it is voted to resume the 7:30 P.M. time. As a second reading of a proposed ordinance is presently advertised for 7:30 P.M. on May 5, 1969, the Board agreed not to take up this legal matter until 7:30 P.M. at that meeting. RECOGNITION OF WORK DONE BY KEY CLUB AND BOY SCOUT MEMBERS Chairman Behney, after a discussion of the clean-up project underway by members of the Boy Scouts and the Key Club, recommended that a resolution of appreciation be drawn up and presented to a representative of each club. The Board was unanimous in agreement. ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS FOR FUEL OIL AND GAS Mr. Nardelli made a motion to have contracts drawn up awarding the bid for fuel oil to the lowest bidder, Ed Chastenay; and for gas to the Gulf Oil Company. Mr. Stearns seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. STUDENT CONTEST FOR DESIGN OF SEAL WITH EMBLEM In discussing the fact that the town does not have a seal with an appropriate emblem Mr. Behney suggested that the Selectmen sponsor a contest open to all South Burlington students for the design of such a seal. He also suggested that the judges could be a member from each of the following: the Kiwanis Club, the JayCees, the League of women voters and the Board of Selectmen. The Board voted unanimously in favor of both suggestions. Mr. Nardelli was appointed by unanimous vote to spearhead the contest, get publicity, decide on prizes, judges, etc. REPORT FROM LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ON NEWSLETTER Chairman Behney asked Lynda Christiansen from the League of Women Voters if she had a report on the progress of the Newsletter. She said there was nothing to report at this time, that Mrs. Jane Brennan was the newly elected President of the League and that a report would be forthcoming. DISCUSSION ON ARTS AND CRAFTS - SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Mr. LeClair was instructed to inform Mr. Ray and Mr. Burnell that all the schools with the exception of the middle school will be under construction this summer so they can plan their summer activities with this in mind. TENNIS COURT RENOVATION Because the advisability of resurfacing the present tennis courts was questioned by Board members it was unanimously agreed to look into all aspects of construction, repairs, location, etc. when the Park and Recreation Committee meets with the Board with figures and plans. CONTROL OF THE SPEED LIMITS IN TOWN As many incidents of speeding on town streets and roads had been observed by Board members as well as reported to them by residents the Board unanimously agreed to publicize that the Board is asking the Police Department to take any action necessary to control the speed limits. Mr. LeClair was instructed to notify Police Chief Carter of the action. REQUEST TO STOCKPILE GRAVEL ON TOWN OWNED LAND - F. R. ANTONE Mr. LeClair pointed out on a map a triangular piece of town owned land near the Airport runway on which Frank R. Antone, a local contractor, had requested permission to stockpile gravel, etc., during the construction period. The Board voted unanimously to grant Mr. Antone's request with the stipulation of a 30 day termination date by the town. CONSIDER NAMING A STREET OR ROAD AFTER LATE PRESIDENT EISENHOWER Chairman Behney noted that the state was in the process of naming a portion of the interstate after the late President Eisenhower and felt it would be appropriate if the town followed suit. As the Planning Commission is in the process of making a study of the names of the streets in the town the Selectmen unanimously voted to recommend they consider the above. GARBAGE COLLECTION Mr. D'Acuti informed the Board that the City of Burlington was investigating all phases of garbage and refuse collection at this time. He felt that it would be advantageous for the town to become involved. The Board agreed that this would be a good move and Mr. LeClair was told to ask Mr. William D. Kellner, as a member of the Regional Planning Commission, to check into the City's action as well as any progress on Regional Land Fill Areas. AGENDA AND MINUTES Mr. D'Acuti expressed his objection to informational meetings and short notice of meetings except in cases of extreme emergencies. He said he felt previous policies should be followed. After a short discussion the Selectmen agreed to call Chairman Behney when they wanted items put on the agenda and he in turn would instruct the Town Manager on the items he received. It was also agreed that the agendas should be in the hands of the Selectmen on the Friday preceeding the meeting and a copy given to the Free Press reporter so publicity on items to be taken up would appear before the meeting. Mr. D'Acuti asked to have the minutes of the meetings distributed as soon as they were completed instead of the Friday or Saturday before the meetings so the Board would have more time to review them. GIROUARD DOG COMPLAINT Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, was instructed to check into the outcome of the Girourd dog complaint and report on same at the next meeting. APPOINTMENT OF MR. STEARNS AS LIAISON MAN BETWEEN BOARD OF SELECTMEN AND SCHOOL BOARD Chairman Behney told the Board that Mr. Stearns had expressed interest in working as liaison man between the Board of Selectmen and the School Board, and submitted Mr. Stearns' name for that position. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the appointment. APPOINTMENT OF MR. PREMO AS LIAISON MAN BETWEEN BOARD OF SELECTMEN, THE NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL POLICE COMMITTEE Chairman Behney told the Board that Mr. Premo was very interested in Natural Resources and in the Regional Police concept and submitted Mr. Premo's name as liaison man between the Board of Selectmen and those committees. The Board favored the recommendation. SALE OF CEMETARY LOTS Charlotte Marsh, Chairman of the Cemetary Committee, reported that three lots had been sold recently for $150 total. Mr. Behney, Chairman, expressed his appreciation to Mr. D'Acuti for the extra work he undertook in the matter of the Laurel Hill Drive sidewalk and his research in the area of gas incinerators. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. APPROVED Gregory L. Premo, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.