HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/16/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, September 16, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; John T. Ewing, Town Attorney; William D. Kellner, Chairman of the Planning Commission; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Harold Grubb, Samuel A. Diehl, Anthony Socinski, Briand M. Parenteau, Richard Klein, Dorothy E. Guilford, William Reinhold, Charlotte C. Marsh, Donald H. Dooley, Fred Calcagni, Kenneth Hildick Barbara Bull, Hans Weyde and several other citizens of South Burlington. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the August 26, 1968, September 9 and 16th, meetings were approved as read. HOWARD CRANWELL REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF PORTION OF BOND Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, told those present that the Town Attorney, John Ewing, was present to report on developments and decisions reached with Mr. Cranwell's Attorney, Leon D. Latham. Mr. Ewing said he had met with Mr. Latham and had discussed what Mr. Cranwell would have to do in order to have the bond released. He said the lawyers had not met with Mr. Cranwell as yet to clear up some of the items, and his recommendation to the Board was not to release any part of the bond until all physical requirements were met and to retain the sum of $5,000 to cover cost of correcting the deeds in question. Mr. Deihl, Mr. Grubb, Mr. Parenteau, Hans Weyde, and other Laurel Hill South residents told the Board of their problems because of faulty drainage systems. The Town Attorney said his interpretation of the bond agreement was that the Town was not responsible for correcting all of the drainage problems, explaining that they should be resolved between the owner and builder and developer. Mr. D'Acuti said that it was up to the builders to check the plans on file and build according to the profile plans. After a lengthy discussion about the several complaints presented, the Board voted unanimously to accept the recommendation of the Town Attorney and refuse to release any part of the bond until all the physical requirements of the development are met to the town's satisfaction, and to retain the sum of $5,000 to cover cost of correcting the deeds. DONALD DOOLEY REQUEST REGARDING PLOWING OF SHELBURNE ROAD SIDEWALKS Mr. Donald Dooley of 20 Laurel Hill Drive expressed his concern because the sidewalks northeast of the Esso Station, in front of Guyette's property, and in front of the Grand-Way on Shelburne Road are not plowed during the winter. He requested a letter be sent to him stating whether or not the town was going to plow in this area next winter. Mr. LeClair said most of the sidewalk area mentioned was in Burlington's juristiction. DONALD DOOLEY REQUEST, CONTINUED Mr. Dooley then said he wanted a letter stating the intentions of South Burlington in regard to plowing the area, which he would present to the City of Burlington authorities in an effort to clarify the situation to have the sidewalk plowed by the responsible community or have a reciprocal agreement considered. Mr. LeClair was instructed to forward a letter to Mr. Dooley as requested, and to phone the Burlington Street Superintendent in regard to same. SIGN "NO PARKING" RESOLUTION The Selectmen signed a resolution designating that "no parking" signs be installed on the west side of Dorset Street from Williston Road to Swift Street; on the west side of Patchen Road; on the west side of Airport Parkway, and on the north side of White Street. The original of the resolution is filed with these minutes. NO LEFT HAND TURNS GOING IN OR OUT OF QUEEN CITY PARK ROAD Mr. Stannard asked Mr. LeClair if the signs were being installed to prohibit left hand turns entering or coming out of Queen City Park Road. Mr. LeClair said not as yet. Mr. Behney pointed out that the resolution for Queen City Park Road did not prohibit left hand turns from Shelburne Road onto Queen City Park Road, only from Queen City Park Road onto Shelburne Road. Mr. LeClair was instructed to redraft the resolution to read "no left hand turns entering Queen City Park Road from Shelburne Road and no left turns coming out of Queen City Park Road onto Shelburne Road", and have it ready for Selectmen's signatures at the next meeting. CONSIDER MUNICIPAL TRASH COLLECTION Mr. LeClair gave each Selectman a written report and breakdown on the estimated cost of Municipal combined trash and garbage pickup. Estimated total annual cost is $25,830.00. The Selectmen discussed trash collection in general, the different types and sizes of equipment necessary for such an operation, etc., and asked Mr. LeClair to further investigate the matter and to have facts and figures ready for review when the 1968-69 budget is being prepared. A copy of the breakdown is filed with the minutes of this meeting. RESOLUTION - VOTE ON SEWER BOND ISSUE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE IV Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, explained that the State has ordered the town to improve and enlarge the Bartlett Bay Sewage Treatment Plant. He also said that an application for planning funds for the project has been approved and the planning is being done right now and the town is in the process of condemnation procedures to obtain the necessary land. The Town Attorney then read the following resolution for the Selectmen's motion and vote: RESOLVED: That it is hereby determined that the public interest and necessity of the Town of South Burlington demand the following improvement, namely; The establishment of a sewage and sewage disposal system, being Phase IV of the South Burlington Sewage System, and to consist of a sewer collection system for Queen City Park, a pumping station and force main, interceptor sewer line, and the expansion of the sewage treatment plant on Bartlett's Bay Road to include secondary treatment of sewerage, all as shown on plans and specifications prepared by Webster-Martin, Inc., Consulting Engineers of South Burlington, Vermont; at a total estimated cost of $1,020,711.00 RESOLUTION - VOTE ON SEWER BOND ISSUE FOR CONS. OF PHASE IV, CONTINUED And it is hereby further determined that the cost of said improvement will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said Town of South Burlington. Further RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposition of incurring a bonded debt in an amount not to exceed $340,000 to pay for the Town's share of the cost of such public improvement (the balance of the total estimated cost of said public improvement to be paid from anticipated state and federal aid) shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said Town of South Burlington at a meeting to be held for that purpose on November 5, 1968, at which meeting the polls will be open at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, and close at 7 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Behney made a motion to accept the resolution as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli, and passed unanimously. USE OF SURPLUS SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUNDS Mr. Stannard asked if the anticipated sewer surplus funds from the construction of Phases I, II, and III could be used to pay for part of the construction of Phase IV. Mr. Ewing said no, that the surplus is strictly Federal money and has to be used for the project for which it was obtained. Mr. Nardelli asked that further legal investigation be made as to the proper use of any surplus. Mr. D'Acuti said no decision had to be made at this time as the amount of surplus would not be definite till all the contracts were paid. Mr. LeClair mentioned that any monies available were earning interest. TOWN HALL VOTE In considering whether or not to put the matter of submitting to the voters a request for a bond issue for the proposed town buildings, Mr. Stannard said we can't wait too long. If we don't put it to a vote we should consider having a building built and leasing it, that he could see no objection to putting the item on the ballot at the November 5, 1968 meeting. RESOLUTION - VOTE ON TOWN BUILDINGS BOND ISSUE The Town Attorney read the following resolution for the Selectmen's motion and vote: RESOLVED: That it is hereby determined that the public interest and necessity of the Town of South Burlington demand the following improvement, namely: The construction of town buildings to consist of a building to house municipal offices and meeting rooms, and a second building to house the police and fire departments of the town, and including site development, said buildings to be located on the westerly side of Dorset Street opposite the South Burlington High School; at a total estimated cost of $275,000. And it is hereby further determined that the cost of said improvement will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said town of South Burlington. Further Resolved and Ordered: That the proposition of incurring a bonded debt in an amount not to exceed $275,000 to pay for the cost of such public improvement shall be submitted to the qualified voters of said Town of South Burlington at a meeting to be held for that purpose on November 5, 1968, at which meeting the polls will be open at 7 o'clock in the forenoon, and close at 7 o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Stannard made a motion to accept the resolution as read. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ashley and passed unanimously. Mrs. Bull, Miss Marsh, Mr. Parenteau and Mr. Socinsky expressed their opinion of the need for the town buildings and suggested that the Selectmen release informational material to the press so citizens would know what they were voting for. Mr. Stannard also said the people should realize the fact that our fire contract which is presently set at $50,000 could be set at $100,000 at renewal time. GRACEY'S USE VARIANCE REQUEST - WILLISTON ROAD The Selectmen unanimously sanctioned the Zoning Board of Adjustment's approval of Richard Gracey's Use Variance request to rent business office space at 1336 Williston Road. PEDISTRIAN CROSSING SYSTEM AT CENTRAL SCHOOL TRAFFIC LIGHT Mr. LeClair explained the mechanics and use of a pedistrian crossing system in general and said it would cost approximately $1800 to install such a system at the Central School traffic light. Because the Central School traffic light was installed and paid for by the School Department Mr. LeClair was instructed to inform the school of his findings to see if they wanted to pay for the system and have the town maintain it, and generally get their feelings on the matter. SHELBURNE ROAD TRAFFIC LIGHT Mr. Behney said Representative Hackett had heard from the State Highway Department in regard to the traffic light control system for Shelburne Road that the town had requested. He said Mr. Hackett was going to Montpelier to tell them the report was not complete and he expected to hear from Mr. Hackett on this when he returned from Montpelier. TRAFFIC LIGHTS IN GENERAL Mr. LeClair was instructed to list the locations in town that needed traffic signals, estimating the cost of each, and priority, and present his findings to the Board for consideration. CONSIDER PAYMENT OF EQUIPMENT SERIAL NOTES On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Behney, Mr. LeClair was instructed to pay off Equipment serial notes on the old loader and new loader in the amount of $16,600. CONSIDERATION OF AUDITOR'S LETTER Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the auditor, Mr. LaForrest Thompson, in which Mr. Thompson estimated a price of $1,100 to revise the town bookkeeping system. Mr. LeClair said he felt the price was high since the Burroughs people had not worked with our town employees as long as they had said they would, and he had requested the estimate from Mr. Thompson with the assumption that he would utilize the Burroughs people in the revision to keep the price down. Mr. Nardelli said the High School has purchased an I B M Computor, which is not being used to its full capacity and suggested that Mr. LeClair contact John Lucas of the School Department and Mr. Dallas Robinson from I. B. M. to consider the advisability of utilizing the machine for some of the town bookkeeping. Mr. LeClair was instructed to write to the auditor and tell him that the town was going to look into the use of the I. B. M. system at the school. JOE BARRY'S RESTAURANT OPERATION Mr. LeClair was instructed to call Mr. Joe Barry and tell him he was in violation of the South Burlington Ordinance since he has not as yet submitted a building permit. MISCELLANEOUS There was a general discussion on snow-plowing methods, advantages of using the angled straight blade, rental of sweepers, etc. The Board went into Executive Session at 10 P.M., resumed the regular session at 10:30 P.M. and adjourned. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.