HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/28/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a special meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, October 28, 1968 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman: Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney and Walter Nardelli. MEMBERS ABSENT Augustus T. Stannard OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Peter Piche, Attorney; Charlotte Marsh, Philip Koolvord, Attorney, and Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter. PIZZAGALLI DEVELOPMENT REQUEST Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, referred to a request from the Pizzagalli Construction Company asking the Town to pay for the construction of the water and sewer lines on Joy Drive, as other towns in the area had a system of paying for such items in view of the fact that such commercial construction increased the tax revenue to the town. After a general discussion the Selectmen unanimously voted to deny the request. The Town Manager was instructed to inform the Pizzagalli Construction Company of the decision, and ask them to present future construction projects to the Board before construction, so that the matter could be reviewed again at that time. TAX STRUCTURE OF COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENTS During a general discussion of tax exemptions for commercial buildings the Chairman suggested that the Industrial Committee should be instructed to investigate the advisability of delaying payment of taxes on new commercial building until construction is completed, giving as an example that if a building is 50% complete at the start of a tax year, the tax bill could be extended for payment until the next tax year. Mr. Nardelli said he felt such a move would have to be checked out with the Internal Revenue people, and also said the wording of such action should be "tax deferrment until business was in full operation". The Board agreed that the expression tax exemption should not be used. No action was taken as to a definite procedure as the Board felt they did not want to set a precedent at this time. DUTCH HILL ENTERPRISES, INC. USE VARIANCE REQUEST The Chairman stated that Dutch Hill Enterprises, Inc. had received approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment at its meeting of October 16, 1968, for a variance from Section 12.90 of the Zoning Ordinance, to construct a carwash and sell gasoline at the rear of 1457 Shelburne Road. The item was brought before the Selectmen for their veto or sanction of the approval. Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the Town Attorney which stated that the meeting was legally advertised, and also a letter from the Zoning Board which outlined five reasons why approval had been granted. Mr. Ashley stated he had looked over the area where the carwash was to be constructed and in his opinion it was not a desirable use. He made a motion to table action on the matter. No one seconded the motion. Mr. Behney quoted from the Zoning Board letter in which the Board stated the proposed building would blend well with the surroundings, and asked Mr. Koolvard if he had the plans with him. Mr. Koolvard said he was sorry, but he had not brought them to this meeting, but did explain the general layout and method of taking care of the water used in the operation. Mr. Nardelli made a motion to sanction the Zoning Board of Adjustment's approval. The motion was seconded by Mr. Behney, and passed with a vote of three to one, with Mr. Ashley casting the negative vote. HOWARD CRANWELL - LAUREL HILL SOUTH DEVELOPMENT Mr. Peter Piche, Attorney, explained that he was now representing Mr. Cranwell in the matter of the completion of Laurel Hill South Development and the request for release of the bond. Mr. D'Acuti said that Mr. Cranwell and his other lawyer, Mr. Latham, had been talking about completing the job for $2,000 or $3,000, and that he knew from going over the matter with others, that there was at least $10,000 worth of work yet to be done. He said there were a couple of serious items Mr. Cranwell had not taken care of, and the town was seriously thinking of going in and doing the work and charging it to Mr. Cranwell. Mr. Piche said he knew there was a discrepancy in figuring the cost of the remaining work, that he had gone over some of the items and the Vermont Paving Company was to have started paving today, but could not because of the rain. He also said the water connection job was to be completed this week, and the other outstanding items were not being avoided, but he had not had the time to look into them very thoroughly. He then said he would make a progress report at a future meeting. The Board then adjourned to go into Executive Session for the Police Court report, resumed the regular meeting at 8:30 and adjourned. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.