HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/18/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, November 18, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman; Mr. Robert Ashley, Mr. Charles H. Behney, Mr. Walter Nardelli and Mr. Augustus Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Richard Ward, Zoning Administrator; George Silver, Town Assessor; Mr. Frederick Blais, Dan King and Louis Girard from the JayCees; Robert Ray, Ed Bartlett and Robert Burnell of the Park and Recreation Committee, Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter, and Barbara Bull and Dorothy Guilford from the League of Women Voters. SNOW REMOVAL REPORT Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the Town Engineer's report on the method of plowing, salting, and sanding the streets during the snow storm that commenced on November 11, 1968. As the Chairman and other Board members had received numerous complaints from residents because the plowing was very late on some streets and in some cases was not a thorough job, they questioned the Engineer as to the reason. Mr. Szymanski went into detail, explaining that one of the trucks was returned to the garage several times during the storm for repairs, there was a delay caused by getting the crew in to work as most of the men live out of town, and some of the incomplete and messy work was due to the streets being too soft to plow. The Town Engineer then assured the Selectmen that the equipment was now in good shape, and he fully expected future plowing operations to be completely satisfactory. The Town Manager told the Board that Burlington Street Department Superintendent Crowley had said he was going to plow the sidewalk underneath the through-way in the Grand Way area of Shelburne Road. HIRING OF ROAD SUPERVISOR The Town Manager reported that the advertisement for the Road Supervisor would appear in the paper for the first time on Tuesday, November 19, 1968. RECREATIONAL AREA - O'BRIEN PROPERTY - JAYCEE PROJECT Mr. Fred Blais, representing the JayCees, requested the Selectmen to expend the $10,000 that is budgeted for Natural Resources, for a down payment on the O'Brien property on Patchen Road for a recreational Park. He explained that the JayCees were willing to assume the responsibility of acquiring the property, that they would also pay $10,000 toward the land, and expected to realize $25,000 to $30,000 for a house and lot situated on the property, leaving between $10,000 to $15,000 balance left on the sale price of $60,000. He said the JayCees had $300 earmarked for the development of the property and would contribute each year toward the development. Mr. Blais said the JayCees would pick up the mortgage for the remaining $10,000 to $15,000 balance with the expectation that the town would pay it in full or in part and emphasized that the property would belong to the town. The Chairman, after discussion with the Board, told Mr. Blais that the Selectmen were in agreement that the O'Brien property was in an ideal location for a Recreational Park but felt they should go into the matter further as to releasing the money, and that later on in the meeting, after the other two recreational items had been considered, they would discuss this further. After the presentation of the other recreational items on the agenda Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Board go on record as being in favor of the JayCess proposed project with the following request: That Mr. Blais' presentation of the financial arrangements as well as endorsements of the project by the JayCees, the Planning Commission, the Park and Recreation Committee, the Natural Recources Committee be forwarded to the Selectmen in writing. That legal opinions as to the legality of the proposed financial arrangements be forwarded to the Selectmen. Mr. Stannard seconded the motion and the vote was unanimously in favor of approving the project. The Board agreed that if a change of zone was necessary to allow recreational use in the area the cost of the appeal would be waived due to the fact that the JayCees are a non-profit organization. PRESENTATION FROM ROBERT RAY - SWIMMING POOL PROJECT PARK AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Mr. Ray, Chairman of the Park and Recreation Committee, told the Board that the Committee had been working for over two years on a swimming pool project, that the School Board would donate property for the pool, and the Committee was now asking how the Board felt about this project, and if the item could be put on the ballot so people could vote on it at the March Meeting. Mr. Ray said the estimates were that the pool would cost about $350,000. Mr. Behney asked if the committee had looked into whether or not State and Federal aid could be obtained for the project. Mr. Ray said no. After a general discussion, the Chairman said the Board would consider putting the item on the ballot at the March Meeting, but the Board was in agreement that they would wait till they met with the School Board on November 25, 1968 on their future needs, and also till they had a chance to work on the town budget on December 2, 1968, to make a decision. Mr. Ray asked the Selectmen to forward a letter to the Park and Recreation Committee after they came to a decision about placing the item on the ballot, and if the answer was no, to please state the reasons. GIFT TO PARK AND RECREATIONAL COMMITTEE The Town Manager reported that he had received, from an anonymous donor, a check for $1585.42 to be used for purchasing playground equipment. Mr. Behney made a motion to gratefully accept the gift. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ashley and passed unanimously. PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH A TOWN-OWNED NATURAL AREA PARK Mr. D'Acuti read a proposal to establish a town-owned natural area park on 30+ acres of land located off Hinesburg Road. Cost of the area with some development is $65,000, broken down as follows: 18+ acres owned by Dumont Construction Company $30,000 12+ acres to be donated to town by F.D.#2 20,000 4.4 acres currently owned by the town 10,000 Land development cost 5,000 $65,000 Fifty percent of the acquisition, surveying, and development costs may be obtained through the Department of Housing and Urban Development's "Open Space Funds". Twenty-five percent may be obtained from the State through the Interagency Committee on Natural Resources, and twenty-five percent local participation is required, or $16,250 of the estimated total cost. The value of the Fire District 2 land, plus land now owned by the Town, exceeds this amount, so no additional Town participation should be necessary. Mr. LeClair said the proposal was brought before the Selectmen because Fire District No. 2 wanted the town to make the application for the Open Space Funds. Mr. D'Acuti asked if application can be made with just the intent to acquire the land. Mr. LeClair said yes. Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the Town make application for the funds. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stannard and passed unanimously. Mr. LeClair was instructed to see that application was made. USE OF SCHOOL BUSSES FOR SKI PROGRAM Mr. D'Acuti told Mr. Burnell, Recreation Director, that he had checked with the School District Attorney, Mr. Fayette, who told him it was permissable for the Recreation Department to use the school busses for town recreation purposes. GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN OF A SECTION OF WILLISTON ROAD AND MAIN STREET Mr. LeClair read a letter from the University of Vermont which explained a proposed method of easing traffic congestion at the Spear Street and East Avenue intersections, and outlined the improvements on a map. A general discussion on details of the proposal followed. On a motion made by Mr. Ashley and seconded by Mr. Stannard, the Board voted unanimously to approve the plan. ACCEPTANCE OF SHERRY ROAD Action on the acceptance of the Sherry Road deed was tabled, and Mr. LeClair was instructed to have the Town Attorney send in his written opinion of the legality of the deed. RENTAL OF LEGION BUILDING ON AIRPORT DRIVE The Town Manager reported only one bid received for rental of the Legion Building on Airport Drive from the Triangle Cab Company who offered a rental of $25.00 per month. Mr. Behney said if the bid was accepted the town should have a formal lease agreement with the Cab Company that outlined the responsibility of the upkeep of the land and premises. Mr. Ashley said the lease agreement should include the item that use was restricted to Cab Company operation only. RENTAL OF LEGION BUILDING, CONTINUED The Board voted unanimously to accept the bid, and Mr. LeClair was instructed to notify Mr. Forman of this, and also to have a lease agreement drawn up for signing. POLICE CRUISERS BID Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the bid received from Brewer Motor Company, who would furnish 2 police cruisers, Plymouth Fury Model, according to State specifications for the State Police Cruisers, for a price of $5400, with trade-in allowance of $1023 on the '66 Olds and '67 Plymouth, making a total of $4377 for the two cars. After a discussion as to whether or not to put the old cruisers up for sale instead of using them as a trade-in, the Board voted unanimously to accept the bid of $4377 with trade-in for the two cruisers. BIDS FOR POLICE RADIO BASE SYSTEM The Board instructed Mr. LeClair to ask for bids on a new Police Radio Base System from several concerns. After a general discussion on the need to change from a 20 to 110 watt base, Mr. LeClair was told to have all the details on a change-over as well as prices for same for review at a later meeting. POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL The Board reviewed a list of Police Department employees as prepared by Chief Carter. COUNTER-OFFER BY THE ROBERT COLLINS - LAND ADJACENT TO BARTLETT BAY PLANT Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from Lawyer Cain in which his clients, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collins agreed to accept $16,000 from the town for a parcel of land adjacent to the Bartlett Bay Treatment Plant. Mr. LeClair pointed out the location of the land on a plan, and said it contained approximately 2.5 acres. COLLINS LAND – COUNTER­OFFER On a motion made by Mr. Stannard and seconded by Mr. Behney, the Selectmen voted unanimously to accept the offer of $16,000. Mr. LeClair was instructed to inform the Collins' lawyer of the acceptance, and ask him to be sure and outline the boundaries of the property when he prepares the deed. DISCUSSION ON MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS In discussing the need for the new municipal buildings Mr. Nardelli asked what was the town's legal liability if the buildings were built under a lease- purchase agreement. Mr. D'Acuti said it was legal to lease by the year, but payment would have to be budgeted and approved by the voters each year. The Board discussed remodeling the present building, having the Legislature enact an amendment requiring only a majority vote for this type of bond issue question, putting the matter up to a vote again, and other related matters and came to the following conclusions: 1. The Board will invite several contractors to meet with them to outline details and cost of a lease-purchase arrangement. 2. The Town will make final payment to the present architect, J. H. Barr and clear him of all future obligations. 3. Remodel present building, using all space for offices, and conducting meetings in the High School 4. Board must decide whether or not to bring the issue before the voters again, and if so whether to ask for one or two buildings. Such decision would depend on results of preliminary meetings with the Burlington Fire Department Commissioners. TOWN FIVE-YEAR PROJECTION The Town Manager was instructed to forward a copy of the Town's Five Year Projection plan to the School Board for review before the joint meeting to be held on November 25, 1968. YANDOW CLUSTER ZONE APPEAL Mr. D'Acuti informed the Board members than an appeal had been filed in Chittenden County Court objecting to the Planning Commission's approval of Mr. Yandow's Cluster Housing Development. The Board was unanimous in their feeling that all matters pertaining to the appeal would be forwarded to the Town Attorney. VERMONT EXTENSION SERVICE FEE Mr. LeClair reported that he has not been able to get a firm answer on why the Vermont Extension Service charge is larger than it has been in the past. He said he would contact the state again in an effort to get an answer. PAYMENT OF HALF THE COST OF CALCULATOR FOR WATER DEPARTMENT The Selectmen tabled any action on paying half the cost of the calculator purchased by the Water Department for use in the sewer billing department. BUILDING PERMIT FEES Discussion on proposed changes in charges for building construction permits was tabled till the next regular meeting of December 2, 1968. JOE BARRY'S RESTAURANT Mr. Ward, Zoning Administrator, said he had checked at Joe Barry's Restaurant, and the air conditioning unit had been installed. There was no report available on any other items concerning the restaurant at this time. The Board went into Executive Session at 10:30 P.M. APPRAISAL The Board reviewed the applications for the position of appraiser at this time. The Board came out of Executive Session at 10:30 P.M. and resumed the regular meeting. VOTE ON HIRING TWO MEN FOR APPRAISAL WORK The Board voted unanimously to proceed to hire two men for the reappraisal project, one at a salary of $135.00 and one at a salary of $125.00. SEWER CONSTRUCTION WASTE MATERIAL - DUMONT SERVICE LINE - DAMAGED TREES AND SHRUBBERY Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, stated that he had negotiated the following disputed points of sewer work. 1. That the Town would sell at 10 cents a yard to the contractors involved, waste material at the end of East Terrace and on the Victory property on Victory Drive. 2. That the Town would pay the $800.00 charge for construction of the Dumont service line to R. B. Goodrich, Inc. 3. That the matter of damaged sidewalk replacement costs and damages to trees and shrubbery be tabled till a later meeting. The Selectmen were reminded that they were to meet with the School Board at 7:30 P.M. on November 25, 1968 and on Tuesday noon, Nov. 26, 1968 at the Holiday Inn with State Highway Department personnel. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.