HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 11/04/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING NOVEMBER 4, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, November 4, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Peter Piche, Attorney; Joel Bilodeau and Robert Tucker from the Webster-Martin, Inc. firm; Colonel George C. Crooks, Charlotte C. Mars Donald Tanguays, and Karin Larson of the League of Women Voters. COLONEL GEORGE C. CROOKS - AUTHORIZATION TO SWEAR IN ADDITIONAL CONSTABLES FOR ELECTION DAY DUTIES Because of the need for additional help at the polls on November 5, Mr. Crooks requested the Selectmen to approve the swearing in of th$$ additional constables, Mr. Leopold J. Racicot, Mr. George M. Ray a$$ Mr. Reuben Draper. Mr. Ashley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stannard that the three $$ be sworn in as constables and the motion passed unanimously. RECOMMENDATION FOR POLICE COURT POLICY Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, referring to the Executive Session held $$ October 28, 1968 in regard to Police Court matters read the f$$ statement: The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, November 4, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Peter Piche, Attorney; Joel Bilodeau and Robert Tucker from the Webster-Martin, Inc. firm; Colonel George C. Crooks, Charlotte C. Marsh, Donald Tanguays, and Karin Larson of the League of Women Voters. COLONEL GEORGE C. CROOKS - AUTHORIZATION TO SWEAR IN ADDITIONAL CONSTABLES FOR ELECTION DAY DUTIES Because of the need for additional help at the polls on November 5, 1968 Mr. Crooks requested the Selectmen to approve the swearing in of three additional constables, Mr. Leopold J. Racicot, Mr. George M. Ray and Mr. Reuben Draper. Mr. Ashley made a motion, seconded by Mr. Stannard that the three men be sworn in as constables and the motion passed unanimously. RECOMMENDATION FOR POLICE COURT POLICY Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, referring to the Executive Session held on October 28, 1968 in regard to Police Court matters read the following statement: RECOMMENDATION AND STATEMENT FOR POLICE COURT POLICY, CONTINUED "You have all read Chief Carter's report in reviewing 691 traffic tickets - three Careless and Negligent tickets and four School Bus Violation tickets. The School Bus Violations were a matter of the policemen not being informed that they should be referred to District Court, and of the three Careless and Negligent tickets, two were for tire squealing and one was for using wrong lane, on which the officer could have checked the improper passing and lane useage items. The Chief was instructed to go over these matters with his men. The Town Manager, Chief Carter, and Mrs. Paquin were told that the Police Court should handle cases of lesser magnitude and to follow the Vermont Statutes to the letter. The Board of Selectmen have reviewed the South Burlington policy, and do not agree with State's Attorney Patrick Leahy, but in the best interest of the residents of South Burlington and harmonious working conditions with the State's Attorney who is refusing to prosecute speeders unless we conform, the Board of Selectmen are suggesting that the South Burlington Judge, Mrs. Paquin, and Police Chief Carter conform to the State's Attorney's wishes that speeders exceeding our speed limit by 10 miles be sent to District Court." The Statement was unanimously approved by the Board. WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT Mr. Tucker, Inspecting Engineer, gave the following completion dates for different streets that he had obtained from the Superintendent on the job. Ruth and Heath Streets Nov. 5, 1968 Suburban Square Nov. 10, 1968 Davis Parkway Nov. 7, 1968 Heath Street Square Nov. 7, 1968 Victory Drive Nov. 10, 1968 Victory Drive to Mills Ave. Line Nov. 12, 1968 Mills Avenue Nov. 15, 1968 Logwood St. and Forest Pk. area Nov. 17, 1968 The Selectmen questioned Mr. Tucker about complaints they had received, and items they felt should be corrected. Mr. Tucker replied that he was checking on everything as it came up and felt that everything would be taken care of. WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. PROGRESS REPORT, CONTINUED The Selectmen impressed on the Town Manager and Mr. Tucker the fact that work should not be held up because of lack of equipment, and to follow up on any items that were delaying the work or impairing the efficiency of the work. The Chairman also told Mr. Bilodeau from Webster-Martin, Inc. that the contract provides for a fine for every day worked beyond the completion date, and told him to be sure to check on this and penalize the contractor if the project is not finished on time. DISPOSITION OF WASTE MATERIAL FROM SEWER PROJECT The Chairman told Mr. Bilodeau that waste material from the project was not being trucked to the Land Fill Area. Mr. Bilodeau said Mr. Munson told him he intends to move all of the waste material, as well as the material that has been leveled, and transport it to the Land Fill Area. COMPLAINTS ON SEWER CONSTRUCTION Mr. LeClair was instructed to forward copies of all complaints received in regard to the sewer project to Mr. Tucker, the project inspector. WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. AGREEMENTS After noting that a correction to Article 4 on page 5 of the agreement had been made as suggested by the Town Attorney, Mr. D'Acuti, as authorized agent of the town, signed the agreement. LAUREL HILL SOUTH COMPLETION REPORT BY ATTORNEY PICHE Mr. Piche reported that the roads in Laurel Hill South had been paved on the previous Friday, that he was working on the other items in question and would report again at a future meeting. SECOND READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST - FAYETTE - SHELBURNE ROAD The Chairman read a proposed ordinance for a zone change from Industrial District A to Business District A on property located at 1117 Shelburne Road. On a motion made by Mr. Behney and seconded by Mr. Stannard the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the zone change request. The Ordinance reads as follows: O R D I N A N C E AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND "THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE" BY CREATION OF AN ADDITIONAL AREA OF BUSINESS DISTRICT A. The Selectmen of South Burlington hereby ordain: Section 1. The South Burlington Zoning Ordinance adopted February 28, 1964, and the official zoning map adopted in connection therewith is hereby amended by changing the land use of the following described land from Industrial District A to Business District A. Appeal of Frederick J. Fayette to rezone the westerly portion of the property here involved for a distance of Five Hundred Twenty-Five feet (525) feet measured from the westerly line of the property presently zoned as Business District A, and is the entire North-South dimension of the land herein involved. The effect of this change would be to make all of the land from the westerly line of Shelburne Road for a depth of Eight Hundred Twenty-Five (825) feet a Business District A classification. The property herein involved is owned by the undersigned and his brothers, Philip F. Fayette, James J. Fayette and Gabriel Fayette, and is property conveyed to said owners by deed of B. J. Fayette dated the 24th day of March, 1953, and of record in Volume 30, Page 557 of the Land Records of the Town of South Burlington. Frederick J. Fayette. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect from its passage. Approved November 4, 1968 Signed, SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN EQUIPMENT PURCHASE FOR USE IN LAND FILL AREA There was a general discussion on the need for and different uses of heavy duty equipment for use by the Highway Department, particularly for the Land Fill area. EQUIPMENT PURCHASE FOR USE IN LAND FILL AREA, CONTINUED Mr. LeClair and Mr. Szymanski explained what different types of equipment would accomplish. Mr. LeClair was instructed to put out for bid the specifications for a 20,000 lb. and a 30,000 lb. machine, both with and without trade-in, and the Selectmen will review the bids and make a decision when the figures and particulars are compiled. HIGHWAY SUPERVISOR After questioning Mr. Szymanski about the maintenance work on the streets, erection of signs, painting of roads, mowing of grass and sweeping of streets, the Selectmen instructed Mr. LeClair to prepare an advertisement for the hiring of a Highway Supervisor. TOWN OWNED BUILDING ON AIRPORT PARKWAY FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE AMERICAN LEGION BUILDING Mr. D'Acuti read a letter and notice of termination of lease from the Burlington Amateur Radio Club Inc., in which the club gave notice that it was vacating the building at once as it was not able to keep up with the repairs made necessary due to vandalism. Mr. D'Acuti said he had been approached by the Triangle Cab Company who wanted to lease the building. Mr. LeClair also said he had talked with the Cab people. After a general discussion the Board agreed to try to rent the building and instructed Mr. LeClair to advertise that the Town will consider offers for business use only. ACCEPT DEED TO SHERRY ROAD The Selectmen tabled action on the acceptance of the deed to Sherry Road until the next regular meeting and instructed Mr. LeClair to forward the deed to the Town Attorney for corrections. PAYMENT OF VERMONT EXTENSION SERVICE ASSESSMENT OF $1860.00 The Selectmen tabled action on approving the payment of $1860.00 to the Vermont Extension Service and instructed Mr. LeClair to check with the state and make certain the amount was not in error. SCHOOL DISTRICT MEETING Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the Superintendent of Schools setting November 25, 1968 in the High School Library as the time and place for the joint meeting with the School Directors. CENTRAL SCHOOL TRAFFIC LIGHT Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from Mr. Lull, Superintendent of Schools, in which Mr. Lull said that the School Directors, after discussing the traffic light in front of Central School, had instructed him to inform the Selectmen of their satisfaction of the present system of making use of a crossing guard. LAND FOR SWIMMING POOL AND USE OF SCHOOL BUSSES FOR RECREATION PURPOSES Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the Superintendent of Schools, in which Mr. Lull set a date of November 13, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. in the High School Library, for a meeting with Mr. Burnell, Recreation Director, for a discussion about land for the proposed swimming pool. Mr. D'Acuti remarked that in the letter Mr. Lull had denied use of the school busses for recreation program purposes, and instructed Mr. LeClair to inform Mr. Burnell that he had talked with Mr. Lull on this and the school busses would be available. STREET LIGHT SURVEY Mr. LeClair presented a prepared survey showing location of every street light in town for review by the Selectmen. After a discussion the Board instructed Mr. LeClair to use his own judgement in improving the lighting on Charles Street, and have lights installed at the intersection of White Street and Williston Road and at the White Street School. GENERAL DISCUSSION There was a general discussion of town matters and Mr. LeClair was reminded to be sure and check with the State on approval of the Shelburne Road Traffic Plans, the setting up of the No Left Turns system on Queen City Park Road and Shelburne Road and also to erect Slow School signs at the front and rear entrances of the Chamberlin School. The Selectmen suggested that no more road opening permits be issued to the Vermont Gas and Telephone companies till the roads they have disturbed are put in order. Mr. LeClair was instructed to follow up the complaints being received about the condition of an abandoned house on White Street owned by Mr. E. Brown. Mr. D'Acuti told the Board that the intercity traffic plan group that met at the Sheraton on October 22, 1968 was interested in future meetings and had suggested smaller representation from each town. He suggested that a member of the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment and the Town Manager be appointed to this smaller committee. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. Approved Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.