HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 05/06/1968SOUTH BURLINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MAY 6, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street on Monday, May 6, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, C. Harry Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; John T. Ewing, Town Attorney; Richard D. Carter, Chief of Police; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Barbara Bull representing the League of Women Voters, Charlotte Marsh, Robert LaFayette, Rowland Peterson, Ray Unsworth and 35 area residents were also present because of their interest in items on the agenda. A list of those present is filed with the minutes of the meeting. READING OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of April 15 and April 22, 1968 were approved as read. RECONSIDER DOG ORDINANCE Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the proposed amendments to Section 2 and Section 7 of the dog ordinance, and opened the meeting for remarks from those present who were opposed to it. Mr. Philip Lothrop and Mr. Jack Field felt that the town's present ordinance was strong enough. Paul Grenier, Mrs. Robert Stone and Robert Ashley also were opposed to passage. The Chairman then asked Mr. Carter, Police Chief, for his comments on the dog problem. Mr. Carter said that from September to May 3, 1968 he had received 38 reported complaints and that there were close to 1000 dogs licensed. AMENDMENTS TO DOG ORDINANCE, CONTINUED Mr. Robert W. Hicks presented the Selectmen with a petition containing 157 names of residents who favored passage of the proposed amendments, and several persons expressed their views, also in favor of passage. Mr. D'Acuti called for a vote from the Board on this first reading, and explained to those present that if this reading passed, the proposed amendments to the dog ordinance would be advertised for a public hearing and at that time people could present their views. The first reading passed with a vote of three to two. Voting yes were Mr. D'Acuti, Mr. Behney and Mr. Nardelli, no-Mr. Stannard and Mr. Ashley. FINAL READING OF PROPOSED ZONE CHANGES ADJACENT TO I-89 CLOVERLEAF Before reading the proposed zone changes the Chairman called for comments from the floor. Many residents, especially from the Patchen Road Area were present, and opposed to a change to Business B District. The Town Attorney said that all of the advertised petition would have to be considered at this meeting and it could not be considered according to sections. Speaking in opposition were Richard D. Sheil, Attorney Paul R. Graves, Robert Boutin and John Fields. No one present spoke in favor of passage. On a motion made by Mr. Stannard and seconded by Robert Ashley the Selectmen unanimously voted to deny the petition. The Chairman then thanked those present for their interest in appearing at the meeting, and suggested that they make a proposal as to what they felt would be an acceptable use of the area in question. RESIGNATION OF HENRY CASWELL FROM INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The Selectmen accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. Henry W. Caswell, Jr. as a member and Chairman of the South Burlington Industrial Development Committee. The Selectmen unanimously agreed on the appointment of James A. Lamphere and William R. Collins to the Industrial Development Committee and named Angelo Pizzagalli as Acting Chairman until a permanent Chairman is voted into office. SECOND READING OF MCKENZIE ESTATE ZONE CHANGE REQUEST-Res. District B to Business A. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the McKenzie Estate Zone Change Request. Selectmen Stannard disqualified himself from acting on the matter. The Board then went over the Planning Commission's recommendation which suggested some changes in the area, and the Town Manager pointed out the location of the recommended changes on the map. The Selectmen considered the Commission's recommendation and agreed to consider the petition in its original state. The Chairman called for a vote and the Selectmen, with the exception of Mr. Stannard, unanimously voted to approve the request. A copy of the Ordinance as passed is filed with the minutes of this meeting. SECOND READING OF RAY UNSWORTH ZONE CHANGE REQUEST-PLANNED TO RESIDENTIAL B Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the request of Ray Unsworth for a zone change and also the Planning Commission's recommendation that the Selectmen approve the petition. The Chairman then called for a vote and the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the request. A copy of the Ordinance as passed is filed with the minutes of this meeting. CONSIDER HOLMES TRANSPORTATION COMPANY'S REQUEST FOR A USE VARIANCE The Board of Selectmen considered the request of the Holmes Transportation Company's request for a variance which had already received the approval of the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their April 24, 1968 meeting. At the Chairman's request for a vote the Selectmen unanimously voted to give their approval to the Use Variance. CONSIDER PIPPIN BROTHERS AUTO VILLAGE, INC.'S REQUEST FOR A USE VARIANCE. The Board of Selectmen considered the request of Pippin Brothers Auto Village, Inc.'s request for a variance which had already received the approval of the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their April 24, 1968 meeting. CONSIDER PIPPIN BROTHERS AUTO VILLAGE, INC.'S REQUEST FOR A USE VARIANCE At the Chairman's request for a vote the Selectmen unanimously voted to give their approval to the Use Variance. DISCUSSION WITH TOWN ATTORNEY WITH RESPECT TO USE OF MUNICIPAL FUNDS FOR INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL GROWTH Mr. Ewing, Town Attorney, reported to the Selectmen that his legal opinion was that it was proper to use municipal funds as incentives for industrial and commercial growth, and presented each Selectman with a copy of a section of the Vermont Statutes which so stated. (See 24 VSA, Section 2743 - Publicity Fund). COMPLAINT ABOUT CONDITION OF GOVE PROPERTY ON LAUREL HILL DRIVE Mr. Donald Woodworth of 34 Tanglewood Drive told the Selectmen that the Gove property on Laurel Hill Drive was not being cleaned up as had been promised by Mr. Gove. The Selectmen instructed Mr. LeClair to investigate the complaint. CONSIDER KENNEDY DRIVE-WILLISTON ROAD-AIRPORT DRIVE INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL The Town Manager reported that excessive traffic at the Kennedy Drive-Williston Road-Airport Drive intersection was getting to be a problem and asked the Selectmen to consider installing a traffic light at that intersection. Mr. Ashley and Mr. Stannard stated they felt the situation at the Queen City Park, Swift Street and Shelburne Road area was worse and should be taken care of at once with a traffic control system. Mr. LeClair said the State has to approve the installation of lights on state roads and that he has already applied to the state for a design for the area as soon as possible. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, then brought out the fact that the Kennedy Drive-Dorset Street intersection also should be considered for traffic control because of the great amount of traffic. A general discussion followed. CONSIDER KENNEDY DRIVE - WILLISTON ROAD - AIRPORT DRIVE INTERSECTION TRAFFIC CONTROL The Selectmen unanimously agreed that traffic control systems were needed at all three locations and instructed the Town Manager to go ahead with planning with the following priorities. 1. Swift Street-Queen City Park-Shelburne Road and Lindenwood Drive. Continue negotiations with the state. 2. Williston Road-Kennedy Drive-Airport Drive. 3. Kennedy Drive and Hinesburg Road. TAPE RECORDER PURCHASE The Town Manager reported that he had used several makes of dictating and transcribing machines and his opinion was that the Norelco seemed to fit the widest range of uses for his purposes. The Selectmen unanimously voted to approve the purchase of the Norelco brand. JUNK AUTOS - CLEAN-UP MONTH Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, announced that the month of May was clean-up month in South Burlington. Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, asked the Board for permission to start collecting junk autos in town and store them at our land fill area for pick up by the state. Mr. Behney made a motion that the town proceed with the collection of junk autos. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ashley and passed unanimously. PRESENTATION BY SOUTH BURLINGTON JAYCEES Mr. Richard Ward, a member of the South Burlington JayCees, told the Board that the JayCees would collect junk cars for residents of the town, charging them a nominal fee for the service, as a JayCee project observing Clean-Up month in South Burlington. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to give their approval to the project. FIRST READING OF AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance to change the front yard requirement in Business District A from 25 feet to 50 feet. The Chairman called for a vote and the Board unanimously passed the first reading. RESOLUTIONS FOR WARNINGS FOR SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JUNE 5, 1968 The resolution concerning the proposed bond issue for Town Buildings was introduced by the Chairman, read in full, and considered. Mr. Ashley moved the adopting of the resolution, said motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli, and said resolution was adopted unanimously. It was further ordered, upon motion duly made and seconded, that the original of said resolution be attached to the minutes of this meeting. The resolution concerning the proposed bond issue for the proposed extension of the Water System was introduced by the Chairman, read in full, and considered. Mr. Nardelli moved the adoption of the resolution, said motion was seconded by Mr. Behney, and said resolution was adopted unanimously. It was further ordered, upon motion duly made and seconded, that the original of said resolution be attached to the minutes of this meeting. PHASE IV SEWER CONSTRUCTION - SPECIAL ELECTION, JUNE 4, 1968 Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the following item be placed before the voters at the special election as well as the items for the buildings and the Water Department project "Request the town for permission to use the surplus funds from Phase I, II, and III Sewer Construction for the construction of Phase IV Sewer and Treatment Plant." The motion was seconded by Mr. Behney and passed unanimously. CONSIDER OFFER OF VERMONT ASSOCIATED LIME INDUSTRIES INC. The Town Manager explained that officials of the Vermont Associated Lime Industries, Inc. had offered the town the use of a land-fill area for stumps and clean debris in lieu of tax payments while the land was being so used. CONSIDER OFFER OF VERMONT ASSOCIATED LIME INDUSTRIES, INC. Mr. Stannard said that the Board has no authority to make a tax deal. After a general discussion on the benefits to the town of accepting such an offer, Mr. Nardelli made a motion that the town offer the Company $100 per year for the land use. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stannard and passed unanimously. Mr. LeClair was instructed to make the offer to the Vermont Associated Lime Industries, Inc. SIGN APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING FUNDS FOR PHASE IV SEWER CONSTRUCTION The Selectmen signed the applications for Planning Funds for Phase IV of the sewer project as prepared by Webster-Martin, Inc. SERVICES OF VISITING NURSES' ASSOCIATION Mr. D'Acuti briefly outlined contents and example budget in a letter he had received from Mrs. Stouch of the Visiting Nurses' Association, requesting a $3,000 appropriation for the year 1968-69 for services rendered to town residents. Mr. LeClair said he felt that the terms of payment were not clear and Mr. Stannard said he understood that the Board was committed for the $3,000 payment, with funds to be obtained from the Welfare Account. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Robert Ashley, the Board unanimously agreed to appropriate the $3,000 from the Welfare Account and forward it to the Nurses' Association for the 1968-69 fiscal year. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, announced the following proclamations: 1. Month of May is Clean-Up Month in South Burlington. 2. Maritime Day will be observed on May 22, 1968. 3. United Nation's Day will be observed on October 24, 1968. The Selectmen unanimously agreed on the observance of these occasions. MISCELLANEOUS, CONTINUED A Civil Defense Conference will be held at U. V. M. on Friday, May 10, 1968. Mr. LeClair and Board members may attend if they wish. Program will be held at Holiday Inn and start at 10:30 A. M. Mr. LeClair was instructed to notify the town's Civil Defense Director of the conference. WATER DEPARTMENT COMPLAINT Mr. Ashley reported that Mr. Henry Gulla of 52 Laurel Hill Drive had a complaint against Water Department personnel who had entered his home while he was out of town to remove a defective water meter. Mr. D'Acuti recommended that Mr. Gulla be told to get in touch with the Police Department, and also instructed Mr. LeClair to write to Mr. Gulla, informing him that the Water Department was responsible, and acknowledging the fact that Mr. Ashley had reported it to the Board of Selectmen. TOWN HALL NEWS Mr. Nardelli asked if the Board would like another Town Hall News issued. The Board was unanimous in the affirmative, and the Town Manager was instructed to contact the Water Department for the date of mailing of a brochure they are sending to all home owners to ascertain if we can insert the newspaper with their publicity. Mr. LeClair was also asked to speak with the Chairmen of the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Commission and invite them to submit items for the Town Hall News. USE OF PATCHEN ROAD AREA LAND Mr. Nardelli suggested that as the subject of use of land owned by Randall Munson of Munson Earthmoving Company has been brought up several times, it might be a good idea to get in touch with him and ask if he had anything definite in mind at this time. The Board agreed with the suggestion and the Town Manager was asked to forward a letter to Mr. Munson. The meeting was adjourned at 11 P.M., and the Board went into Executive Session. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.