HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/19/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MARCH 19, 1968 The Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Tuesday, March 19, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, C. Harry Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William Szymanski, Town Engineer; Charlotte Marsh, James Ewing, Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Mrs. William Guilford, Mrs. Mary Graham, Mr. Doherty and Mr. Parkes of Webster-Martin, Inc.; and Mrs. Barbara Bull from the League of Women Voters. READING OF THE MINUTES The minutes of the Organizational Meeting of March 6, 1968 were approved as read, after it was noted that the initial used with Mr. Nardelli's name was that of his son and that the manner of recording nominations was inconsistent and should be corrected in the future. Mr. Behney also made a recommendation that a tickler system for agenda items that have been tabled be used, so the items will be sure to be acted upon. SIGNING DISBURSEMENT ORDERS The signing of disbursement orders was tabled to the March 25, 1968 meeting. The Selectmen signed the liquor license application of Mr. and Mrs. Gino Todisco for the Airport Grocery Store. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST OF JAMES EWING - WILLISTON ROAD Mr. D'Acuti read the proposed ordinance for a zone change from Planned District to Industrial District A requested by James Ewing, and then explained the procedure followed in considering such requests. Mr. Ewing pointed out the location of the property in question, explaining that he had laid out nine lots and expected to sell or lease them to small businesses for commercial or industrial use. He was told that the request would be presented to the Planning Commission for consideration. On a motion made by C. Harry Behney and seconded by Augustus Stannard the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the first reading, and to forward the request to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO INTERSTATE 89 CLOVERLEAF The Chairman read the proposed ordinance to amend the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance by Reclassification of certain areas shown on the official zoning map. The changes by parcels were as follows: Parcel A - Planned District to Business District A Parcel B - Planned and Business B District to all Business B Parcel C - Planned District to Residence District B Parcel D - Residence District B to Business District A Mr. D'Acuti explained that Business District A allowed service types of businesses and Business District B allowed used car lots, etc. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUEST OF PROPERTY ADJACENT TO INTERSTATE 89 CLOVERLEAF, continued Mr. Nardelli asked why the proposed ordinance was necessary. Mr. D'Acuti explained that the intent of the Planning Commission was to have designated areas set aside for commercial and business uses, but this had not been accomplished because of delay in having the Master Plan updated. Mr. LeClair remarked that the ordinance had been about two years in planning before it was presented for this first reading, that the Commission had expected the Burdis Planners to set aside parcels of land for business uses in depth, but it had not been done. Mr. D'Acuti said this was not spot zoning as the intent was to have large areas available for prospects. Mrs. Bull wanted to know if this would include the land owned by the University of Vermont and Mr. D'Acuti said yes. Mr. Nardelli said he felt he had not had time enough to study the proposal, and the Chairman said that the first reading, if approved, was a method of putting the wheels in motion so it could be sent on to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. He explained it would have to be advertised before it had a second reading which give the citizens the opportunity to come in and present their opinions. On a motion made by C. Harry Behney and seconded by Augustus Stannard, the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the first reading and to forward the request to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. SECOND READING OF PROPOSED SIGN ORDINANCE The Chairman read the proposed sign ordinance. There was a general discussion on the different sections of the ordinance, and Mr. Behney remarked that he felt the ordinance was better than the State's proposed on-premise sign law. Mrs. Bull read a letter from the League of Women Voters endorsing the ordinance. On a motion made by Augustus Stannard, seconded by Walter Nardelli, the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the second reading of the Sign Ordinance. The ordinance reads as follows: SEWER CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY AND PHASE IV PRESENTATION Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, gave the Board members a corrected copy of a Sewer Construction Cost Summary sheet, explaining it was put together to estimate the surplus, which amounts to $333,702. Mr. Nardelli questioned such a large surplus and was told it occured because the very competitive bidding resulted in the difference between Webster- Martin's estimates and the actual cost of the constracts. Mr. Nardelli asked Mr. Parkes if the 10% contingency fund wasn't high, whereupon Mr. Parkes stated this was not unusual under the circumstances. SEWER CONSTRUCTION COST SUMMARY AND PHASE IV PRESENTATION - continued Mr. Nardelli expressed his concern over the fact that the citizens have to pay interest on the bonds and the Town Manager said the money was on deposit earning more interest than was charged, and the earnings have been used to make up the payments. Mr. Parkes told those present that Lake Champlain waters have been classified and the Water Resource Board would insist on secondary treatment plants. Phase IV would consist of Interceptor sewer, Queen City Park Trunk Sewer, Laterals, Pumping Station, Treatment Plant and Force Main at a cost to the town of $339,620. He said Federal and State funding would pay the balance of the estimated cost. Mr. LeClair explained what we have, what we need, etc., saying time is a determining factor, that we have to ask the public for permission to use the surplus funds for Phase IV, and prior to the vote we need sites and rights-of-way. Prior to applying for State and Federal funds the preliminary plans have to be updated. Mr. Parkes said the state would loan, at no interest, the money for the initial planning, but that the request should be forwarded right away before the money alloted for that state program was used up. There was a general discussion on Mr. Parkes' presentation, then Mr. Stannard made a motion to authorize Webster-Martin, Inc. to request a loan from the State for Planning Funds for Phase IV. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nardelli and unanimously passed. PHASE V - SEWER PROJECT Mr. Parkes was asked if he had any figures at all on Phase V of the project, which consists of Force Main, Pumping Station and Inter cepter sewer, continuing on Williston Road and Shunpike Road. He had some very preliminary figures, estimating the town cost at roughly $282,168. He explained that Planning Funds should be obtained for this phase also as the Water Resource Board would be classifying the tributaries of the lake. The Board agreed that it would be advantagious to do so, as the planning was a long range item and it would facilitate matters if the planning was completed. Mr. Behney made a motion to authorize Webster-Martin, Inc. to request a loan from the State for Planning Funds for Phase V. The motion was seconded by Mr. Stannard and unanimously passed. The Chairman then instructed Mr. Parkes to forward a letter to the Town Manager containing a breakdown of the items in Phase V. SIGN RESOLUTION OF "AUTHORITY TO FILE APPLICATION" The Selectmen signed a resolution of "Authority to file Application", naming the Town Manager as authorized representative of the Town for the purpose of furnishing to the State of Vermont such information, data, and documents that pertain to the application for a grant as may be required. CONSIDER TOWN MANAGER'S REQUEST FOR AN ADDITIONAL INSPECTOR Mr. LeClair explained the need for hiring another inspector for the sewer project construction. Mr. Doherty briefly explained the duties of such an inspector saying a man would be needed for about 26 weeks at $180 weekly plus $10 weekly travel allowance. The Board discussed the town hiring its own inspector and decided to leave it up to Webster-Martin. Mr. Behney asked that a job description be forwarded to the Town Engineer for his review. APPOINT TOWN SERVICE OFFICER Mr. D'Acuti suggested that the name of the Town Manager be submitted to the Vermont Welfare Department as South Burlington's Town Service Officer. The Board agreed to this and Mr. LeClair remarked that if the appointment presented problems other than what he already had as Overseer of the Poor he would report to the Board. CONSIDER COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Mr. D'Acuti asked Mr. Behney to serve as a member of the Natural Resources Committee. The Board members then suggested names for the different committees till the list was complete. The 1968 list is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Chairmen are to be invited to Board meetings periodically. CONSIDER RESOLUTION REGARDING RECEIPIENT OF JAYCEE'S "THREE OUTSTANDING YOUN MEN AWARDS" The Selectmen signed a resolution commending Wayne Jameson on his award as one of this year's Jaycee's "Three Outstanding Young Men". PIZZAGALLI LETTER The Board discussed the contents of a letter from Angelo Pizzagalli in which he requested some consideration of the cost for developers in regard to construction of roads, etc. Mr. D'Acuti wanted to table the matter till a later date, but Mr. Nardelli recommended that Mr. Pizzagalli be invited to the meeting of the 25th to present his ideas before the Board. After discussion the Selectmen agreed to this and the Town Manager was instructed to invite Mr. Pizzagalli to the meeting. LEGISLATIVE CHANGE OF ASSESSMENT DATE FROM JANUARY 1 to APRIL 1. Mr. D'Acuti read a report from the Town Manager on the proposed Legislative Change of Assessment Date, saying he did not have any objection to the change as he understood it. Mr. LeClair explained why he felt the change would be a disadvantage to our town under our fiscal year set-up. On a motion made by Mr. Behney and seconded by Mr. Stannard the Selectmen unanimously voted to instruct Mr. LeClair to inform Mr. Hackett that the Town's appeal was for "home rule" and to so inform Senator O'Brien and Representative Reihle. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. LeClair was instructed to write to the State Highway Department requesting consideration of an entrance and exit from Interstate 90 at Dorset Street and an exit off Interstate 189 on to Farrell Road. Mr. D'Acuti announced that the Board was invited to the School Board meeting of Monday, April 22, 1968. The Planning Commission is having a special meeting on Tuesday, March 26, 1968 at 7:30 P.M., and the Chairman urged the Board members to attend. There will be a meeting of the South Burlington Development Corporation on Wednesday, March 27, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. at the Sheraton and the Board members are invited to attend. SPECIAL MEETING - The Selectmen decided to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 P.M. and hold a special meeting on Monday, Mar. 25, 1968 at 8 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.