HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/17/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 17, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 17, 1968 at 6:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Robert Burnell, Recreation Director; Charlotte Marsh, Kay Neubert and Nancy Hartman. READING OF THE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the regular meeting of June 3, 1968 and the emergency meeting of June 5, 1968, were approved as read. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS AND STATE AID HIGHWAY CLAIM The Selectmen signed the disbursement orders and state-aid highway claim. BUS PURCHASE Mr. Burnell, Recreation Director, told the Board that the Park and Recreation Committee would like to purchase a bus for use by the Recreation Department and one was available for $300.00. He said the cost of insurance with the same coverage as the school buses would amount to $250 a year, with a 50 mile limit and no out of state trips. BUS PURCHASE – CONTINUED Mr. Burnell also explained that the bus could transport children in the recreation program to the beaches, mountains, on ski trips, to museums, etc., and explained the method and cost of using leased buses last year. He said he had received a letter from the School Board Attorney, Frederick J. Fayette, stating that school buses could not be used for recreation purposes. The Board members discussed the request and felt that it might be more expensive in the long run than leasing buses. They also suggested that the school be approached again about using the school buses. The Selectmen did not come to a decision, and told Mr. Burnell to return with the details of the School Board Attorney's letter and with figures from last year on the cost of the ski program. REQUEST OF BURLINGTON TENNIS CLUB TO DISPLAY FIREWORKS ON JULY 4, 1968 The Chairman read a letter from the Burlington Tennis Club in which the Club requested permission to display fireworks on July 4, 1968. The Board unanimously approved the request with the stipulation that the Club abide by the requirements of the State Fire Marshall's Office and the Police Department. CONSIDER SETTLEMENT OF LAW SUIT WITH MARY FLETCHER HOSPITAL Mr. LeClair explained that because he refused to pay a questionable account the Mary Fletcher Hospital had brought suit against the Town for uncollectable accounts amounting to $6,770.10. After the Town Attorney had negotiated with the Hospital's attorney, Mr. Samuelson, the hospital agreed to settle for $5,240.30, eliminating the account in question and the costs and interest charges. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to accept the settlement, and also approved payment of other accounts that had been certified as uncollectable. Total to be paid $8,514.38. VERMONT ASSOCIATED LIME INDUSTRIES OFFER - CLEAN FILL AREA Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, told the Board he had been in touch with Mr. Stark of the Vermont Associated Lime Industries. The Company wanted the town to pay an amount equal to their tax bill for the use of their property by the town for a Clean Fill Area. The Board unanimously agreed that the price was too high and instructed Mr. LeClair to thank them for the courtesy and inform them the Board won't go over $100 per year. In the general discussion that followed the Selectmen mentioned other areas in town that could be used for such a purpose, and asked the Town Manager to contact Mr. Dumont, owner of such property, to see if he would install a culvert on his property to take care of the drainage problem and the town would then use it for a Clean Fill area. TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Blais, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, presented a report of their progress in studying different types of town government. Mr. Blais said the Committee felt that South Burlington has outgrown the Town Meeting type of government, and after studying other types have come to the conclusion that Municipal type government is best suited to the town's needs. He went into detail explaining differences in Town Meeting, Representative, and Municipal types of government. On a motion made by Mr. Behney and seconded by Mr. Stannard, the Board voted unanimously to instruct the Town Government Committee to study the Municipal type of government in depth. They suggested that the Committee work with all of the town's departments, report their findings regularly to the Board, and to check on the legal procedures to be followed in order to get the question before the voters. Mr. Stannard suggested that when Mr. Nardelli puts out another issue of the Town Hall News he include some information on the Town Government Committee's findings. APPOINTMENT TO ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT On a motion made by Mr. Ashley and seconded by Mr. Stannard the Board unanimously voted to appoint Frederick J. Fayette, Jr. to the Zoning Board of Adjustment to complete the unexpired term of H. Sheldon Jacobs who has resigned from that Board. ACCEPT DUMONT DEED The Board of Selectmen signed the Dumont deed which had been corrected to include the conveyance of a right-of-way from Hinesburg Road. SET TAX RATE On a motion made by Mr. Stannard and seconded by Mr. Nardelli the Board unanimously voted to set the 1968-1969 tax rate at 8.39. The Area Sewer Charge rate was set at $1.15. LETTER FROM MR. BERARD Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from Mr. Rene Berard in which he stated that he had spent $30 for a hearing and had lost the use of two lots because of the Planning Commission's rejection of his request for a zone change. He also explained that he had a prospect interested in building in his Industrial Park and felt the town should give such a prospect some consideration. LETTER FROM RENE BERARD – CONTINUED The Board discussed the contents of Mr. Berard's letter and the functions of the Planning Commission. The Selectmen instructed the Town Manager to invite the Planning Commission to attend the next regular meeting on July 1, 1968. PLANNING ADVANCE FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION The Chairman read a letter from the Water Resource Board which stated that Planning Funds for Phase IV of the Sewer Project were available in the amount of $51,828 subject to the following conditions: (a) Final planning shall not commence until the updated preliminary report has been received and approved by the Water Resource Board. (b) A long term option or other site interest shall be received prior to the initiation of final design. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Stannard the Board unanimously voted to have the Town Attorney initiate condemnation procedures against the Robert F. and Beatrice Collins property which is located adjacent to our Bartlett Bay Treatment Plant. UNLICENSED DOGS The Board read the names of owners of unlicensed dogs in town as presented by the Town Clerk. The Selectmen signed and accepted the list and instructed the Town Manager to forward it to the Police Chief for action. CEMETERY PLOTS As cemetery plots are not deeded to purchasers Miss Marsh read a form to be filled out and given to purchasers of South Burlington Cemetery lots as proof of their purchase. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.