HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/03/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 3, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a public meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, June 3, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; John T. Ewing, Town Attorney; Richard G. Carter, Police Chief; Robert Herbel, Charlotte Marsh, Richard M. Klien, Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Barbara Bull from the League of Women Voters; LaForrest Thompson, Auditor; and about fifty South Burlington residents, a list of whose names is filed with these minutes. SECOND READING OF AMENDMENTS TO DOG ORDINANCE Because the Town Office Building was so crowded with interested citizens Mr. D'Acuti adjourned the meeting to have it reconvened in the High School Cafeteria where there would be more room. He impressed upon those present before leaving to be sure to vote on Tuesday, June 4, 1968, on the Town Buildings and the Water Department items. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, opened the meeting in the Cafeteria, read the proposed amendments to the dog ordinance, and asked for comments pro or con. Speaking in opposition to passage were Mr. Philip Lothrop, Mr. Roy McDonough, Arthur Bailey, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Rose Cohen. Their general opinion was that our present Dog Ordinance was sufficient and that passage of the amendments would generate a great deal of police work. SECOND READING OF AMENDMENTS TO DOG ORDINANCE The Police Chief explained that the present ordinance did not give the department enough control in acting on complaints, saying he felt the amendments would strength the ordinance and yet would not be as strict as a leash law. Speaking in favor of passage of the amendments were Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, Miss Charlotte Marsh, Mr. Ray Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leggett, Mrs. Lillian Golovin, Mr. Harry Behney, Mrs. Lucy Gleason, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, Richard M. Klien and Mrs. Barbara Bull. Mr. D'Acuti answered many questions from the floor concerning the interpretation of different sections of the proposed amendments and methods of enforcement. After due consideration the Board unanimously voted to approve the ordinance as read, with the recommendation that in exactly three months (September 2, 1968) it would again be brought before the Board for a review in its entirety. A copy of the ordinance as passed is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. D'Acuti thanked those present for their interest in attending the meeting, and adjourned it to be resumed in the Town Office Building to consider the balance of the items on the agenda. READING OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 20, 1968 The minutes of the May 20, 1968 meeting were approved as read. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS AND HIGHWAY APPLICATION FORMS FOR STATE AID The Selectmen signed the disbursement orders and the forms applying for State Aid for Highway work. ZONING BOARD APPOINTMENT The Board tabled the appointment of a new member to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. HEAR REQUEST OF ROBERT HERBEL FOR PERMISSION TO CLOSE A STREET ON JULY 4, 1968 The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Robert E. Herbel requesting permission to barricade Cranwell Parkway on the Fourth of July, 1968 for games, parades, fireworks and holiday celebrations for residents of the street and immediate area. Police Chief Carter said he anticipated no problem because of the barricade, but Mr. Herbel would have to have written permission from the State Fire Marshall's office, abide by state regulations in regard to fireworks, and notify the Burlington Fire Department. Mr. Behney, who had experience with firework celebrations, explained the procedure to be followed. The Board unanimously agreed to give their permission to the request upon receipt of the Fire Marshall's completed form, at which time Mr. Herbel would receive written approval. DISCUSS SEWER FUND SURPLUS WITH THE TOWN ATTORNEY The Town Attorney, John Ewing, told the Board that any surplus funds from construction of Phases I, II, and III, sewer project could be used for that project only. It could be used to pay off the bond or placed in a sinking fund. Any interest earned also would have to be used for that project. The Board agreed to have the Legislative Draftsman draft a bill in January of 1969 for presentation to the next legislature for a ruling on the use of surplus construction funds. Mr. LeClair pointed out that in any event the State was requesting the town to construct Phase 4 of the sewer system right away, that application for Planning Funds had been sent, and that the contract should go to bid in the Spring of 1969 with a completion date of 1970. The Board agreed to start procedures on Phase IV, and to wait until a firm figure on the amount of surplus was established before having the Legislative Act initiated. ACCEPT SEWER RIGHT-OF-WAY Mr. LeClair showed the location of Dumont property at the end of Elsom Parkway of 385 feet by approximately 500 feet which can be purchased by the town for a sewer easement. The Board unanimously approved purchase of the property at a price of $10,000, subject to obtaining a right-of-way from Hinesburg Road to the property, and clarification of the road being built. RICE MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL - BARRICADE AT HEAD OF PROCTOR AVENUE Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read a letter from the Rice Memorial School Board which stated they were placing a barricade at the end of Proctor Avenue from the end of this school year to the beginning of the next as they have done in the past. In discussing the contents of the letter and observing the adjacent streets on a map the Selectmen agreed that they would recommend to the Planning Commission that South Street be extended, and instructed Mr. LeClair to forward the item to the Commission for their consideration. MOSQUITO COMPLAINT A resident of Duval Street complained about the mosquito problem in his area, saying it was caused by a patch of swamp land owned by Leo Dumont. The Chairman explained that the town has no mosquito control program, that usually area residents get together to sponser a spraying program. Mr. LeClair was instructed to contact Mr. Dumont to see if he would spray his property in an effort to help control the problem. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Board went into Executive Session at 10:05 P.M. The Board came out of Executive Session at 11:45 P.M. and resumed the regular meeting. CONSIDER POLICE DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO PURCHASE OF SECOND RADAR, PORTABLE RECORDERS, JOB CLASSIFICATIONS, ETC. Mr. Behney presented recommendations resulting from meetings with the Police Chief and the Town Manager and the Board unanimously agreed on the following: 1. Decided to put the Police Department employees on a 40 hour week as of June 1, 1968. 2. Authorized expenditures from the current budget for portable recorders, a Stenorette Transcriber and a second radar set, the authorized items to total $1700. 3. Accepted the job classifications for Police Department positions. DISCUSSION ON AUDIT The Board discussed auditing practices with Mr. Thompson and decided to set up a meeting with Helen Paquin, Town Clerk and Treasurer; the Town Manager and Mr. Thompson, Auditor, to consider steps for improvement. MISCELLANEOUS The Board unanimously agreed to hold the Board's Summer Sessions from 6:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. beginning with the June 17, 1968, meeting. The Town Manager informed the Board that the School Board was not prepared for the June 17, 1968 joint meeting. The Meeting adjourned at 12:15 A.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.