HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 07/01/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JULY 1, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, July 1, 1968 at 6:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney and Walter Nardelli. MEMBERS ABSENT Augustus T. Stannard OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter, Charlotte Marsh, Tony Socinsky, William D. Kellner, Chairman of the Planning Commission; Leo O'Brien, Jr., Mr. Charles A. Bosley and Raymond U. Abair of Pine Tree Terrace, Mrs. Kay Neubert, Mrs. Barbara Bull and several other interested South Burlington Citizens. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF JUNE 17, 1968 The minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1968 were approved as read. AUTHORIZE FINAL ORDERS FOR THE YEAR The Selectmen signed the disbursement orders as presented. SECOND READING OF ZONE CHANGE ON DORSET STREET FROM RESIDENCE DISTRICT B TO BUSINESS DISTRICT A Mr. D'Acuti read the proposed ordinance. Mr. Kellner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that the Commission approved the change. The Board unanimously voted to approve final passage of the proposed ordinance, a copy of which is filed with these minutes. SECOND READING OF ZONE CHANGE OF PROPERTY NORTHWESTERLY OF CLOVERLEAF FROM PLANNED DISTRICT AND BUSINESS DISTRICT B TO BUSINESS DISTRICT A. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read the proposed ordinance. Mr. Kellner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that the Commission had approved the change. The Board voted unanimously to approve final passage of this ordinance, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting. JOINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, opened the discussion with the members of the Planning Commission who were present by explaining that he had received some complaints from developers who felt that the process of having their subdivision plans approved sometimes greatly delayed the start of construction. Mr. D'Acuti went on to say that he felt that if the Town Engineer would approve the subdivision plans from an engineering standpoint before they were presented to the Planning Commission it would facilitate matters for the Commission. He also said that this would enable the Planning Commission to attend to more details now that would affect the future growth of the town and suggested the Commission consider holding additional meetings, until they are caught up. Mr. Kellner said he felt the Selectmen should assign a full time engineer to the Planning Commission as the Town Engineer was overloaded with work. He also stated that the delay in approving the Cluster Housing plans of Mr. Yandow was due to the fact that an ordinance had to be drafted to cover this type of development in South Burlington, that they were in the process of getting a draft of a proposed Cluster Housing Ordinance approved, and then they would act on it immediately. JOINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION, CONTINUED Mr. O'Brien, Planning Commission Member, recapped the history of the updating of the town's master plan, pointing out the many delays in having it completed, and said the target date for completion was December 1968. After a general discussion the Board instructed the Town Manager to have subdivision plans approved by the Town Engineer from an engineering standpoint before they were presented to the Planning Commission. They also agreed that once a plan was approved by the Commission it should be the duty of the Town Manager and Town Engineer to see that the plans were followed as approved during the construction. At this point those present discussed the proposed location of Route 7 and suggested that Mr. Kellner have the State Highway Department inform the Planning Commission about the easterly location of Route 7. COMPLAINT ON CONDITION OF PINE TREE TERRACE AFTER SEWER CONSTRUCTION Mr. Raymond Abair and Mr. Charles Bosley, residents of Pine Tree Terrace, complained about the condition the sewer contractor had left the street after construction work, and also asked when they could expect to be able to connect on to the sewer. In the discussion that followed, the Board mentioned other items of dissatisfaction with different phases of the sewer project construction, and instructed Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, to check into the problem on Pine Tree Terrace and the other matters that had been mentioned. CONSIDER ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER FOR SEWER CONSTRUCTION The Town Manager explained that two lots on Williston Road were not able to be sewered because when the planning was done they were just considered undeveloped land. He pointed out the location of the lots on a map, and presented the Board members with a schedule of three methods of sewering and the cost of each method. The Board agreed that the sewer should be made available to both lots, and instructed the town manager to explore the most economical way of having it done. PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS The Town Manager presented the Board with the completed portion of Personnel Rules and Regulations. On a motion made by Mr. Behney and seconded by Mr. Nardelli the Board voted unanimously to adopt the Rules and Regulations with several revisions to be made. MISCELLANEOUS STREET LIGHTS Mr. Behney told Mr. LeClair that placement of street lights in the area of Cottage Grove Avenue and on White Street in the vicinity of the bank and post- office should be reviewed as these locations were very dark. Mr. LeClair explained that the town now has a schedule for adding lights each year and said he would go over the schedule and prepare a list of locations to present to the Selectmen so they could decide where they wanted the additional lights installed. PUBLIC MEETINGS Mrs. Kay Neubert questioned the legality of holding public meetings in our school buildings for matters that were not related to town affairs. She also reported the use of beebe guns in the Mayfair Park area. PROGRESS ON COLLECTION OF JUNK CARS Mr. LeClair informed the Board that the deadline for collecting junk cars has been set for August 1, 1968. Mr. D'Acuti asked the members to consider allowing the City of Burlington to store some of their junk cars along with ours. The Board decided to postpone decision on the request until they knew how many more cars were collected and how much storage space would be left. Mr. D'Acuti reported that there was an abandoned car near Zeno's on Hinesburg Road. Mr. Nardelli suggested that the Town Manager look into the possibility of having a Free Press Booster Ad used to inform the townspeople of the final date of the junk car clean-up, and said the man to contact is Thomas Schermerhorn, Manager of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce. The Board went into Executive Session at 8:30 P.M. The Board came out of Executive Session and reconveyned the regular meeting at 9:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.