HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/16/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DECEMBER 16, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, December 16, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles H. Behney, and Walter Nardelli. MEMBERS ABSENT Augustus T. Stannard OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William Szymanski, Town Engineer; Robert Burnell, Recreation Director; John T. Ewing, Town Attorney; Robert Carlson from the Vermont Extension Service, Arthur Hill Sr. of the Hill-Martin Corporation; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Robert Ray and Leo Jodoin of the Park and Recreation Committee and Lynda Christensen from the League of Women Voters. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 9, 1968 MEETING. The minutes of the December 9, 1968 meeting were approved as read. PRESENTATION BY ROBERT CARLSON OF THE VT. EXTENSION SERVICE Robert Carlson, County Agent for the Vermont Extension Service told the members about the services offered to the public by the Extension Service and explained the method of assessing the towns and cities in the county for funds. He presented the Board members with material and said the service was concerned with Agriculture, Home Economics, Youth, Family Living, Education, Soil Conservation and several other programs. VERMONT EXTENSION SERVICE Mr. D'Acuti asked Mr. Carlson to forward a dozen or so copies of the Service's publication of Appraisal Potential Outdoor Recreation Development, and suggested that the Recreation Department look into the services offered in the field of recreation, especially in the area of assisting in the application of Federal and State aid funds. REPORT ON OPERATION OF JOE BARRY'S RESTAURANT Mr. McNeil, Attorney for Joe Barry, reported that Mr. Barry has accomplished the following in order to reduce the noise factor at his restaurant: 1. He has removed 2 of the 3 loud speakers. 2. He has installed double windows throughout the restaurant. 3. All doors and windows have been kept closed. 4. He has constructed mufflers of substantial size for the 3 fans which exhaust to the east side of the buildings as per photos the Board has. 5. He has instructed the 3 piece band to attempt to tone down their volume. 6. He has purchased at considerable expense an air-conditioner and electronic air cleaner which will do the complete job. This is a dual unit piece of equipment. Mr. McNeil said both of the above units have now been delivered to the restaurant and will be installed forthwith. After a general discussion, the Board agreed to form a committee composed of Mr. D'Acuti, Mr. Nardelli and Mr. Behney. The committee is to make a personal check at the site to see if the noise factor is sufficiently controlled. Mr. D'Acuti also pointed out the difficulty in getting a deputy to work outside the restaurant, and said the matter was not closed yet. LEGAL OPINION - ACQUISITION OF O'Brien Property The Town Attorney explained that Mr. Blais from the JayCees, and Daniel O'Brien had met with him to work out a proposal on the acquisition of the O'Brien property for recreation purposes. The O'Brien lawyer had also drafted an agreement that Mrs. O'Brien, the owner, would be willing to sign, whereby the town would advance $10,000 as an option on the property. This would obligate Mrs. O'Brien to sell to either the Town or the Jaycees. Mr. Ewing said details could legally be worked out so it would be clearly understood that the property would be deeded to the town after the initial transactions had taken place and the house on the property was sold. He said after that time there would be a small balance due which would be paid by either the JayCees or the town. Mr. Ewing expressed his opinion that there would be no need for a zone change to recreational use as the site would be town owned. YANDOW DEED TO LAUREL HILL SOUTH STREETS Acceptance of the streets to Laurel Hill South was tabled. Mr. LeClair was instructed to forward the deed to Mr. Ewing for review and let Mr. Ewing put it through the proper channels. LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT In discussing a lease-purchase agreement with private builders for municipal buildings Mr. Ewing said he was unable to give an opinion of the legality of such action as yet, but he was researching the matter and would inform the Board of his findings. PURCHASE OF COLLINS PROPERTY The Town Attorney informed the Selectmen that he had made a title search of the Collins' property that the town is purchasing. He said all details have been cleared up now and the Selectmen can complete the transaction. "No Parking Signs" on Imperial Drive The Selectmen instructed Mr. Szymanski to remove the no parking signs located on the upper portion of Imperial Drive as soon as possible. PURCHASE OF LOADER FOR LAND FILL AREA Mr. Szymanski gave his reasons for not trading the town's Hough loader in toward purchase price of a new loader. There was some discussion on this, and the Selectmen unanimously agreed not to offer the Hough loader as a trade-in. Mr. LeClair's recommendation was to buy the Caterpillar loader as the compacting machine would save on compacting material. The Board voted unanimously to purchase the Catepillar loader, without a trade-in, at a price of $26,100. PARK AND RECREATION BUDGET There was a general discussion on the Park and Recreation Department proposed budget for 1969-1970, of $18,425.00 for the year, plus a suggested Capital Improvement budget of $19,600.00. Mr. Burnell, Mr. Ray and Mr. Jodoin of the recreation department and committee explained the items that made up the budget, and Mr. Burnell was instructed to prepare a stronger run-down of the items, the number of participants in the program and per-capita cost of the program, etc. Mr. LeClair was instructed to look into the possibility of purchasing a truck to be used jointly by the recreation and highway department after it was agreed that both departments needed a truck, but neither department had to have the use of one full-time. SWIMMING POOL Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, told Mr. Ray of the Recreation Committee that before the swimming pool item could be put on the ballot and discussed at the budget hearing the Board would need answers about the project. He suggested that Mr. Ray get a firm figure on the cost of the project, the cost if the pool was enclosed as well, as investigating all aspects of the possibility of receiving state or federal funds. Mr. Ray said he would do this. LETTER FROM MR. KELLNER EXPLAINING THE RECOMMENDATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION ON ZONE CHANGE ON DORSET STREET Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the Planning Commission which explained the Commission's reason for recommending denial of the zone change request on Dorset Street. The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 10 P.M. and the Board went into Executive Session at that time. POLICE CRUISER BIDS The Board terminated the Executive Session at 10:40 P.M. and resumed the regular meeting to open the Police Cruiser bids. The Board voted unanimously to award the bid to Brewer Motors, Inc. for a net of $4138. Val Preda's net bid was $5200.00. The six other invitations to bid were not submitted. DATE OF NEXT REGULAR MEETING The Board agreed to avoid any further meetings till January 6, 1968, if possible. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.