HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/19/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 19, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, August 19, 1968 at 6:30 P.M. Mr. Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Mr. Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman: Mr. Robert Ashley, Charles H. Behney, Mr. Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Charlotte C. Marsh, Briand M. Parenteau, Joe Barry, Leonard Benway, Leonard Boutin, Donald Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. C. Spooner, Charles F. Candee, Norman Thorpe, Vincent Devlin, Roland Bissonett, Gailer Metzger, Jean Meyer, R. Myer, Jr., S. J. Kerschner. READING OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1968 The minutes of August 12, 1968 were approved as read after making a change in the name of a street, Baldwin Avenue to Hume Avenue. The secretary was instructed to remove the phrase "when complaints are received" in the last item of the minutes of August 5, 1968. Sign Disbursement Orders The Selectmen signed the disbursement orders as presented. DRAINAGE PROBLEM IN LAUREL HILL SOUTH Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from Mr. Hans Weyde, (spokesman for property owners in Laurel Hill South) asking that something be done about the drainage problem in Laurel Hill South. Residents of the area explained their problems and the Town Engineer and Mr. LeClair pointed out some of the technicalities involved. After a general discussion the Selectmen agreed on the following: 1. The Town Engineer will submit the best method of correcting the problem. 2. The Town Engineer will submit the cost of having the work done. 3. Mr. LeClair will contact the Town Attorney for a legal opinion on who is responsible for payment of the cost of the project. The item was then tabled till the September 9, 1968 meeting when the above information would be available. ACCEPTANCE OF LAUREL HILL STREETS Mr. Szymanski, Town Engineer, was instructed to check the progress of the improvements on the Laurel Hill South streets and to forward list of items to be completed to conform to town requirements before acceptance to Harvell Associates, Mr. Cranwell's engineers. MR. BRIAND M. PARENTEAU - QUESTION ON HIS LOT LINE Mr. Parenteau told the Board there was a decrepancy in the size of the lot on his property at 9 Sebring Road on the accepted file on plan in the Town Clerks Office and on his deed. The Board agreed that this was a problem between Mr. Parenteau and the developer and advised him to check with the developer. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD RE: COMPLAINTS ON THE OPERATION OF JOE BARRY'S Mr. D'Acuti explained that the Selectmen were now sitting as a Liquor Control Board to consider the complaints generated by the operation of Joe Barry's Restaurant on Williston Road. Mr. Leonard Boutin presented a petition signed by 32 residents of the area. LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD - JOE BARRY'S RESTAURANT Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, told the Board he was aware of the trouble, that he had talked with Mr. Barry on the phone and in the town office asking him to look into methods of soundproofing his operation with no results. Those present gave their views on the matter saying in part that the complaints were caused because of the loud playing of the band, yelling in the parking lot, slamming of car doors and screeching of tires late and night, windows being opened so that all the noise could be heard by residents trying to get a night's rest. Mr. Spooner also brought out the fact that he felt no food was being served at the restaurant and questioned the legality of this. Mr. Barry said food was always available at the restaurant. He presented an estimate for air-conditioning the restaurant in the amount of $5750. After a lengthy discussion the Selectmen agreed on the following steps for the present: 1. That Mr. Barry attend the meeting to be held September 9, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. to explain what steps he is taking to control the noise. 2. That the Police Chief study the traffic situation at the restaurant and conditions in the parking area and make recommendations at the September 9th meeting as to the necessity of having a special officer on duty there. 3. That Mr. LeClair check with Mr. McCreedy, State Inspector, on whether or not food is being served in the restaurant. The item was then tabled till the September 9, 1968 meeting when the above information will be available. FRANK BLAIR - LOSS OF COW - REQUEST FOR PAYMENT OF SAME BY TOWN The Town Manager presented a bill for $324.00, less salvage price, for loss of a cow owned by Frank Blair, farmer, of 1721 Dorset Street. Mr. LeClair explained that Vermont Statutes state the town must pay for cows lost through damage caused by dogs. Mr. Blair had notified the Town Manager that his cow had been damaged by dogs but there was nothing to actually prove that this was so in the Police Department report. Mr. D'Acuti read the Police Department report of the incident. The Board agreed unanimously that the town was not involved unless it was legally proved the cow was damaged by a dog or dogs. Mr. LeClair was instructed to confer with the Town Attorney on this and to notify Mr. Blair of the Board's decision. MR. LEONARD BENWAY - MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION Mr. Benway told the Board he felt the town should initiate municipal garbage collection, citing the unreliability of some of the collectors and the fact that garbage is not accepted in our Land Fill Area. Mr. D'Acuti said the town is growing so rapidly and the schools take so much of the tax dollar, that the town can't afford to get in the garbage collection business. He also explained there was no money in the present budget for this purpose, that the Board would be working on the 69-70 budget very shortly and would consider it at that time. Mr. Benway and others present said this was an urgent matter and said our present budget would have to be stretched to take care of it. The Manager was instructed to compile figures on the cost of operating a municipal garbage collection business. The figures would be reviewed at the meeting of September 9, 1968. CHARLES CANDEE - CONDITION OF LAWN AFTER SEWER CONSTRUCTION Mr. Charles Candee, 1487 Williston Road, told the Board members his property was left in terrible condition because of sewer construction. Mr. Behney explained that the Board was meeting with the engineering firm personnel every other meeting to get items such as these resolved. Mr. Candee said he had been promised that his lawn would be put in order long before this, and if it wasn't done by next meeting time he would attend the meeting for further discussion. CHIEF CARTER - REPORT ON TRAFFIC MATTERS Mr. Carter's report on his investigation of the traffic problem at the Queen City Park-Shelburne Road intersection. His recommendation was to prohibit left- hand turns going into and coming out of Queen City Park Road. The Board unanimously agreed with the recommendation and the Chief was told to proceed with the mechanics of initiating the system. LETTER FROM STATE'S ATTORNEY - RE: SPEEDING Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from State's Attorney Patrick Leahy in which he asked for the town's policy with regard to ordering speeding offenders into Chittenden County Court. Mr. Nardelli suggested the Police Chief make a recommendation setting forth guide lines for ordering offenders into Chittenden County Court vs coming into South Burlington Court. The Police Chief's recommendation was that drivers exceeding the following limits should be ordered into Chittenden County Court. 15 mph over the speed limit in the 25 mph zones. 15 mph over the speed limit in the 35 mph zones. 10 mph over the speed limit in the 50 mph zones. The Board unanimously agreed on the Chief's recommendation and the Town Manager was instructed to inform State Attorney Leahy of the Board's decision. RESTRICTION OF PARKING ON AREAS OF DORSET AND WHITE STREETS, PATCHEN ROAD AND AIRPORT PARKWAY. After hearing the Police Chief's recommendations, the Board unanimously agreed on the following: 1. That "No Parking" signs be installed on the west side of Dorset Street from Williston Road to Swift Street. 2. That "No Parking" signs be installed on the west side of Patchen Road. 3. That "No Parking" signs be installed on the west side of Airport Parkway 4. That "No Parking" signs be installed on the north side of White Street. REMOVAL OF BARRIER ON HUME AVENUE On the Police Chief's recommendation the Board decided not to have the barrier at the end of Hume Avenue removed at this time. The Chief is to check on the traffic pattern in the area after school starts to see if removal of the barrier would be advantageous. WALK LIGHT ON WILLISTON ROAD - CENTRAL SCHOOL Mr. LeClair told the Board that possibly installation of a walk light on Williston Road at the Central School light might be a good safety measure during the school year. After a general discussion on the effectiveness of such an installation the Board instructed Mr. LeClair to check into the cost of the pedestrian control button and report his findings to the Board on September 9, 1968. POLICE CHIEF - FORMATION OF JUVENILE DEPARTMENT Chief Carter explained that according to Vermont State Statutes, Police Departments were to form Juvenile Departments as of July 1, 1968. He explained details of the system and reported he had already assigned an officer to be in charge of South Burlington's Police Department Juvenile Department. FARRELL ROAD AND MEADOW ROAD WATER PROBLEMS Mr. D'Acuti said he had received complaints about water problems on Farrell Road and Meadow Road and asked the Town Engineer to check on both items. Mr. Szymanski said the water problem on Farrell Road was the responsibility of the Pizzagalli Construction Company and he would check into the situation on Meadow Road. COST OF WIDENING DORSET STREET Mr. LeClair presented the Town Engineer's cost estimate of widening Dorset Street to a four lane road. The estimate was $232,000. After a short discussion the Board agreed that the project should be incorporated in our Capital Improvement Program. MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MATTERS - INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM Mr. D'Acuti, South Burlington's representative to Airport Commission's meetings, reported details of the meetings in regard to taxes due, revenue, parking, future plans, etc. He then read a letter from Airport Manager McKay requesting the town share half of the cost of the Airport's share of expense of the drainage system. MUNICIPAL AIRPORT MATTERS - INSTALLATION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEM Mr. LeClair explained what the drainage system consisted of and its advantage to the town. He felt the amount asked was a fair price. The Board unanimously agreed to pay the bill in the amount of $315.86. RESIGNATION OF LEO O'BRIEN, JR. FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. D'Acuti read a letter of resignation from the Planning Commission from Leo O'Brien, Jr. The Board accepted his resignation with regret. APPOINTMENT OF JOSEPH L. ALLARD TO PLANNING COMMISSION The Board voted unanimously to appoint Joseph L. Allard to the Planning Commission to complete Mr. O'Brien's unexpired term, and the Manager was instructed to so notify him of the appointment. GENERAL DISCUSSION ON MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Miss Marsh expressed her opinion that the Willis Construction Company was doing an excellent job of installing the sidewalk on Shelburne Road. Mr. Behney requested Mr. LeClair to contact Mr. E. Brown, owner of a burned out house on White Street, and request him to take care of his property. He said he had received complaints of activity in and around the abandoned house from adjacent residents. Mr. LeClair said he had already written to Mr. Brown asking him to clean up the house and surrounding area and had not received any acknowledgement. Mr. LeClair was instructed to contact Mr. Brown again and get the matter resolved. Miss Marsh remarked that Mr. Szymanski was doing a great job and should have an assistant. She also complained about residents and restaurants in the area burning in their incinerators at all hours. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.