HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/05/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 5, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, August 5, 1968 at 6:30 P.M. Mr. Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Charles Harry Behney and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT Walter Nardelli OTHERS PRESENT William J. Szymanski, Town Engineer; Robert Tucker, Joel Bilodeau and Philip Doherty of Webster-Martin, Inc.; Roger LeCours, Free Press Reporter; Nicholas Zontos of Essex Junction, Charlotte C. Marsh and Barbara Bull from the League of Women Voters. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 15, 1968 MEETING The minutes of the July 15, 1968 meeting were approved as read. SIGN DISBURSEMENT ORDERS The Selectmen signed the disbursement orders as presented. STUMP DUMP DEVELOPMENT Mr. Szymanski, Town Engineer, explained that if the Town obtained the use of the Vermont Associated Lime Company's area for stump and clean fill use the Burlington Park Department and Barrett's Tree Service would be willing to pay for permission to use the area. He explained that Burlington would take care of maintaining the site and spraying any diseased trees if burning is permitted. The Selectmen discussed the responsibility in case of a large fire. They also discussed the load limit of the Lime Kiln Bridge, restricting the use of local roads and other items if Burlington is permitted the use of the site. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to confer again with Mr. Start of the Lime Company and to investigate further the advisability of furnishing the site for use by other parties. It was agreed that if Burlington makes use of the site, they shall be responsible for its maintenance including supplying all fill. Burning at the site will not be permitted. If a fire is started the City is to be held liable for extinguishing it. MANAGER'S REQUEST TO CHARGE SEWER CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT FOR PAVING GAPS IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION The Town Engineer explained that the sewer contractors were obliged to pave only over what trenches they made in the streets due to construction, and the town would have to pave the rest of the streets. He felt this has to be done because the heavy trucks used in sewer construction affected the whole street as well as the part that was opened and feels that this is related to sewer construction work. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to confer with the Town Attorney, and if he got a legal go-ahead, to charge paving gap costs to the sewer construction account. SEWERING TWO LOTS ADJACENT TO HO-HUM MOTEL ON WILLISTON ROAD Mr. Szymanski pointed out the location of two lots to be sewered on a map and presented three alternate methods of sewering them. The Board agreed that he should proceed with Alternate A at a cost of approximately $2,900. REPORT ON PROGRESS OF SEWER PROJECT Mr. Doherty of Webster-Martin, Inc. told the Board that Mr. Munson, estimated a cost of $900 to construct a line at the end of Elsom Parkway that is approximately ten feet south of the original plan. The Board agreed that if an easement can be obtained from Mr. Earle Lawton, the original plan should be followed. Mr. Szymanski was instructed to contact Mr. Lawton in regard to obtaining an easement from him so construction could proceed as soon as possible. In answer to questioning, Mr. Doherty said Mr. Dumont was filling in his property at this time. The Webster-Martin people were questioned again about complaints arising from the condition of the streets, lack of sufficient chloride use for dust control, and the delay in completing sections of the project. Mr. Behney asked if drainage was replaced in kind when it was disturbed and Mr. Doherty said yes. Mr. Behney also questioned safeguards taken when underground electrical wiring is disturbed, and was told that a representative of the power company was always present when this type of work was being done. Mr. Bilodeau said the project was 84% complete and he fully expected the project would be done by Nov. 1, 1968. He also said all streets would be paved this fall, leaving some clean-up, seeding, and planting until next spring. Mr. Szymanski asked the Board their opinion about moving a manhole that had been installed on private property, saying the owner wanted compensation because of the location of the facility. Mr. Doherty said it was possible to move the manhole, however the location of the service connections from this manhole would be affected. A further investigation will be made. Mr. Tucker was instructed to continue his efforts to keep complaints at a minimum by contacting the contractor again and impressing on him the need to keep the streets in usable condition and to use every method possible to control the dust problem. The Board requested the Webster-Martin personnel to attend the first meeting in September which will be held on Monday, September 9, 1968 to report again on the progress of the sewer project. NICHOLAS ZONTOS - RESTAURANT ON SHELBURNE ROAD AND LAUREL HILL DRIVE Mr. Zontos explained that he wished to operate a restaurant on his property at the corner of Laurel Hill Drive and Shelburne Road. He also said he was thinking of serving food out of doors in a "sidewalk cafe" type operation. The Chairman told Mr. Zontos his first step should be to contact the Planning Commission to see if his plans complied with our rules and regulations. NURSING HOME VARIANCE - HINESBURG ROAD The Selectmen unanimously sanctioned the approval of a use variance for construction of a nursing home on Hinesburg Road that had been granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment at their meeting of July 24, 1968. FIRST READING OF ZONE CHANGE REQUESTED BY SAN REMO REALTY COMPANY The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the first reading of a proposed ordinance to change the zoning to Residential C on property on the west side of Hinesburg Road, bounded on the north by town property and on the south by the Shell Oil Station. SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION BID The Board unanimously voted to award a sidewalk construction bid to Willis Construction Company, low bidder at $15,381.00. Other bidders were Walter Anderson, $18,743.00 and Berard Construction Co., $16,424.50. Mr. Szymanski explained that he would delete part of the proposed work on Patchen Road in order to bring the cost down to $13,200 which is the amount budgeted for sidewalk construction this year. VERMONT GAS LINE CONSTRUCTION Miss Marsh suggested that news items be placed in the paper when construction work such as gas line installation was to be done in town so residents of the construction areas would be informed about what was going on. Mr. Szymanski also explained where gas lines were being installed in relation to our water and sewer lines. NEW SHOPPING CENTER ON SHELBURNE ROAD - TRAFFIC PROBLEMS Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read a letter from Mr. Warren McClure in which Mr. W. McClure asked that a great deal of consideration be given to traffic control in the event the new shopping center is built in the already congested area of Shelburne Road. Mr. D'Acuti also read a note from Kenneth Austin in which Mr. Austin also expressed his concern about the traffic problem. Mr. D'Acuti told the Board he would answer the letters. Mr. D'Acuti also read a letter from the Vermont Highway Department in which they reported that they are presently working on the traffic system in the new shopping center area and expected to complete the study very shortly. Mr. Behney said that the developers were working on a new set of plans of entrances and exits from the proposed shopping center so the roads would be conveniently situated for good, workable traffic light control. He also said that the proposed by-pass for Route 7 was expected to help the traffic situation in the area. LETTER AND CONTRACT FORMS FROM J. HENDERSON BARR, ARCHITECT Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read a letter from J. Henderson Barr, Architect, who had prepared preliminary plans for the town buildings, in which he outlined the cost of work completed and work to be done. Mr. Barr also forwarded two contracts for review. As the price of the completed work was ambiguous, Mr. D'Acuti said he would call Mr. Barr and have the figure clarified. JOE BARRY'S RESTAURANT - COMPLAINTS The Chairman read a letter he had received from a property owner on Williston Road, Leonard Boutin, in which Mr. Boutin thanked the Board for initiating action in order to clear up the noise and nuisance caused by the operation of the Joe Barry Restaurant. Mr. D'Acuti reminded the Board members that Mr. Barry has been asked to come to the meeting of Monday, August 19, 1968, at which time the entire matter would be considered. FIRST READING OF CLUSTER ZONE AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE The Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the first reading of a proposed ordinance for Cluster Zone amendments. This ordinance was forwarded to the Selectmen from the Planning Commission who reviewed the proposed ordinance at its meeting of July 23, 1968 and recommended that the Selectmen adopt the proposed ordinance. MISCELLANEOUS Charlotte Marsh expressed her views on complaints generated by construction companies who are working in town such as the Vermont Gas Company and the sewer contractors. She felt the town officials should be very strict in having clean-up work done properly. Charlotte Marsh also informed the Board that some business concerns on Shelburne Road did some burning of rubbish and possibly garbage at night. The Board discussed this and Mr. Behney suggested that a news item be placed in the paper with the hours allowed for burning spelled out and pointing out the penalty for not complying with the burning ordinance. The members agreed this should be done, and voted unanimously to instruct Mr. Behney to check with the Police Department to have them enforce the Ordinance. when complaints are received. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. APPROVED Charles Harry Behney Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.