HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/15/1968BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING APRIL 15, 1968 The South Burlington Board of Selectmen held a regular meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont on Monday, April 15, 1968 at 7:30 P.M. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, called the meeting to order. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, C. Harry Behney, Walter Nardelli and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHERS PRESENT Henry LeClair, Town Manager; Mrs. Barbara Bull, Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Charlotte Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Lothrop, Howard Peterson, and Mr. Socinski. Mr. Peter Jacob, was also present as a representative of the Water Commissioners. CONSIDER AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE CEMETERY FENCE, TYPEWRITER AND TAPE RECORDER The two bid prices on installing a fence at the Shelburne Road Cemetery were $2749.40 bid by the F. E. Hart Fence Company and $3544.50 bid by S. T. Griswold & Company, Inc. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to accept the F. E. Hart Fence Company low bid of $2749.50 with the provision that the concrete be in 10" diameter holes 42" deep. The Selectmen unanimously approved the purchase of an I.B.M. Selectric Typewriter for use in the Manager's office at a cost of $468.00 net, to be paid after July 1, 1968 as it was budgeted in the 1968-69 budget. Mr. LeClair explained that an amount of $501 was left in our present Office Equipment account and wanted permission to use the surplus to purchase a tape recorder. The Selectmen unanimously approved his request but suggested that he try out other makes as well as those he had demonstrated, in order to get the one best suited for the several purposes intended. CONSIDER AMENDMENTS TO DOG CONTROL ORDINANCE Mr. D'Acuti read the proposed amendments to the South Burlington Dog Control Ordinance. Mr. and Mrs. Lothrop, Mrs. Robert Sinclair and Mr. Howard Peterson expressed their disapproval of passage of the amendments, as they felt the present ordinance was sufficient for control of dogs in town. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to table consideration of the proposed amendments until the next regular meeting of May 6, 1968, at which time the Police Chief would be asked to attend the meeting and comment on the problem. CONSIDER APPEAL OF ROBERT ROY OF THE HULLABALOO CLUB TO OPERATE A RECREATION CENTER IN THE BASEMENT OF THE CLUB The Chairman read a letter dated April 9, 1968 from the Rob Roy Enterprises, requesting a permit to operate a recreation center in the basement of the Hullabaloo Club. The Board discussed the request briefly, and on a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Behney the Board voted unanimously to deny the request. USE VARIANCE APPROVAL Mr. Rowland Peterson was present in regard to a request for a use variance that was to be considered by the Zoning Board of Adjustment on April 24, 1968. He explained that the property in question had been rezoned for a specific purpose some time ago and the transaction for which it was rezoned did not go through. The request now was for a use that was permissable in the original zone. The Chairman explained that the Zoning Board of Adjustment would act on the request at their meeting, and at the Selectmen's meeting of May 6, 1968, the Board would consider their decision and either sanction or veto it. SECOND READING OF JAMES EWING ZONE CHANGE REQUEST Mr. D'Acuti read the zone change request of James Ewing, and the Planning Commission recommendation of March 26, 1968 that the petition be approved. On a motion made by Augustus Stannard and seconded by Harry Behney, the Selectmen unanimously voted to approve the Ordinance, a copy of which is filed with the minutes of this meeting. SET DATE FOR VOTING ON BOND ISSUE The Selectmen agreed on Tuesday, June 4, 1968 for holding the special election on the bond issue for the proposed town buildings. The Town Manager was instructed to set up two public information meetings on either Wednesdays or Thursdays, one to be held at the Orchard School, and the other at the High School, for the purpose of presenting information and details to the voters. FUNDS FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Mr. Behney asked the Board to have the Town Attorney make recommendations as to what tools the town has for spending funds for Industrial and Commercial growth. The Board unanimously agreed to this and Mr. Nardelli suggested that Mr. Ewing, the Town Attorney, be asked to attend the May 6, 1968 meeting to comment on the matter. WATER COMMISSIONER'S PRESENTATION Mr. Peter Jacob, representative from the Water Department reported that two years ago the Department had an engineering survey as to the water needs in town. He said they have received planning funds for improvements, and are applying for Federal and State Funds for the project, however they want to request $40,000 from the voters at the June 4, 1968 meeting in order to get started on the improvements. He explained that the first project would be to construct a new line down Spear Street and also some loop systems. The Chairman suggested that the Water Commissioners plan to attend the public information meetings and explain their needs to the public. Mr. Jacob said he thought it was a good idea and said that the department was sending out a letter detailing their plans to the voters. The Chairman suggested that the Town Manager might be able to prepare some material for insertion in the same letter which would help to publicize the need for the new buildings. There was a general discussion relating to the improvements in connection with the town acquiring their own Fire Department and the water requirements necessary for establishing the Fire Department. Mr. Jacob concluded his presentation by detailing the need for two storage tanks and the proposed location and construction of same. EXECUTIVE SESSION On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Augustus Stannard the Board unanimously voted to go into Executive Session at 9:10 P.M. REGULAR MEETING The Board reconvened the regular meeting at 9:30 P.M. AUDITOR Mr. LeClair was instructed to invite Mr. LaForest Thompson, Auditor, to attend the next regular meeting of May 6, 1968. PARKING RESOLUTIONS - IMPERIAL DRIVE - AIRPORT CIRCLE The Chairman read two resolutions prohibiting parking on Imperial Drive and Airport Circle. The Selectmen unanimously approved the resolutions and signed the originals for record. DESIGNATION OF EXISTING STOP STREET LOCATIONS AND PROPOSED STOP STREET LOCATIONS RESOLUTION The Chairman read a resolution designating existing and proposed stop streets. The Selectmen unanimously approved the resolution and signed the original for record. SIGN RENEWAL NOTE FOR WATER DEPARTMENT BACKHOE The Selectmen signed a renewal note for the Water Department Backhoe. SIGNING OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS The Selectmen signed the following liquor license applications; Roostertail, Inc., Joe Barry's Restaurant, Quarry Hill Club, The Homestead, The Old Board, Holiday Inn of Vermont, Sheraton Motor Inn-Cupola Restaurant, Great A & P Company of Vermont, First National Store Corporation of Vermont, Sav-Mor I.G.A., Grand Union Stores of Vermont and Victory's Handy-Andy Store. DISCUSSION OF JUNK AUTOS The Town Manager explained procedures for getting rid of the junk autos in town. He said the Town serves as a collection agency, collects the junk cars in an area, provides work space for the contractor and gets a bounty of $1.00 a carcass. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to picking up the junk cars in town and stockpiling them in a suitable area of the Land Fill area. They instructed Mr. LeClair to set the wheels in motion for the project, and to get a time table in writing, as to when the cars would be taken care of once they were ready for disposal. ZONE CHANGE REQUEST - RAY UNSWORTH The Chairman read a proposed ordinance requesting a zone change from Planned District to Residential District B petitioned by Mr. Ray Unsworth and also pointed out the location of the property in question on the map. On a motion made by Mr. Nardelli and seconded by Mr. Ashley the Selectmen voted unanimously to approve the first reading and forward it to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. REVIEW OF VISITING NURSES ASSOCIATION REQUEST FOR FUNDS Because of a misunderstanding of the method of payment of funds to the Visiting Nurses The Selectmen instructed Mr. LeClair to invite Mrs. Stouch of the Association to attend the next regular meeting to be held May 6, 1968 and talk over the matter. LAND FILL AREA STICKERS Mr. LeClair, Town Manager, explained to the Board that he would like to issue stickers to South Burlington residents authorizing them to use our land fill area. This would eliminate people from other towns using our dump, as the attendant will check car registrations of users, and issue the stickers only to South Burlington and Shelburne residents who are authorized to use the dump. The Selectmen unanimously agreed that this method would eliminate a lot of problems and instructed Mr. LeClair to go ahead and initiate the program. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. APPOINTMENT OF HARRY BEHNEY TO POLICE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE After a discussion on the need for such a committee the Selectmen agreed to a Police Department Committee of three, made up of the Town Manager, the Police Chief, and Mr. Harry Behney. The committee is to work out the details of the re-organization of the Police Department. REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from the Regional Planning Commission acknowledging the appointment of William Kellner and Joseph Zajchowski as South Burlington representatives to the commission. The Selectmen then discussed the goals of the Regional Planning Commission, and decided that at the Commission's next request for funds, the Town should look very carefully into the matter to see if we have anything to gain from our contribution. CARROL'S RESTAURANT COMPLAINT Mr. Nardelli read a letter of complaint from Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Brown, who live directly behind the new Carrol's Restaurant, citing their belief that it was to be a Drive-In operation. In answer to two points brought out in the letter, the Town Manager said a building permit was issued for a sit-down restaurant, and that the plans for same were on file in the office. Mr. Nardelli said he would inform the Browns of the answers to the items they had brought out. 1968-1969 REAL ESTATE TAX AND SEWER ASSESSMENT PROPOSED FORMS FOR BILLING PURPOSES Mr. LeClair presented a sample sewer and real estate tax bill which had been made up by Mr. Hill of the Burlington Savings Bank. There was a general discussion on the make-up of the bill and several changes were suggested. Mr. LeClair was instructed to get together with Mr. Hill to work out a more acceptable form. There being no other business to come before the meeting it was adjourned at 10:45 P.M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.