HomeMy WebLinkAboutBATCH - Supplemental - 0025 Clover Streetar ci. 8, 1977 -_r . c' 'r s . luram i.lavan 25 'lovrr I-tr,,et o-u �_� . _r, , i,C) ' .r . ',rs . "..lavan : ' advised ti.at ;;your request "or a side yard waiver, allowing the construct4or; o� a -G' .t _ )' adr`ition, has been Frr ntod ly the 'out;h I ur.' n -ton u'onin�- Ioard o" ,djustm-nt. .hi;; o�n' .i::_ ��;ia.� fs, ut: u pertriit; upon your r'ec,ut.s. and :onin, . ("Lin-L-A uti-v �,'1'icer LEGAL NOTICES SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Bur- Iington Zoning Regulations and ' Chapter 91, Title 24 V.S.A. the South Burlington Zoning Board or Adjust- ment will hold a public hearing at the South Burlington City Offices, Conference Room, 1)75 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont, on Monday, March 7, 1977, at 5 p.m, to ! consider the following: No. 1. Appeal of Aurom and Garde Klavan seeking a variance, from Section 11.00, Dimensional Require- ments, or the South Burlington Zon- Ing Regulations. Request Is for per- mission to construct a 20' by 25' oddl- tlon (family room) to within nine (9) feet of the easterly side yard, at 25 Clover Street. No. 2. Appeal of Green Mountain Power Corporation seeking a condi- tional use, under Sections 10.101 and 13 10 of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Request Is for per- mission to construct a distribution line from "town fine" substation on Muddy Brook, southerly in the right of way of existing transmission line, crossing U.S. Route 2 and terml- noting at site of proposed substotion In GBIC Industrial Park, a distance of aporoxlmately 2,X feet. No 3. Appeal of John & Marilyn Larkin seeking a variance, from Sec- tion IIAS, Multiple use of the South Burlington Zoning Regulations. Re - Quest Is for permission to operate a real estate office (four full time agents) In conlunctlon with a motel and apartment complex, of 1195 Shel- burne Road. Richard A. Myette, Chairman South Burlington Zoning Board of Adjustment Feb 19, 1977 vam r\ i U ^ 00 X February 24, 1977 I•.r . & ; �r s . : tur am r;l avan 25 Clover ._>treet South a urlington, VT c;5401 Dear V'r. . & ':r s . .lavan : Ee advised that the south Furling -on Zoning Foard of just:- ment will hold a public hearing at the City ciall, Conf-'rence ?ooi�, 1175 'illis ton o .d on : onday , Parch 7, 1977 at 5: 00 p."i. to consider your appeal for a -coning variance. 'lease plan to be in attendance. Very truly, rtichard l:ara Zoning ^.dm inis tr ative 0f'f icer R W/ j lcu., �y„�..� �P-� �.os.. c- ,,�� �� � � � � � ,� _,' ' � s ✓ NOTICE OF APPEAL SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING BOARD ,,OF ADJUSTMENT I hereby appeal to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the following: conditional use, variance, decision of administrative officer. Property Owner f16,1?gln 0 JProperty location & description C`z`c &r€ f� 4- C `T . '/3 X / Al 6 Variance of Section , (number title of section) - Basis of appeal I understand the regular meetings are held twice a month on Monday at 5:00 p.m. at the City Hall, Conference -Room. The legal advertise- ment must appear in the Burlington Free Press a minimum of fifteen (15) days before the hearing, I agree to pay a fee of $30.00 which fee is to off -set the costs of advertising and the hearing. Hearing Date Signature of Ap llant SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING NOTICE In accordance with the South Burlington Zoning Regulations and Chapter 91_,__Title -24 V.S-.A. the --South- Burlington.--- Zoning Board -of Adjustment will-. hold --a .public bear ing-:at__the-South =Burlington City -.Offices, Conference Roomy---11'7_5 Villiston -Road--South -Burl-ington--:Vermont-nn-= ----- , -:O� le, , 7, / 9 P 2 , at 47"00 ,*, to consider the day of eek month and date) time following: Appeal of� seeking a YX4 from Section //,00 "y .,.e star, r, t *� of the South Burlington Zoning Regula- tions. Request is for permission to ,,(,�w 44,1.?," a No Text