HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 10/26/1965BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1965 The Board of Selectmen of South Burlington held a public meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street on Tuesday, October 26, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Augustus T. Stannard and Stephen M. Whittlesey. MEMBERS ABSENT Robert K. Ashley OTHERS PRESENT Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager; Henry N. LeClair, Assistant Town Manager; William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; Robert C. Ladd, Superintendent of South Burlington Highway Department; Roger LeCours Free Press Reporter; Mr. Homer Dubois, Mr. Keith Wright, Dr. and Mrs. Paul K. French, Dr. and Mrs. William H. Luginbuhl, Mr. Christian B. Hoskam, Mrs. David Faigel, Mrs. Charles Lotz and Mr. John W. Wolf. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting of October 19, 1965 were approved as read. ACCEPTANCE OF FIRE DISTRICT #3 SEWER SYSTEM Mr. William Mikell, Town Attorney, explained to the Board of Selectmen that he had been conferring with Mr. Peisch, Attorney for Fire District #3 about the technicalities involved in the town's acceptance of the sewer system. He said he felt that the members of the Board, the manager and assistant manager should review the proposed agreement in detail. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, instructed the Town Manager to get the last financial statement of the fire district and the amount of accounts receivable. After collecting all available figures and information about Fire District #3, Mr. Douglas was to report his findings to the Board at their next meeting to be held on November 2, 1965. The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved having the acceptance of Fire District No. 3 Sewer System placed on the ballot at the November 23, 1965 election. LAND FILL AREA Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, presented several quotations with prices and information about different types and weights of loaders to the Board of Selectmen for their consideration. Mr. Ladd, Highway Superintendent was asked his opinion about a small loader that had been given some consideration. He stated that in his opinion the equipment was much too light to do the work satisfactorily. After discussing the merits of the different models, the chairman of the board instructed the Town Manager to get more quotations on other 2-yard machines and the matter was tabled until a later date. ADVERTISING BIDS ON SEWER SYSTEMS Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, informed the Board of Selectmen that the advertisements for bids on the new sewer system, section A and section B had been placed in the Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Vermont, and the Manchester Union, Manchester, New Hampshire to run on October 25, 26, 27, and November 6 and 13, 1965. LETTERS TO BE READ Mr. D'Acuti read a letter from Dr. C. Bader Brouilette, a resident of Brewer Parkway in which Dr. Brouilette gave a resume of a meeting held at the Town Hall on October 4, 1965 with 28 residents of Brewer Parkway, the Town Manager and the Assistant Town Manager present. The subjects covered at the meeting were curbs, drainage, roads, driveway connections and general care of the Brewer Parkway area. Mr. D'Acuti also read a second letter from Dr. Brouilette, addressed to Russell A. Holden, Commissioner of Highways, a copy of which had been sent to Mr. Douglas, Town Manager. Dr. Brouilette requested the Commissioner to investigate the narrow entrance to Brewer Parkway from Shelburne Road. A copy of the letter sent by Commissioner Holden to Dr. Brouilette in answer to his request was also read, which said in part that he realized there was a bad traffic situation on all of Shelburne Road and that he would have someone from the department look into the matter. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, then read a letter from Mr. Lester Ravlin, Water Commissioner, in which Mr. D'Acuti was invited to attend the next meeting of the South Burlington Water Commission. Mr. D'Acuti asked Mr. Douglas, Town Manager to reply to Mr. Ravlin's letter stating that all of the Selectmen would be pleased to attend their next meeting. A letter from Robert Collins of 1475 Shelburne Road was then read. Mr. Collins owns property adjacent to the town pumping station at Bartlett's Bay Road of approximately one and one-quarter acres. The Selectmen agreed that the quoted price of $12,000.00 was too high, but also agreed that they would need more land for expansion of the Plant in the future. Mr. D'Acuti read portions of a letter from Howard W. Cranwell, President of the North Star Corporation, in which he set forth his plans for re-surfacing, grading, and paving streets in his development in Laurel Hill South. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was instructed to keep in close touch with the developer and see that all phases of the work as it progressed was acceptable to the town's specifications. SECOND READING OF ZONING CHANGE - HOMER DUBOIS The second reading of a zoning change from Planned Area to Residential A of property owned by Homer Dubois was read by Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman. A letter from the Planning Commission recommending the change was also read. Many residents of the Hinesburg Road area voiced their approval, among them being Dr. William Luginbuhl, who spoke for himself and his neighbor, Dr. Edward Andrews; Mr. Christian B. Hoskam, Mr. M. Keith Wright and Dr. Paul K. French. Mr. D'Acuti had previously received phone calls from Dr. Robert S. Babcock and Professor Edwin C. Schneider, residents of Van Sicklen Road, who also expressed their approval of the proposed change. As there was no one present to object, the Selectmen unanimously voted to approve the zoning petition as read. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was then instructed to notify Mr. Dubois that his request for a change of zone had been approved. MEETING WITH WATER DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL Although Mr. Lloyd Morey and Mr. Lester Ravlin, Water Commissioners, were unable to attend the meeting, the Board of Selectmen discussed the advantages of placing on the ballot at the November 23, 1965 election the question of the Water Department being under the Town's administration as are all other town departments. The Selectmen agreed that there would be a saving to the taxpayer as well as more efficient use of equipment. Mr. John Wolf and Mr. C. B. Hoskam, residents and voters of South Burlington, spoke in favor of the change. Mr. Stannard made a motion, seconded by Mr. Whittlesey, that the matter be presented to the voters of the town at the November 23, 1965 election. The motion was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was instructed to have the Town Attorney prepare the warning. As there was no other business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned at 9:30 P. M. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.