HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/09/1965BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING MARCH 9, 1965 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington held a meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 1965, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Municipal Building at 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman Augustus T. Stannard, Vice-Chairman, Ralph Goodrich, Clerk, Robert K. Ashley, and Stephen Whittlesey. OTHERS PRESENT Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager, Richard G. Carter, Chief of the South Burlington Police Department, Bernard Hunt, and eleven guests. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. DISCUSSION OF REVISED ZONING ORDINANCES Mr. Daniel O'Brien presented to the Board a plan for building a house which had been approved previously to the adoption of the new REVISED ZONING ORDINANCES. He asked the Board why it was necessary to receive another approval for plans that had already been approved. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman of the Board, explained that the Town Manager had understood that any lots prior to February '64 Ordinances could be handled in the same manner as the Ordinances which were passed in 1956. However, as the result of the Manager and the Zoning Board discussion at a recent meeting, March 3, 1965, the Zoning Board is to send the Town Manager a letter authorizing him to issue building permits on the following basis. If existing lots prior to the enactment of the REVISED ZONING ORDINANCES, February 28, 1964, are smaller that the present square footage requirement, then the Town Manager may issue a building permit, if the property met the necessary specifications previous to the passing of the new Ordinances. However, if the lot contained the minimum of 8500 square feet, then the building permit would be issued only, if the property met the new Ordinance regulations. REVIEW OF LETTER FROM CHAIRMAN OF THE LISTERS--30% to 50% TAX RATIO Robert Ashley corrected the figures on the sheet of the proposed 50% Tax Ratio. The approximate tax rate will be five dollars and eighty-four cents. For the benefit of the guests several members of the Board explained how the changing from 30% to 50% tax ratio would not change the property tax; it would only lower the present Poll Tax. Mr. D'Acuti stated that the rax ratio is not set by the Board of Selectmen. The Grand List will not be completed until June 1st, and at that time the tax rate will be figured as follows: A certain amount of money has to be raised, as in the Town Budget, then it is divided by the total of the Grand List which will give the tax rate figure. REVIEW OF LETTER CONCERNING TAX RATIO OF 30% to 50% (Continued) Mr. Douglas explained that Poll Tax is rated on how much tax you are paying on one hundred ($100.00) dollars, or each person at the age of 21 years is worth one hundred dollars. Thus, tax rate on $100.00 plus $5.00, usual head tax in Vermont. He explained the property tax as follows: If a property owner had a $10,000.00 house; that amount times 30% would equal $3,000.00, or Grand List Price. Also a $10,000.00 house times 50%, would equal $5,000.00, or Grand List Price ratio against Fair Market Value. The Town Manager further explained that now would be a good time to change the present tax ratio as there is a bill before the Legislature at the present time. It is hoped by many residents of the State of Vermont that every town in the State will have the same tax ratio. One of the Visitors remarked that in the past when the town changed the tax ratio from 15% to 30%, his property tax increased. Another Guest stated that she did not see any reason for lowering the Poll Tax. Mr. Goodrich stated it is possible that the Town of South Burlington has about 200 non-taxpayers. He also stated that at the present time it is not possible for the individual to figure his own taxes; if in the future the tax ratio is the same for all of the towns in Vermont, the individual will be able to figure his own taxes. REVIEW OF LETTER CONCERNING TAX RATIO OF 30% to 50% (Continued) Mr. Douglas stated that it costs more to collect Poll Taxes than property taxes. At the present time we have over 3000 cards made out for the property owners. Mr. Goodrich said that any property owner may see his own property card, and that the Grand List may he seen at the Office of the Town Clerk. Mr. Whittlesey told about the School for Assessors held each year in Montpelier. He stated that the State Assessment office is trying to equalize assessments all over the State of Vermont, and is trying to bring the Assessors up to date. Mr. Douglas observed that the Vermont Tax Department rated the Town of South Burlington #1 in their method of making appraisals. A representative from the Tax Department recently stated to the Town Manager that the present 30% ratio that South Burlington is using, is the closest to the State's appraisal ratio. Mr. D'Acuti asked if there was any more discussion on the proposed ratio change, and if not, it was so voted that the proposed ratio change would stand as proposed. The guest who protested against the proposed ratio change did not wish to go on record as such. REVIEW OF LETTER RECEIVED FROM THE INTER-TOWN CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE A letter from the above named committee was read by Mr. Stephen Whittlesey. This committee would act as an intermediary for two or more towns who had problems either of water shortage or purchase of land for different projects needed by the towns involved. The committee would make a study of the problem, and give an over-all solution to the towns concerned, and perhaps even save the towns money in their proposed projects. Mr. D'Acuti thought this Committee could be very helpful in the future, as it could help in co-ordinating over-all industrial plans for towns, for example. Mr. Whittlesey said the first meeting would take place whenever the town presented a problem to the committee. Mr. Mikell explained that very often towns have similar problems, and are unaware of the fact that other towns are having the same problems. He also stated that GBIC worked on these problems too, but that legislation is necessary before towns can join in their efforts to meet a particular problem. It was Mr. Whittlesey's feeling that members of the Committee should let the towns know this particular service of the Committee. Mr. D'Acuti said that with the approval of the Board he would instruct the Chairman of the Planning Commission to attend the meeting of the INTER-TOWN CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION The Chairman of the Board reported that the League of Women Voters had compiled their booklet, and also that there would be a Beef Barbecue on July 4th sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. A letter from the South Burlington Jaycees was read by Mr. D'Acuti in which the group requested the assistance of the Town Officials in making the first Jaycee Convention a memorable one. The date of the convention is May 14th. Some discussion followed as to whether permission would have to be obtained from the State Highway Department in order to close off the Williston Road for the Jaycees' parade. Williston Road would be open for any emergency use at any time though. A Fishing Derby is being planned in connection with the Centennial. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Mr. D'Acuti has discussed with school officials the Essay contest, and the type of award to be made to the winner of the contest. LETTER FROM RESIDENTS OF RICHARD TERRACE AND AREA A letter from the residents of Richard Terrace, and area was read by the Chairman of the Board. In this area there are about one hundred, and twenty- three children using the streets. The letter contained a request for "Slow Children Walking in School Zone" signs, and two stop signs at Richard and Berkley Street intersections. Also the residents would like a sidewalk on these streets. A discussion followed concerning the erection of such signs as requested as well as the possibility of using "Yield" signs. Mr. Douglas said he had investigated the area of Richard Terrace from Patchen Road to Berkley Street, and it has been decided that the road could be widen approximately six (6') feet to eight (8') feet which would give adequate space for pedestrians to walk. Sidewalks will not be constructed until a sewerage system is completed. Since a diagram was submitted indicating the location of the requested signs, Mr. D'Acuti suggested that the Police Department confer with the Town Manager, and the Highway Superintendent about the necessity of the signs. The question was posed as to what is the correct speed that a driver should approach a "Yield" sign area. Chief Carter stated that as far as he knows, no motorist has never been warned about not stopping or slowly proceeding in the "Yield" sign area. FINANCIAL PLAN AND TOWN GOVERNMENT COMMITTEE Mr. D'Acuti inquired as to whether the proposed budget should be presented to the Town Government Committee since there were only a few taxpayers attending the Public Budget Hearing. He also wanted to know if the Board agreed to do this, if permission would have to be obtained from Montpelier. Mr. Mikell, Town Attorney, stated that if even one hundred people attended this proposed meeting, it would be representative of the town. He also pointed out that if all financial matters were placed on the ballot, it would eventually do away with the Town Meeting type of government. He said that from the number of people attending the Public Budget Hearing it would be assumed that people today were more concerned with their own lives than with the town affairs. He believes it would be very appropriate for the Town Government Committee to look into the financial plan of the Town. Mr. Goodrich remarked that he thought when the people of the town were sufficiently concerned, they would attend such public meetings. LAND FOR THE DISPOSAL PLANT The Board of Selectmen authorized the Town Treasurer to borrow twenty-eight thousand ($28,000.00) from the Chittenden Trust Company on a short term note for the purchase of the O'Brien property west of Airport Parkway to the Interstate known as the Dumos property. The Board went into Executive session; therefore THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS reporter, and the Town Manager's secretary were excused. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.