HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 01/05/1965BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JANUARY 5, 1965 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of south Burlington held a meeting on Tuesday, January 5, 1965, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Municipal Building at 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, Robert K. Ashley, Ralph Goodrich, and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT Stephen M. Whittlesey. OTHER PRESENT Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davis, Mr. Bernard Ryan, Mr. Raphael Victory, Mr. Joseph E. Frank, Chief Richard G. Carter, and an unknown visitor. RE-ZONING OF SIMPSON PROPERTY--2nd READING The Planning Commission for the Town of South Burlington held a meeting on November 30th, and recommended that the Petition of Ronald L. and Della Simpson to ammend the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance to change the zoning from Residence "B" to Business District "A", be granted. A discussion of this recommendation followed in which Mr. W. H. Davis, a resident of Cottage Grove Avenue, asked Mr. D'Acuti to define Business District "A" as compared to Business District "B". Mr. D'Acuti summarized the zoning regulation for Business District "A". Mr. Davis protested the granting of this Petition as he felt that in so doing his property value would be greatly lowered. It was also mentioned that Mr. Simpson had entered a similar petition last year, and Mr. Davis felt that Mr. Simson's purpose in asking for the re-zoning was also the same as last year. Mr. Joseph Frank, who represented the Simpson family, stated that his client intends to contruct a building about the same size as the Custom Craft had built on the lot. He also pointed out that because of the limited size of the lot plus the restrictions on that piece of property, Mr. Simpson only intended to sell lawn ornaments. The question of ownership of a road that passes through the property was raised. Mr. Frank stated that he though ownership of the road could be worked out satisfactorily, and if necessary, Mr. Simpson would be glad to give the Town a Quit Claim Deed for it. Mr. Davis inquired as to whether the ownership of the road would influence the Board in making their decision in re-zoning this property. He also stated that he thought Mr. Simpson wanted to have a Used Car lot business. Mr. D'Acuti stated that the restriction for Business District "A" prohibited this type of business. It was unanimously agreed by the members of the Board that they would take the recommendation of the Planning Commission under advisement, and would notify parties concerned within fourty-eight hours of their final decision. Further discussion of this site considered the problem of possible raw sewage being present on the property. Mr. Ralph Goodrich answered Mr. Davis' inquiry stating that problems of this type would be considered in the forthcoming Sewerage System Project proposal. FIRST READING OF CHANGE OF ZONING OF VICTORY PROPERTY Mr. Mikell, Town Attorney, read the proposal for change of zoning for the Victory property. Mr. and Mrs. Victory had submitted a petition for a change of re- zoning of their property at the December 21st meeting of the Board of Selectmen but due to the unsatisfactory description of the property no further action was taken by the Board. Mr. Ryan stated that Mr. Victory desired to construct an in-door recreation center. Mr. D'Acuti informed Mr. Ryan that it is very necessary to have a complete plan and cost of the proposed building to submit to the Planning Commission as both of Boards are very much concerned as to the usuage of this piece of property. Sketches of the proposed recreation center together with the cost of the building will be submitted to the Planning Commission at their January 12th meeting, and at the second reading of the petition by the Board of Selectmen. REVIEW OF SEWERAGE COST No review was made of the proposed sewerage system as Mr. Irving Douglas, Town Manager, had been called to Boston to discuss the proposed plan. However, the Board requested that the Town Manager report to them at their next meeting regarding the Land Option for the Town of South Burlington's land fill and Disposal Plant site. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR NOVEMBER 1964 The Town Manager was requested to submit a breakdown of the Financial Statement submitted to the Board of Selectmen at their November 10th meeting. FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE--MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Richard G. Carter, Chief of the South Burlington Police Department, stated that the primary purpose of the request for this ordinance was to "protect the rights and property of the individual." He further explained that only too often accidents occur, the police are not notified, perhaps one party to the accident gives false information thus creating an unfair situation for both parties. Policemen are used as referees in such instances. The present Vermont Law only requires a person who has damage to property of more than $35.00 to file a report with the Motor Vehicle Department within a specified time hence many towns and cities are unanware of the accident. If such an ordinance were passed, towns would be notified of the accidents within their boundaries, and also these accident reports would greatly assist in presenting to the public accident-prone areas, and perhaps preventative measures could be put into practice in the future at these locations. A discussion followed as to the fines that should be imposed, and if jail confinement were necessary. The Chief felt that both jail sentences and fines should be used as penalties for violation of this ordinance. Fines of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty- five dollars and jail sentence of not more than 30 days or both were agreed upon by the Board. Second reading of the proposed ordinance will take place at the next Board meeting. RESIGNATION OF JOSEPH LANE FROM THE ZONING BOARD A letter of Mr. Joseph Lane of the Zoning Board was read to the Board by Mr. D'Acuti in which Mr. Lane stated that because of his new working hours he would be unable to attend the Zoning Board meetings. The Board accepted Mr. Lane's resignation with regret. Mr. Richard Myette of Richard Terrace was proposed as a replacement for Mr. Lane. It was unanimously agreed by the members of the Board that Mr. Myette be appointed to the Zoning Board to complete the unexpired term of office of Mr. Lane. The Town Manager was instructed to notify Mr. Myette of his appointment. LETTERS FROM SOUTH BURLINGTON RESIDENTS Chairman D'Acuti read a letter of complaint from Mr. John Sears in which he referred to the recurrence of a violation by the Hebrew Cemetary Association. Since this problem has been reviewed many times in the past, it is possible the Vermont Legislature will act on this statute this session. Another letter was read from Mr. Clark R. Caskey in which he indicated the numerous problems that have been created by an unwarranted ditch that had been dug sometime ago by the Town near his residence. Mr. D'Acuti suggested that the matter be further investigated by Mr. Douglas. Mr. Robert Polworth of Hayden Parkway sent a letter to the Board in which he congratulated members of the Town Highway crew on their excellent service during the recent snow storm. OFFICE ALTERATIONS The Board discussed the alterations that Mr. Douglas had suggested for the Town Municipal offices. The Board felt that no major changes are necessary at this time. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FOR SOUTH BURLINGTON Mr. D'Acuti said he would like to have a member from each of the service organizations here in South Burlington share in the Centennial plans for the Town. Mr. Mikell requested that he be allowed to read the Town Government section of the proposed booklet the South Burlington League of Women Voters have compiled. Mr. Douglas was not able to report on the meeting held in December with Mrs. Seebart and Mrs. Paquin concerning the booklet. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.