HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/24/1965BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 24, 1965 The Board of Selectmen of South Burlington held a public meeting at the Town Office Building, 555 Dorset Street, August 24, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Robert K. Ashley, Ralph B. Goodrich, Augustus T. Stannard and Stephen M. Whittlesey. OTHERS PRESENT Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager; William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; Mr. Phillip J. Doherty of Webster-Martin, Inc.; Mr. Howard Jeffrey, Vermont Director of Recreation; Mr. Rene J. Berard, Mr. Craig Butterfield, Mr. Eugene Cenci of Holiday Inn; Mr. Dominique P. Casavant and Mr. George LaPoint, Councilmen from Winooski; Mayor Edmund Dupont of Winooski and Mr. Roger LeCours of the Free Press. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the meetings of July 20, 1965 and August 5, 1965 and corrected minutes of July 6, 1965 were approved as read. APPOINTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICER Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, told the board that the term of office for Dr. Eugene Luck, South Burlington Health Officer, is expiring. Dr. Luck told Mr. Douglas that if the Town wanted to appoint a South Burlington resident as Health Officer it would be agreeable to him. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, instructed Mr. Douglas to get in touch with Dr. Charles Gluck of Old Farm Road and ask him if he was interested in the appointment. If Dr. Gluck is not interested in the appointment Mr. Douglas was instructed to reappoint Dr. Luck as Health Officer. LAND FILL AREA The Board of Selectmen, councilmen Casavant and LaPointe and Mayor Dupont of Winooski discussed the use of our Land Fill Area by the City of Winooski. Councilman Casavant said Winooski needs its payloader for highway maintenance and Mr. D'Acuti, chairman, said that it would cost South Burlington about $15,000.00 to purchase a payloader. Winooski offered to pay South Burlington $8500.00 a year for the use of our area and the selectmen decided to table this question of the Land Fill Area until the Board Meeting of September 7, 1965 and the Town Manager was instructed to get more information on purchase of a payloader. TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT WILLISTON ROAD AND DORSET STREET Mr. Eugene Cenci of the Holiday Inn told the Board of Selectmen that his customers are complaining about the traffic situation at Williston Road and Dorset Street. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, explained that the State had previously completed a survey in that area and had decided that traffic lights were not needed. According to their traffic count there were two periods in a day when the traffic congestion was very heavy, the hours from 7 to 8 A. M. and 4:30 to 5:30 at night. The State does recommend some kind of traffic control, especially for these hours. The Traffic Commission agreed to take a new count after Kennedy Drive was completed to U. S. 2. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, explained that he would petition the Vermont Highway Department and the Bureau of Public Roads to allow a curb break for a new entrance for the Holiday Inn opposite the Dorset Street intersection. Mr. Cenci said it was possible to change the driveway at the Holiday Inn. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, agreed that we had a traffic problem at the intersection and said he expected it to be worse when school opens and there is more traffic. After further discussion the Board agreed that it was in favor of petitioning the Vermont Traffic Commission to take a count of the traffic and recheck the intersection to determine the necessity of traffic lights. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was instructed to contact the Vermont Traffic Commission and petition them to do so. REVIEW OF WEBSTER-MARTIN, INC. CONTRACT - Supervision of final phases of Phase 1 and 11. In checking over the proposed agreement with Webster-Martin, Inc., Mr. Doherty explained each article stating that if the resident engineers and supervisors were retained as outlined in Section B, the cost to the town would be $1800.00 a month for engineers and $1100.00 a month for inspectors. The agreement stipulates that the town reserves the right to employ their own engineers and inspectors who would be paid by the town under a separate payroll from any other town activity. The fee for general supervision and consultation services for the construction as described in Article 2, Section A is the lump sum of $24,800.00, which includes all costs of travelling and expenses supplementary thereto. Mr. Doherty pointed out that in Section B the number of months the resident engineers and inspectors were to be employed did not necessarily mean that this would be an accurate time schedule. For example, if the work was completed in 18 months the cost of the resident engineer would be at the rate of 18 months times $1800.00 per month, or if weather conditions were bad or construction was prolonged beyond the 20 months the cost would still be $1800.00 per month for the length of time the resident engineer was on the job. This would also be the same for the inspectors. In other words the months inspectors are required could be plus or minus and the cost could be plus or minus. In Section C, field surveys for layout of the construction, work would be on an hourly basis of cost plus 100% and reimbursement for mileage would be at the rate of 10¢ per mile, the total not to exceed $8100.00 for this particular project. In Section D, preparation of as built plans of the completed construction, work would be on the same basis as Section C, the cost not to exceed $2000.00. In Article 4 - Payments, the method of reimbursement for the engineering cost was explained, and Mr. Doherty did call the attention of the Board to the fact that the engineering fees do not cover cost of advertising for bids for the contract or studies for determination of annual rates, postage charges for mailing plans and contract documents, and followed through Article 4 with other liabilities of the Town and engineers. It was called to the Board's attention that the Board of Selectmen could employ their own inspection team, but the inspectors would be supervised and report directly to the resident engineer. After considerable conversation it was tentatively decided that Webster-Martin would employ the resident engineer at the rate mentioned and the Board of Selectmen would employ the inspectors. It was also called to the Board's attention that the Town Manager's cost schedule for Engineering, Inspection, Supervision, etc. was incorrect. The Town Manager was instructed to consult with Mr. Doherty and make out a new Inspection and Supervision cost schedule to be prepared for the next meeting. The Town Attorney and the Town Manager were also instructed to meet with Mr. Doherty to make any revisions in the agreement necessary to obtain the Town Attorney's approval. FIRST READING OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE 13 OF THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE. The proposed Ordinance to amend article 13 of the South Burlington Zoning Ordinance was read and Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was authorized to advertise the ordinance and present it for final reading at the September 7, 1965 meeting. LETTER FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read a letter from the United States Department of Justice which stated that the President of the United States has issued a proclamation urging Federal, State, and Local officials, as well as organizations to plan appropriate cermonies on "Citizenship Day", September 17, 1965. The Board of Selectmen unanimously went on record as favoring the commemoration of "Citizenship Day". LETTER FROM SUPERINTENDENT LULL Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman, read a letter from Superintendent Lull of the School Department. At the School Board meeting of August 10, 1965 they agreed to advance the money to the Town for the cost of lighting the path to the school for the year 1965-66. On advice of counsel the School Department would not pay for the water installation. They also wanted to thank the Board of Selectmen for providing a path to the school. VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION Mr. Howard Jeffrey, Vermont Director of Recreation, told the Board of Selectmen that a request for Federal funds for the acquisition of the Austin property and Allenwood Estate had been made by the Town of South Burlington and that he had been notified that these areas had been placed on the Master Plan of the state. He further explained that because the acreage of the Austin property was so small that he would suggest making application for the larger grant for the Allenwood Estate. The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to make application only for the Allenwood Estate and asked Mr. Jeffrey to meet with the Town Manager at 5 P. M. on Wednesday, August 25, 1965 so that he could explain the new application that must be submitted. Mr. Jeffrey also explained that any land purchased with matching funds from the government would automatically be a public park for any citizen to use. The Board of Selectmen unanimously decided that the acquisition of the Austin property would be a town project controlled by the town, and that we would make application for Federal Funds for the Allenwood Estate acquisition only. The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P. M. until 8:00 P. M. August 25, 1965. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.