HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 09/22/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SEPTEMBER 22, 1964 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington met on Tuesday, September 22, 1964 at 7:30 P. M. at the Town Municipal Building at 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, Ralph B. Goodrich, Stephen Whittlesey, and Waitstil E. Brown. MEMBERS ABSENT Augustus T. Stannard absent because of illness. OTHERS PRESENT William E. Mikell, Town Attorney and Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager. Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. READING OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of September 1, 1964 were approved as read. LETTER OF RESIGNATION Robert Ashley's letter of resignation from the Zoning board was read by Chairman D'Acuti. An appointment to replace Mr. Ashley was tabled until the next meeting on October 6, 1964. Town Government Committee Appointments The matter of appointing additional members to the Town Government Committee was tabled until a later date. REVIEW OF PROPOSALS OF ZONING ORDINANCES This item was tabled for a future meeting. The Town Manager, Mr. Douglas, was instructed to inform the Planning Commission at this time that the Planning Board should review any new ordinances and advise the Board if there should be any revisions of the Zoning Ordinances as passed and accepted February 28, 1964, especially Section 13.60 under Variences. PAVING OF PARKING LOT AT TOWN OFFICE BUILDING The quotations for paving the parking area were read as follows: Martin-Webster Construction Co., Inc., South Burlington, Vermont 1½" compacted depth (one course)$1375.00 2" compacted depth (two course)$1725.00 Wilfred King quoted a price as follows: 928 square feet paving $1975.60 Vermont Paving Corporation of Burlinton, Vermont quoted the following: To Grade existing base and furnish required material to allow for proper drainage - apply two one inch (1") courses of Hot Mix, the area being approximately 8900 sq. ft. for the sum of $1386.00 The Board unanimously approved the Vermont Paving Company quotation and requested that the granite curb be installed by the Town Employees. Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, was instructed to see that all this was done. ADDITION TO GARAGE Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti informed the board that the money for the addition to the Town Garage had been approved, and the Town Manager informed the board that a portion of the block work had already been installed. SALT CONTRACT The Town Manager advised the Board of Selectmen of the following quoted prices delivered to the Town salt shed. Yankee Salt $15.10 per ton Valcour Salt $15.20 per ton International salt is delivered only in carload lots at the railroad siding as they have no truck delivery. All companies quoted Railroad siding delivery at $14.10 per ton. KENNEDY DRIVE SEWERAGE LINE A letter was received from Webster Martin Inc., Consulting Engineers, stating that they do not recommend the Kennedy Drive route for this interceptor as there would be considerable additional cost plus an extra pumping station. KENNEDY DRIVE SEWERAGE LINE CONTINUED The Town Manager advised the Board that photostatic copies of the Webster-Martin Inc. letter would be delivered to each member. LAND FILL AREA Mr. Ralph Goodrich advised the board that he had noticed that the land fill area was being filled up more than he would expect from the last inspection. He recommended that the Board members and the Town Manager meet at the Town Garage at 11 A.M. to investigate the land fill area and inspect the new addition to the town garage. WRIGHT COURT Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti, Ralph Goodrich, and Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager, met with John J. Wright at Wright Court to discuss repairs to the road from Hinesburg Road to the Dussault and Gracey Driveways on Wright Court. They informed Mr. Wright that the town needed his permission (Mr. Wright's) for surface drainage on Wright Court by way of the private drive to the Gracey residence and to Mr. Wright's property south of the Gracey private drive. Mr. Goodrich explained to Mr. Wright that the town wished to repair this road to construct a larger cul de sac, and to regrade the private drive so that there would be no accumulation of water. He explained that the surface water would follow its normal course. Mr. Wright verbally agreed that the work to be done was necessary, that the surface water from Wright Court had always followed this flowage direction and that he had no objection for the completion of the construction concerning the direction of this surface water flowage, but cautioned the Board of Selectmen not to do any grading other than on his own property. He also said for them to take extra precautions in locating the property boundries of the adjoining properties west of the private drive. Mr. Goodrich explained to the Board of Selectmen that he and the Town Manager had contacted Myles Kavanaugh of the Vermont Paving Corporation and that Mr. Kavanaugh quoted a price of approximately $1600.00 for the grading, patching, and paving. Should there be additional gravel needed the town would furnish what was necessary. If there was a surplus of material, the town would also dispose of the waste. Mr. Goodrich also explained that this work should be done and that the road should be very satisfactory and not need repairs for many years. In Mr. Goodrich's conversation with Webster-Martin Inc. Engineers he was assured that the sewerage lateral lines could go in the rear of the properties and would not disturb the new construction. The Board unanimously agreed to accept this proposal and the Town Manager was instructed to follow this through with the Vermont Paving Company and Mr. Ralph Goodrich. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. APPROVED RALPH B. GOODRICH, CLERK BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING SEPTEMBER 1, 1964 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington met on Tuesday, September 1, 1964 at 5:00 P. M. at the Town Municipal Building, 555 Dorset Street, So. Burlington, in reference to the Hebrew Cemetery-west side of Patchen Road. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti; Ralph B. Goodrich; and Augustus T. Stannard. MEMBERS ABSENT: Waitstill E. Brown and Stephen Whittlesey. OTHERS PRESENT: William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; and Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager. Guests: Myron and Charles Samuelson, James Shea. Chairman D'Acuti explained that this meeting was called for the purpose of evaluating the boundaries of the burial ground of this cemetery. The Town Manager explained that at about 6:30 P. M. Monday, August 31st, that a call was received at his residence from Mrs. Seres and Arthur DeGraff of Patchen Road, whose dwellings are directly opposite the cemetery in question, that a lot for burial purposes was being laid which was conflicting with the Vermont Statutes as this lot was closer to the dwelling than 330' as permitted by law. The Town Manager answered the call as requested and found that the nearest headstone to Arthur DeGraff's dwelling was 275' and from the Seres dwelling 260' from the lot that was being staked out. The Town Manager immediately reported to the Town Attorney. On June 9th, 1964 at the Board of Selectmen Meeting, the Town Manager called their attention to the fact that the fence at this cemetery had been constructed on the Town right-of-way and that an engineer had apparently staked out lots adjacent to the existing fence. The Town Manager also explained that he had called Mr. Alex Colodny in regard to the fence and the survey of the lots, and Mr. Colodny referred the Town Manager to Mr. Myron Samuelson. The Town Manager called Mr. Samuelson and advised him that the fence was on the Town right-of- way and that lots were being laid out too close to the fence and then Mr. Samuelson explained to the Town Manager that a permit had been granted the cemetery association giving them permission to erect this fence on the Town right-of-way and that he knew the law. He explained the law to the Town Manager in regards to the distance of burial lots to a dwelling. Mr. Samuelson agreed that he had talked with the Town Manager in reference to the fence but denied making any statment to the Town Manager in reference to cemetery lots to a dwelling. Chairman D'Acuti asked Mr. Samuelson what the Town Manager or the Board could do to help them in this situation as it was the intention of the Board of Selectmen to always cooperate with the cemetery association and at the same time try and uphold the laws of the State of Vermont. Mr. Samuelson believed that this whole matter could be cleared up if a waiver from the Seres and DeGraffs could be obtained. The Town Manager explained to Mr. Samuelson that the Seres and DeGraffs inferred that if the fence was moved off the right-of-way and a hedge installed that he believes these people would sign a waiver as approved by the Stats of Vermont. He also stated that he would do everything possible in obtaining this waiver-that the fence would be moved and a hedge installed but did not guarantee that these people would sign the waiver. Mr. Samuelson stated that this would be agreeable to the Cemetery Association if this could be accomplished and if necessary they would make a cash settlement with the Seres and DeGraffs. The Town Manager was instructed by the Chairman of the Board to see Mr. and Mrs. DeGraff and Mr. & Mrs. Seres the first thing Tuesday morning or if possible Monday night. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:15 P. M. APPROVED Ralph B. Goodrich, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.