HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 03/12/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING March 12, 1964 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING Meeting was called to order by Town Manager, Irving Douglas. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Waitstil E. Brown, Ralph B. Goodrich, Augustus Stannard, Stephen M. Whittlesey. ALSO PRESENT Irving Douglas, William Mikell Meeting was called to order at 7:37 P. M. Election of Chairman: Augustus Stannard moved that Mr. Vincent J. D'Acuti act as the Board Chairman for the year 1964 to 1965. This was seconded by Ralph Goodrich and was voted unanimously by the Board. Election of Vice Chairman: Chairman D'Acuti asked for nominations for Vice Chairman. Waitstil Brown moved that Augustus Stannard be nominated for Vice Chairman and was seconded by Ralph Goodrich. This was unanimously voted by the Board. Election of Clerk: Chairman D'Acuti asked for nominations for clerk. Stephen Whittlesey nominated Ralph Goodrich for clerk and was seconded by Waitstil Brown. This was unanimously voted by the Board. Reading Minutes of Meeting: The minutes of the meeting were approved with the exception of the remarks made by Mr. Nollet. Stephen Whittlesey asked to have these remarks incorporated into the minutes of the meeting. The Town Manager reported to the Board of Selectmen that the agreement between the South Burlington Water Department and the Burlington Water Department had been approved by both departments and that the deeds for the Fire District # 4 water and sewage holding would be delivered to the Town Attorney not later than March 16, 1964. The Town Manager was instructed to get all the necessary papers transferred from Fire District # 4 to the Town. Check and see if Fire District # 4 had been audited by Mr. Thompson; check with the Prudential Committee regarding the necessary repairs to the disposal plant at Bartletts Bay and report back to the Board March 24, 1964 for possible complete acceptance of the Fire District # 4 utilities. Deed from Mrs. Dean: The deed from Mrs. Dean for the ½ acre lot purchase for the sewage pumping station on the east side of Hinesburg Road was accepted. The option on the O'Brien Bros, property for the disposal plant location was debated and Mr. Leo O'Brien was contacted and was asked to come to the meeting for further explanation of this plant site and option. Mr. Goodrich requested Mr. Leo O'Brien to include an additional approximate four acres of land on the north boundary of the plant site at no additional compensation. Mr. Leo O'Brien was to call the Town Manager or Mr. Goodrich in the next day or so after conversing with his brother Dan. The option papers were left with Attorney Mikell for any further corrections that might be needed. Letters from the Water Resourse Board addressed to the Prudential Committee of Fire District # 4 of July 22, 1962 were read. The Town Manager asked for a definite date for the acceptance and responsibility of the operation of the septer system. It was requested by the Town Manager to take over this system as soon as possible for full responsibility and maintenance. Augustus Stannard recommended to leave the maintenance and responsibility with Mr. Rock until July 1, 1964. Ralph Goodrich believed this would be a good time for the Town Manager to take over the responsibility and maintenance. The Chairman of the Board, D'Acuti and Stephen Whittlesey believed this should be done before this date and it was left with the Chairman of the Board, D'Acuti to contact Mr. Rock and report on the subject at the next meeting March 24, 1964. The Town Manager explained to the Board of Selectmen that Maurice Giroux of 1174 Williston Road has an intention of dismantling the existing residence and build a new house and office building on the present site. The Town Manager explained that the Town holds an easement for drainage through this property with the right to enter the property at any time for repairs and this house would be completely over the drainage pipe. It was tentatively agreed by the Board that if any damage to the property was caused from this drainage system that Mr. Giroux should sign a waver holding the Town of South Burlington harmless for any damage that might occur. The Town Manager presented to the Board tentative plans as prepared by Webster-Martin for sewer service to the properties on Williston Road in the rear of the buildings rather than running interceptor lines into Williston Road. The Board suggested to the Town Attorney that he draw up right of way forms and that the Town Manager would try and secure from the property owners right of way for the installation of this system to be installed as suggested by the Webster-Martin engineers. The Town Manager informed the Board that the engineers had completed their marking of the center line of the new cut off road to be completed by the State of Vermont from route 116 to U.S. 2. The Town Manager was instructed to do everything possible to get options for this right of way. Mr. Leo O'Brien, Town Representative, informed the Board that a special meeting had been set up with Mr. James Wood in Montpelier to go over the accelerated public works program. This meeting was to be held in Montpelier at 10:30 A.M. The Town Manager was instructed to attend this meeting and that as many of the Board members would also attend that could possibly make it as this was to be an informative meeting. The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to continue holding their regular meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Although the next meeting would be called for March 24, 1964. The Town Manager explained his visit with the National Survey for the publishing and printing of the new zoning map and presented the quotation for this work. The Town Manager was instructed to purchase 1,000 copies 17" x 22" map. The quotation of the 34" x 44" map was to be determined at a later date and at least three enlargements of the plastic sheet 34" x 44". There being no further business the meeting closed at 10:55 P.M. Approved Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman Waitstil E. Brown Ralph B. Goodrich Augustus T. Stannard Stephen M. Whittlesey Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.