HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 06/09/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING JUNE 9, 1964 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington met on Tuesday, June 9th, 1964 at 7:30 P. M. at the Town Municipal Building, 555 Dorset St., So, Burlington, Vt. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Waitstil E. Brown; Ralph B. Goodrich; Augustus T. Stannard and Stephen M. Whittlesey. MEMBERS ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager, and Robert B. Ladd, Highway Supt., also 5 quests. READING MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Reading the minutes of the meeting of May 19th, it was requested that on Page 3-"QUOTATION FOR PAVING DORSET STREET" second paragraph- there was an omission and the paragraph should read-"A discussion by the Board Members believe that Vermont Paving was a local firm and taxpayer in the Town of South Burlington and the Vermont Paving Co. could complete this work earlier than June 6th. Mr. Stannard moved that the bid of $7.60 per ton as quoted by the Vermont Paving Corp. be accepted. Mr. Whittlesey seconded the motion and the Town Manager was so instructed. Page 4-Ralph Goodrich asked to have the last paragraph under "COMPLAINTS" wording to be added "that one of the Town trucks be used for maintenance work and if it was necessary to rent a truck to rent this truck for construction work. READING MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION: Chairman, Vincent J. D'Acuti read the minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting which was held on June 8th. (Copy attached to these minutes.) PROPOSED ORDINANCE-AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE BY REDUCING THE MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF RESIDENCE DISTRICT "A" Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti read the Proposed Ordinance to change Residence District "A" for one (1) acre to two­thirds (⅔) acre and asked if there were any comments against this change. He read the petition that was submitted to the Board of Selectmen on November 4, 1963 recommending the one acre lot and a letter from Littleton Long was read recommending the one acre lot. Mrs. Elden A. Seebart, President of the League of Women Voters read a statement which was the League of Women Voter's opinion that the ordinance should remain as is. David LeSourd, Chairman of the Town Government Committee, asked if this was one of the functions to analyze this particular ordinance, if this was to be analyzed by their committee that they would call a special meeting and report to the Board of Selectmen their findings during the week of June 15th. Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti asked to table this ordinance until the Town Government Committee had a chance to review this suggested ordinance. PROPOSED ORDINANCE-AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND "THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE BY CREATION OF ADDITIONAL AREA OF BUSINESS DISTRICT "B" Section 1. The South Burlington Zoning Ordinance adopted February 28, 1964, and the official zoning map adopted in connection therewith is hereby amended by changing the land use of the following described land to Business District "B". A strip of land on the south side of Williston Road having a uniform depth of Five hundred (500) feet measured perpendicularly from the south side line of Williston Road, bounded on the west by the east side line of Dorset Street and on the east by the west side line of Hinesburg Road. Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti, read the above Proposed Ordinance and it was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen for first reading. PROPOSED ORDINANCE-AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND "THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE" Section 1. Article XI of the south Burlington Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: Section 11.40 The Planning Commission shall not have the authority to approve the use or location of any trailer or mobile home within a planned district and such uses shall not be permitted in any planned district. Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti read the above Proposed Ordinance and it was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen for first reading. PROPOSED ORDINANCE-AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND "THE SOUTH BURLINGTON ZONING ORDINANCE" BY CREATION OF ADDITIONAL AREA OF BUSINESS DISTRICT "A" Section 1. The South Burlington Zoning Ordinance adopted February 28, 1964 and the official zoning map adopted in connection therewith is hereby amended by changing the land use of the following described land to Business District "A" A parcel of land located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Shelburne Road and Allen Road, having a frontage on Allen Road of One Thousand two hundred (1200) feet and a frontage on Shelburne Road of Three hundred (300) feet, being bounded on the west by the east sideline of Shelburne Road, on the south by the north sideline of Allen Road, on the east by a line running perpendicularly to Allen Road from a point One Thousand two hundred (1,200) feet east of the intersection of the north sideline of Allen Road and the east sideline of Shelburne Road and bounded on the north by a line running parallel to the north sideline of Allen Road at a uniform distance Three hundred (300) feet northerly therefrom. 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