HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 12/15/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DECEMBER 15, 1964 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington held a meeting on Tuesday, December 15, 1964, at 7:30 p.m. at the Town Municipal Building at 555 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont. MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman, Ralph B. Goodrich, Augustus T. Stannard, and Stephen Whittlesey. MEMBERS ABSENT Waitstil E. Brown. OTHERS PRESENT Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager, William Kellner, Chairman of the Planning Commission Board, and Mr. and Mrs. Guilford. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting of November 10, 1964 were read and approved. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Mr. D'Acuti, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, questioned the over expenditure of the election, and asked that the over expenditure be brought to the attention of the Board of Civil Authority. Also Mr. D'Acuti advised the Town Manager to watch Account Numbers 202, 203 and number 212. The Town Manager informed the Board that the explanation of expenditures would be more specific in the December 31st Financial Statement. Also the Town Mgr. was asked to submit a Balance Sheet for all of the transactions from January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1964. FIRST READING OF ZONING CHANGES A Proposed Ordinance to change a Residence B area to Business District A was read by the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. The property which was proposed for an Ordinance change is owned by Ronald and Della Simpson. During the discussion of the proposed ordinance change, Mr. Mikell, Town Attorney, suggested that any person or persons desiring a zoning change should have their request before the Town Manager at least a week before the Board of Selectmen's meeting so that the Town Manager and Town Attorney could review their request properly. The Proposed Zoning Change as read by the Chairman will now go to the Planning Commission for their review. Another change of ordinance was proposed but the description of the property that was submitted by the petitioner was not sufficiently clear. The Town Attorney requested that the petitioner be contacted, and a request for a clearer description of the property be made, so that the Proposed Change of Ordinance may be presented to the Board for a first reading. POLICE CRUISER BIDS Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Vincent D'Acuti, read the quotations for the Police Cruiser as submitted by four car dealers, as follows: Val Preda Olds-Cadillac, Inc. delivered price to the Town of South Burlington for one cruiser was $1,270.00 for a 1965 Oldsmobile; C.H. Goss Company's delivered price for a 1965 Dodge was $1,200.00; Shearer Chevrolet Company, Inc. delivered price for a 1965 Chevrolet was $1,748.45, and Yandow Motor, Inc. delivered price for a 1965 Pontiac was $1,350.00. The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to accept the bid of Bal Preda Olds-Cadillac, Inc., believing this to be in the best interest of the Town. Val Preda Olds-Caldillac Inc. is an established automobile dealer in the Town of South Burlington. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT ON FIRE DEPARTMENT BILLS The Town Manager explained that about 42.5% of the grass fires that the Burlington Fire Department attended for the Town of South Burlington were caused by oil barrel type of incinerators. Oil barrel type of incinerators are a fire hazard, the Town Manager pointed out to the Board, and he recommended that an Ordinance should be forthcoming from the Town to regulate the type of incinerator that is used by the population of South Burlington. He stated that possibly $5,000.00 might be save in the cost of Fire Department assistance, if such an Ordinance could be put into practice. It was suggested that members of the Auxiliary Fire Department of South Burlington be contacted and asked to check on the oil barrel type of incinerator that is widely used in the Town. Mr. Douglas reported that the Auxiliary had been doing a fine job of burning dry grass areas this past year, and that the Auxiliary would do this upon request. The Chairman of the Board, Mr. D'Acuti, suggested that the Town Manager find out what other communities are doing about oil barrel type of incinerators. REPORT ON LAND OPTION FOR LAND FILL AND DISPOSAL PLANT SITE The Town Manager stated that he had met with Daniel O'Brien and asked for an option price on the total acreage of land that they owned on the West side of Airport Parkway. Mr. O'Brien stated that the price would be thirty-four thousand dollars ($34,000.00). Chairman D'Acuti displayed a plot plan of this property, and explained its boundaries to the Board of Selectmen, and recommended that an offer of twenty-eight thousand dollars ($28,000.00) be made to Leo and Daniel O'Brien for 34.5 acres or all the land they own in that area. This was unanimously agreed upon by the Board, and the Town Manager was instructed to contact the property owners, and present this option offer. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION FOR SOUTH BURLINGTON Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, report that he will have a meeting with Mrs. Bostwick, Mrs. Paquin, and Mrs. Seebart, President of the South Burlington League of Women Voters, on December 28, 1964, at 9 o'clock in the Town Municipal Building. At this meeting plans for the Centennial celebration will be discussed, and the publication that the League of Women Voters plans to issue. Further plans for the Centennial celebration will be discussed at a later date by the Board of Selectmen. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT Mr. William Kellner stated that to date he had received four City Master Plans which would help a great deal in updating the present Master Plan for the Town of South Burlington. It was noted that the present Master Plan for the Town is five years old, and that for the good of the Town plans should be constantly updated in order to meet the constant problems of population, need for capital improvement, and zoning changes. Mr. Kellner gave as an example that the School Board would be interested in knowing about possible areas that they might use for further expansion of school facilities. The object of planning is to remain current, stated Mr. Kellner, and he reminded the Board that the "only thing permanent is change." He further pointed out to the Board that the only reason we seek assistance from professional sources is to be sure that the Town of South Burlington is progressing along the course that is most beneficial to the Town. Mr. D'Acuti reminded the Board that the City of Burlington in their Master Plan did not have an Ordinance for signs within the City limits. Mr. Kellner said he would have facts and figures ready to present along with the Budget for the Town of South Burlington. Mr. Mikell suggested that the Town of South Burlington Planning Commission work with Burlington since many of their problems might be similar to ours. PROGRESS REPORT ON SEWERAGE SYSTEM Mr. Douglas, Town Manager, explained the proposed PHASE I, II, and III Sewerage System to the Board with the aid of a map designed by Webster- Martin, Inc. consulting engineers for the project. He also reported the meeting that was held with Mr. Ransom and a member of the Water Resources Board. Three alternates for financing the project were explained by Mr. Douglas. It was suggested that Mr. Ralph Goodrich meet with a member of Webster-Martin, Inc. to discuss the project, and to check on any other possible way of financing this project other than the alternates discussed by the Board. Some members of the Board felt that Phase I and II should be paid for by general taxation as this would be fairer to the farmers and other non-user residents. Mr. D'Acuti suggested that perhaps Alternate #2 could be submitted to the HHFA even though this plan might be somewhat altered before being presented to the people of South Burlington. The Town Manager was instructed to set-up a meeting on December 18, 1964, if it was possible to have a financial officer from Boston here to review this project. RESIGNATION OF WAITSTIL BROWN, MEMBER OF BOARD OF SELECTMEN Chairman D'Acuti read a letter to the Board of Selectmen that he had received from Mr. Waitstil Brown requesting that the Board accept his resignation as of this date. He stated that his working hours conflicted with the hours of the Board meetings and he believed it would be in the best interest of the Town's people that he submit his resignation. It was unanimously voted to accept Mr. Brown's resignation with regret. A member of the Board recommended that Mr. Robert Ashley of Laurel Hill be appointed to replace Mr. Brown for the unexpired term of office which will end March 2, 1965. The Board unanimously voted to appoint Mr. Robert Ashley to fill the unexpired term of office formerly held by Mr. Waitstil Brown. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. APPROVED Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.