HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 08/18/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AUGUST 18, 1964 The Board of Selectmen of the Town of South Burlington held a meeting at the Town Municipal Building, 555 Dorset Street, So. Burlington, Vermont, on Tuesday, August 18th, 1964. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Vincent J. D'Acuti at 7:00 P. M. and was adjourned at 7:05 P. M., so that the members of the Board could inspect the Barry property east of the Hinesburg Road. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Waitstil E. Brown; Ralph B. Goodrich and Stephen Whittlesey. MEMBERS ABSENT: Augustus T. Stannard OTHERS PRESENT: William E. Mikell, Town Attorney; Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager. Guests: Attorney John Cain; Mary and Naomi Barry; Mr. Schemeski, Webster-Martin Inc. LAND OWNED BY MARY L. AND NAOMI M. BARRY: The Board of Selectmen unanimously approved the necessity for taking 2.65 acres of land known as the Barry Estate, presently owned by Mary L. and Naomi M. Barry. Attorney John Cain, Attorney for Mary L. and Naomi M. Barry, agreed that this piece of property was necessary for the completion of Kennedy Drive to Route U. S. #2 Williston Road. William Mikell, Town Attorney, explained the methods of obtaining property for construction of this road and that it was the hopes of the Board of Selectmen that both parties could come to an amiable settlement of a fair and favorable price. Attorney Cain, Mary and Naomi Barry went into conference and offered the Town of South Burlington the 2.65 acres of land at a price of $3500. The Board of Selectmen had an executive session and agreed on the settlement of $3500.00. Chairman D'Acuti advised Attorney Cain that the Selectmen had accepted the offer. He instructed the Town Manager to draw an order for $3500.00 as soon as the deed was presented and accepted by the Town. REVIEWING PHASE I OF THE SEWAGE SYSTEM: Mr. Schemeski, of the Webster-Martin Corporation, explained the plans and specifications to the Board of Selectmen and after being reviewed Waitstil E. Brown made the motion which was seconded by Ralph B. Goodrich to accept these plans and specifications as submitted and further resolved that: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, THE TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT accepted an offer from the United States Government for an advance for preparation of planning documents pertaining to a public work described as Interceptor Sewers and Sewage Treatment Facilities including necessary appurtenances for Phase Alternate Plan WHEREAS, WEBSTER-MARTIN INC., Consulting Engineers was engaged to prepare the planning documents for the aforesaid public work, and said architect and/or engineer has completed documents and submitted them for approval; and WHEREAS, the completed planning documents have been carefully studied and are considered to comprise adequate planning of the public work essential to the community and within the financial ability of the TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, VERMONT to construct: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the TOWN OF SOUTH BURLINGTON, ACTING THROUGH ITS BOARD OF SELECTMEN, the governing body of said applicant, that the planning documents submitted by WEBSTER-MARTIN INC., Consulting Engineers as the basis for construction of the interceptor sewers and sewage treatment facilities including necessary appurtenances dated August 18, 1864, and the statements in Form C FA-430, Request for Review and Approval of Planning Documents in connection with Housing and Home Finance Agency Project No. P-Vt-3087 be and the same are hereby approved; and that certified copies of this resolution be filed with the Housing and Home Finance Agency. Signed Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman August 18, 1964. BOARD OF SELECTMEN WRITS: The Town Manager turned over to the Town Attorney certain writs that had been served on the Town Clerk, Helen Paquin, for the Town of South Burlington, and clerk of the Water Department; also Irving L. Douglas, Town Manager, for damages caused by the quarry blast in 1961. Attorney William T. Keefe was unanimously approved by the Board of Selectmen to represent the Town of South Burlington in these lawsuits, if he was accepted by the Water Department. EASEMENT OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FOR SEWAGE SYSTEM & ROAD: The Town Manager advised the Board of Selectmen that he met with the Real Estate Division, a Mr. Barones, of the Corp of Engineers in Waltham, Mass, on August 14, 1964 and delivered plans and a letter of request for the permanent easement on a portion of land owned by the U. S. Government adjacent to the Airport, Mr. Barones advised the Town Manager that he would start processing the necessary papers for the required easement. ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M. APPROVED Ralph B. Goodrich, Clerk BOARD OF SELECTMEN Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.