HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - City Council - 04/20/1964BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING April 20, 1964 MEMBERS PRESENT Vincent J. D'Acuti, Chairman; Waitstil E. Brown, Ralph B. Goodrich, Augustus T. Stannard, Stephen M. Whittlesey. ALSO PRESENT Town Representative, Leo O'Brien, County Senator, Jack O'Brien, James Reilly, Irving Douglas, Town Manager; Mrs. Gould, Mrs. Maher, Robert Ladd, Mr. Dougherty, and Mr. Schmanski of Webster-Martin. Chairman D'Acuti opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. The minutes of the meeting were approved other than the wording in reference to "Kennedy Drive." The sentence should read, the sign will read "Kennedy Drive." The Town Manager presented to the Board a petition that was presented by Mrs. Gould with 36 names. Chairman D'Acuti read a letter in reference to the "Kennedy Drive" requesting this cut-off be named MacArthur Road or Douglas MacArthur Road. Chairman D'Acuti asked if anyone had anything to add to the petition as presented. Mr. Reilly of 1 Mills Avenue stated that he believed the Board was within their rights to name certain streets and he would like very much to see this name of "Kennedy Drive" stay as the Board of Selectmen had suggested. Mr. Reilly was very much in favor of this name. Representative, Leo O'Brien, is in full agreement in the name "Kennedy Drive" such as the Board of Selectmen had decided. Burlington and South Burlington has been visited by the late President Kennedy twice and that the family are frequent visitors of this area and Mr. O'Brien hopes that the Board does not change this name. Mrs. Maher spoke in favor of naming this cut-off "Kennedy Drive" and she knows of no other town in Chittenden County using the name of Kennedy for any road or building. As stated this road is and will be a very prominent road and it is Mrs. Maher's desire to leave the name as the Board of Selectmen seemed fit to name this cut-off the "Kennedy Drive." Mrs. Gould presented an additional petition with 51 names requesting the Board of Selectmen to change the name of "Kennedy Drive" to "Centennial Drive." Mrs. Gould stated that out of 94 people asked to sign the petition only seven refused and the Board had not named any other street or road after other presidents and did not believe it was necessary to have a memorial to the late President Kennedy. The Board of Selectmen made no decision on the petitions. The Board decided to take this petition under advisement. Bicycle Ordinance Tabled to the May 5th meeting. Trailer Ordinance Tabled to the May 5th meeting. Request from Kiwanis Club for fireworks display on the school property July 4 This request was approved. The Town Manager was instructed to write a letter on this subject and advise the Kiwanis Club that they must take all necessary precautions. The fireworks must be under control of a qualified person. Purchase of one ton truck request Chairman D'Acuti explained to Mr. Ladd that the Town Manager made the request for a dump truck in the April 7 meeting and the Board tabled the request until the April 20 meeting so that Mr. Ladd could express his reasons for the additional vehicle. Mr. Ladd explained the necessity in his opinion of this additional truck specifically for maintenance purposes. The only thing this truck would not do that the regular trucks do is to plow roads in the winter or carry heavy loads of gravel or fill. Mr. Ladd explained that it was his belief that it would be more economical for patching and maintenance work than using the larger trucks. Mr. Ladd explained that it was the third year that he had come before the Board and asked for this additional equipment and he still believes it is a necessity for better services to the Town. Mr. Ladd also explained that it would be an impossibility to draw up specifications and plans for the subletting of this particular work without spending much time and effort in probing for roads especially to find out what kind of a base and that we do not have the personnel or the time to draw up plans and specifications where a subcontractor could build on this type of work. There was no question in his mind that the Town could do the work more economical than subletting any of these projects that the Town is now faced with. Mr. Goodrich explained it was his belief it would carry an additional overhead which he did not believe could be justified at this particular time and that he believed that subletting some of this work to contractors such as repairing of catch basins, rental of additional trucks when needed would be more economical to the Town than to carry the insurance, depreciation and additional overhead. The other members of the Board agreed with Mr. Goodrich. The request was unanimously denied for the purchase of an additional truck. Chairman D'Acuti read the letter from the State Highway Department explaining the curb cuts that might be requested on U 528-2 (1). The Board authorized the Town Manager to forward the agreement for U 528-2 (1) as requested. Town Seal The design of the Town Seal was tabled until May 5th. Report on Sewer System Mr. Phil Dougherty and Mr. Schmanski reported on the progress of the plans for the proposed sewer system. Mr. Dougherty explained that phase one revision and phase two new application had been approved verbally as advised by the Water Resource Board in Montpelier and that the time schedule for presenting the phase one plans and specifications to HHFA had been extended from April 21 to September 1, 1964. This has been a verbal approval only and that there were justifications for extending the time for submitting the plans and that undoubtedly as soon as monies will be available, the HHFA will give the approval for contracting with the engineers for phase two. The current project of phase one for the interceptors is near completion and the easements for these interceptors should be obtained as soon as possible. They have data enough on the plans for descriptions of the property needed to obtain the proper right of way. Mr. Dougherty explained that phase two designs and completion after official approval is given, will take about eight months to complete. There is much engineering work to be done on phase one for the disposal plant and outflow. Phase three laterals will have to go through the preliminary stages for applications to the Water Resource Board for APW funds. The Water Resource Board will accept a minimum report providing the Town guarantees payment of engineering cost. The engineering cost maximum for the preliminary report is estimated at $1500 although this work should be done on a day basis, cost plus 100% overhead. This figure can run less than $1500 but will not exceed this amount. The Board unanimously agreed that Webster-Martin engineering firm should proceed with this work at once and make out necessary application for APW funds for phase one, phase two and phase three. Also as soon as possible, the Webster-Martin engineering firm will prepare the necessary application and data for presentation to HHFA through the Water Resource Board in Montpelier for an advancement for engineering for completed plans and specifications of the lateral system for the Town as shown on the preliminary plans. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. APPROVED Ralph B. Goodrich, Clerk Published by ClerkBase ©2019 by Clerkbase. No Claim to Original Government Works.